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[0.23.5] Realism Overhaul: ROv5.2 + Modlist for RSS 6/30/14


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Has anyone played around with LazTek's SpaceX mod? It looks really nice and adds the Falcon rockets and Dragon capsules among others which is perfect for use in a real solar system. I tried to rescale it by adjusting rescaleFactor to 1 (from .85) but it messed up all the node attachments. Having used up the full extent of my very limited coding skills, I've come here to see if anyone is planning to or has already rescaled these parts.

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dlrk: the updated descs can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/izo64wpkuyxks6h/RftSEngines.cfg

Flopasaurus: do you have the latest ECLSS? I will see if I get something similar (I haven't yet).

Yeah, its the .23 one. I would just install TAC or some other life support, but I fear messing things up again, as I just tried to put b9 in there and it crashed halfway through the load.

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So this seems way too easy. I must be doing something wrong.

I installed this, RSS, as well as all the required mods, and some of the optional ones. I also installed all the recommended and required mods for "Realistic Progression LITE Tech Tree"

I made this puny rocket:


And easily got to 40km altitude. Basically a Stayputnik on top of a 0.5m x 1m stretchy tank, and a puny max thrust 30 engine.

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So this seems way too easy. I must be doing something wrong.

I installed this, RSS, as well as all the required mods, and some of the optional ones. I also installed all the recommended and required mods for "Realistic Progression LITE Tech Tree"

I made this puny rocket:


And easily got to 40km altitude. Basically a Stayputnik on top of a 0.5m x 1m stretchy tank, and a puny max thrust 30 engine.

It's never hard to reach orbit altitude like 200km or 300km or so, the hard part is the horizontal velocity you need to achieve.

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Then obviously you need more fuel. :) Actually, get it's TWR down to ~0.7 and add another stage and you should be able to get it into orbit.

If you have a very high TWR in RSS, add more fuel. The gravity losses will be offset by the extra dV.

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Ok fair enough.

In stock KSP most of my designs take an entire stage just to get to 10km, so when this quickly slapped together rocket hit 40k before I even realized it, I felt I had to be doing something wrong.

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Only the ones that don't have max Q settings (i.e. that don't break at >= that dynamic pressure) will survive, plus the heat of reentry has to be blocked by some other part(s).

Yeah blocking the heat is where i'm having trouble. At the moment i'm being absurd and trying to use a 2m heatshield on a 0.5m probe in hopes that it will block the heat, but the thing is about as aerodynamic as a Borg cube so I can't get it to orbit haha.

EDIT: Amusing but no way it will work :D


Edited by Agathorn
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With RT and probe antennas, I've just used RealChutes to get the parachutes to automatically deploy at the correct altitude, and use RT's flight computer to set up any actions like staging or shedding heat shields, in advance with a time delay. Then, right before re-entry, I retract all the antennas and the probe takes care of itself on the way down, and all I need to do is hit "recover".

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I'm just trying out this mod. I've installed this and all of the required mods, and I'm just playing around in the sandbox for now. I've noticed some issues:

1. Are the delta V requirements accurate with something like this: http://clowder.net/hop/railroad/deltaveemap.html

It seems I will need on the order of 20k delta vee for a lunar lander.

2. OMG, nothing fits. The heat shields don't fit, the engines don't fit, this is getting really annoying. Maybe I should be using the AIES thing?

3. SAS needs to be rescaled badly.

4. I'm strutting the crap out of my ~16k dV rocket, but it's still falling apart. I'm guessing strut strength needs to be rescaled here...

I'm also using FAR. Does this play nice here, or should I remove it?

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I'm just trying out this mod. I've installed this and all of the required mods, and I'm just playing around in the sandbox for now. I've noticed some issues:

1. Are the delta V requirements accurate with something like this: http://clowder.net/hop/railroad/deltaveemap.html

It seems I will need on the order of 20k delta vee for a lunar lander.

This was posted in the RSS thread:


2. OMG, nothing fits. The heat shields don't fit, the engines don't fit, this is getting really annoying. Maybe I should be using the AIES thing?

I'm in career mode, not sandbox, but most of the tanks i'm using right now are stretchy tanks

4. I'm strutting the crap out of my ~16k dV rocket, but it's still falling apart. I'm guessing strut strength needs to be rescaled here...

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement

I'm also using FAR. Does this play nice here, or should I remove it?

FAR is recommended.

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With RT and probe antennas, I've just used RealChutes to get the parachutes to automatically deploy at the correct altitude, and use RT's flight computer to set up any actions like staging or shedding heat shields, in advance with a time delay. Then, right before re-entry, I retract all the antennas and the probe takes care of itself on the way down, and all I need to do is hit "recover".

How do you do staging using RT?

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How do you do staging using RT?

You know what the flight computer is, right? That calculator-looking button below the MET in the upper left. That is added by remote-tech and allows you to tell probes to do something when they have no contact. If you open it up, you can hit another button on it (I think it looks like ">>>>>" or something like that) to open a "queue" of commands and a time delay. You enter the time delay you want in the text box, hit enter, and then every key press/right click->select action you perform will happen after the appropriate amount of delay, and you can see them being added to the queue. Then, when you re-enter "0" for the time delay and hit enter, you are back to controlling the vessel-real time.

So for staging during descent, look at the time to your periapsis, add something like 2 minutes or so to account for reentry, and enter that time into the time delay window of the RT flight computer. Then, do whatever you want the probe to do- hit space for staging, right click the parachute and hit deploy, space again to shed the heat shield, whatever. These commands will be executed after the time you entered has elapsed. Then enter 0 for time delay to go "back to the present", orient for re-entry, retract everything, etc. You can even do something like add 10 minutes extra (by which time the probe should be on the ground) and tell the probe to redeploy it's antennas to regain contact.

The flight computer can also execute maneuver nodes and burn for a required time or dV (a bit buggy, I find it undershoots sometimes), hold orientations, etc.

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You know what the flight computer is, right? That calculator-looking button below the MET in the upper left. That is added by remote-tech and allows you to tell probes to do something when they have no contact. If you open it up, you can hit another button on it (I think it looks like ">>>>>" or something like that) to open a "queue" of commands and a time delay. You enter the time delay you want in the text box, hit enter, and then every key press/right click->select action you perform will happen after the appropriate amount of delay, and you can see them being added to the queue. Then, when you re-enter "0" for the time delay and hit enter, you are back to controlling the vessel-real time.

So for staging during descent, look at the time to your periapsis, add something like 2 minutes or so to account for reentry, and enter that time into the time delay window of the RT flight computer. Then, do whatever you want the probe to do- hit space for staging, right click the parachute and hit deploy, space again to shed the heat shield, whatever. These commands will be executed after the time you entered has elapsed. Then enter 0 for time delay to go "back to the present", orient for re-entry, retract everything, etc. You can even do something like add 10 minutes extra (by which time the probe should be on the ground) and tell the probe to redeploy it's antennas to regain contact.

The flight computer can also execute maneuver nodes and burn for a required time or dV (a bit buggy, I find it undershoots sometimes), hold orientations, etc.

Thanks for the details. I knew about the flight computer, but I thought it just did what there were buttons for. I didn't know you could get it to do other things as well!

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You need around 9000 dV, so build a rocket with 11K just in case :P

Also if you have big TWRs add more fuel until you have what you need (1.2 at launch and less than 1 in your upper stage is good for example)

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So, alas SFJackBauer has been quite busy so the full version of RealEngines isn't up yet, but I was sent a copy that they said I could release if necessary (all that's really lacking is EngineIgnitor configs). I'll release a v3.1 as soon as I get those, and hopefully also the complete(-ish) FASA patch.

A big thanks to everyone who contributed to this round!


v3 -- \/

*Switched to SFJackBauer's RealEngines. Added partial B9, CSS, and ISS support from that pack.

*Sum Dum Heavy Industries Service Module support

*Added modular RCS support to KW, AIES, and RLA

*KW battery support

*Added rescaled KW fairings with realistic masses

*Finished the Squad pods (lander cans, cupola)

*Added by redde: Fustek station parts rescaling (for 0.03.5a)

*Added by jrandom: realchutes patch, ALCOR rescale, Nothke's Service Components rescale, additional fairing rings.

*Added by amo28: NFPP solar panel support

*Added by SRFirefox: Hitchhiker and Lab rescale

*Added by dlrk: 2M Clamp-O-Tron and Shielded Clamp-O-Tron

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