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Our .23 Wish List for Santa


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I'd love to see Enhanced IVAs; you could then have your kerbals move around inside and do more then just sit in their seats.

Yeap, and a possibility to move experiments and data from one capsule to another e.g. landingmodule to comandmodule.

A little bit more logical techtree would also be fine.

And maybe but only maybe don´t think that the devs will bring it so soon, lifesupport, economic and the rest :sticktongue:

Edited by matts73
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Maybe an Eeloo-ish gift, just like last winter? :)

Really, 0.23 as it is would be an amazing christmas present from Squad. Tweakables will be a Godsend for us long-time users.

I would like to see folder organization for subassemblies and saved craft files.

What are tweakables?

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What are tweakables?

You can specify how much of what goes in what tank. For example, instead of filling up an Orange Tank with liquid fuel and oxidizer, you could fill it with just liquid fuel. Or have less oxidizer and more fuel.

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Make it so that an SAS has the option to only stabilize roll, while still giving full pitch/yaw control to the user, to prevent excessive uncontrollable roll during ascent that is really hard to control at the same time as controlling pitch and yaw.

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Different resources, that you can gather, and use or return to kerbin to sell for profit. Commodity exchange modules that you can add to different bases on different planets that can act as a merchant hub to buy/sell different resources. Ability to use this game mechanic in kmp mod.

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On a more realistic point of view, I'd like the following:

-Changing the staging 'numbers', so the first stage is 1 and the second 2...

-Fixing the music that was broken in 0.22. Transitions sound ugly now.

-A couple of tweaks to parts like the Ant engine. They look kinda primitive compared to the new ones.

-A better arrangement for the tech tree. Make the current one an optional 'tutorial' career mode for newbies.

-Stronger landing legs. The new ones are weak as hell.

-Lowering the deployment altitude for parachutes. Nobody wants deployed chutes on reentry.

-Increasing the strength of struts so we don't need cobweb-covered rockets.

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(I had a kerbal get crushed by a larger stages debris that deorbited behind him while he was planting a flag )

If that would happen to me, I would litteraly be rolling on the ground in pure laughter for the rest of the year.

I'd love a 2,5m NERVA, moar planets, some kind of communications system (remotetech, although not high on my list), deadly reentry etc

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Like most everyone else, I want enhanced IVA - make the internal hatches work so there's no need to make an EVA to move kerbals between two connected parts.


Animate the construction process - make those kerbals running around in the VAB and hangar do something useful! Also, have the rocket being moved to the launch pad in-game - with the inevitable result if the cofg moves too far when it goes up the ramp.

A more detailed comms system - communication won't work if there isn't a line-of-sight from the antenna to the KSC tracking station. This would mean relay stations - either orbiting or landed.

More recovery options, and there should be some sort of cost to pressing the recover button, depending on the location. My idea is that KSC would start off with a few recovery vehicles (no need for the player to actually design them) like a helicopter to pick up crew and a tug boat to recover spent stages from the sea.

There would be options to buy more recovery vehicles, like heavy-lift helicopters, or larger ships that can be pre-positioned at chosen splashdown points. If a recovery is out of range of all KSC vehicles, then the cost would be larger (think of this being equivalent to hiring another company to do it) and would depend on the location - recovery from up a mountain or from an ice cap being slower and much more expensive than from grassland. Of course, we should see any KSC vehicles doing their stuff in the game - without the player having to control them though.

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It would be more along the lines of "cool features" rather than something near the top of my list for KSP, but imagine if after you'd built your rocket, and clicked "launch", you could see it being built in the style of a time lapse in the VAB. (Never going to happen, much more important things for the Devs to be doing, but a boy can dream!)

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