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[0.23.5] Realism Overhaul: ROv5.2 + Modlist for RSS 6/30/14


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I've been playing around with the rescaled Gemini capsule/rocket from FASA and it is awesome, but the Mercury Redstone and Mercury Atlas rockets aren't rescaled or integrated with RF. Has anyone released an additional config that would change this?

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Suggestion: Resize the clamp-o-tron and shielded clamp-o-tron to both be node 2 size and fit the top of the MK1-2, use the clamp-o-tron junior for smaller, and the clamp-o-tron senior for larger. This makes much more sense, since the medium sized docking port is what makes sense for docking manned spacecraft.

I'm already doing some resizing myself, to standardize the docking ports and station parts around the top of the Mk1-2 pod being a size 2 docking port. If you'd like, I can send you my revised cfgs.

Edited by dlrk
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I've only done a couple docking ports so far, added a properly sized COT and Shielded Docking Port. I'm planning on doing some more resizes as they come up, but sometimes the nodes get messed up, and I don't know how to fix that(working on finding out though). These seem to work fine though.

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dlrk: thanks!

And yes, RftS Engines will certainly still be available and updated. It's what I myself use after all. ;)

No guarantees that it'll stay save-compatible however...(I may change engine thrusts and modes etc. off and on When I Get A Better Idea )

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The big KW engines, the Griffons, seem WAAAY too big, they are both larger than the 5M tank, perhaps shrinking the medium sized one to 3.75, and the big one to 5, would be a good idea?

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The largest Griffon (LR88-4) is supposed to be a quad mount of the Maverick V (LR88).

Note that with superstretchy tanks you can make your tanks as big as you like, and with procedural interstages you can make your interstage fit. Saturn V and N1 were both >10m diamater. The LR88 is designed to be the American SHLLV engine mount for their 10m stack, the Matriarch (Dux) is the British one (modeled loosely on the N1 first stage), and the NP1 M-50 5x mount (aka F-1alikes) is designed to be the German. The Russians can use multiple RD-170s from BobCat.

This sheet shows all the sizes (and stats) for RftS Engines:


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The Mk1 pod has a heat shield built-in. Take a look at the bottom; see the rounded shape? That's the heat shield.

Ahh, of course. I see that now.

One more question: are the KW Rocketry batteries supported? Their capacities don't seem in line with the stock ones after installing RO.

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Okay, so after a million errors in installation, I finally get everything working, minus a few mods like novapunch because the game crashes on launch at a certain point, I even have texture compression installed. (if anyone has any help for that, that would be helpful, but less important)

I'm using the recommended ELCSS life support, at least that is where I'm assuming the problem to be, but after my fight to get into orbit, I do, and once I click EVA, my kerbal disappears. It is an instantaneous happening, sometimes I see a kerbonaut flash on the hatch, hes only there for at least one frame, and I see the ELCSS GUI flash showing another kerbal to keep track of, but its over. Can anyone help me out with this?

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Nathan, I have also noticed that AIES pods have their COM in the part origin, not in the center (haven't upgraded to the 0.23 version of AIES). And was wondering if it was an AIES problem or if it had to do with RO?

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dlrk: the updated descs can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/izo64wpkuyxks6h/RftSEngines.cfg

Since RftSEngines will no longer be the default in ROv3, I have uploaded them separately.

Flopasaurus: do you have the latest ECLSS? I will see if I get something similar (I haven't yet).

AbeS: AIES issue. The only pod whose CoM I edit is the teardrop-shaped orbitaiespod (to enable stabler reentry).

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