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[0.23.5] Realism Overhaul: ROv5.2 + Modlist for RSS 6/30/14


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Hey I'm trying this out for the first time and I'm having some trouble. I've downloaded everything on your list of required mods. I have a problem starting the game though. It stops loading parts when it gets to "squad/parts/utility/RCS block/part/RCSBlock." It's not frozen, because it still cycles through all the loading messages. Do you have any ideas as to what this is or how I can fix it?

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Dinker31: update to latest RCS Sounds (if you have it) and latest Real Fuels. Remove TweakableEverything if you have it (or anything else that modifies RCS).

Aazard: It's absolutely not a misuse of time, don't worry; walking you through this stuff is both fine, and also very helpful, since once you learn how to do it you can apply it to any fixes that need doing.

Actually, you need as many or as few cfgs as you want; essentially the game, on loading, reads all cfgs into one big GameDatabase, so it doesn't matter what's in what cfg or how many cfgs you have or where they are, all nodes get loaded.

I generally try to keep like changes together (for example, all modifications to a spacecraft/LV might be in one cfg [FASA Gemini], or all fixes for a type of part from a mod [squad solar panels], that sort of thing).

Built in range should vary depending on probe size, I'd say, anywhere from maybe 200km for a tiny probe to maybe 5000 or more for large ones. Similar for pods, I'd say; Mercury/Vostok equivalents would be 200-500km, Gemini is clearly a thousand or two. Beyond that you probably should be adding external antennas (c.f. the 4x high gain array on the Apollo CSM). I don't actually use KAS so I have no idea, sorry...

Re: TAC, you might want to check with ANWRocketMan who is editing density and consumption stats for TACLS; that way the amount of resources you're adding will jibe with the life support duration you desire. 1-person pods generally have between a day and a week of life support (IIRC the max-duration Vostok flight was about a week), larger pods 2-3 weeks, but variable (something like TKS, which was really a mini space station, could probably have been provisioned for a month plus, whereas a ferry capsule like a notional "Apollo Block III" for Skylab servicing would have only a couple days).

What I meant by that check is: the wildcard config you posted applied to all pods, whether or not other patches had already modified them. What I suggested was adding a check in that wildcard config (i.e. the @PART[*]HAS... line) that checks for things that would only be present if RO has already patched the part. For example, if you apply to all pods that don't already have ModuleSPU (!HAS:@MODULE[ModuleSPU] or whatever) that might be a good check.

Posting now; I'll check your files in a bit when I get back.

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I will keep testing/editing, perhaps the idea of default comms/KAS storage for every pod is just interfering with what settings pods have by default, i will attempt to stick with 1MM/1000KM (like the reflectron) as the default addition, i will experiment with KAS storage settings (somewhere between 10 to 20 units per crewman feels about right) I think i have worked out probe default power usage @ rate = 0.0111111 (thats 11 watts?) with 2680 max power (24 hours supply i think) and RT2 settings with 3km Passive antenna (like the AIES probes from RT@ RO file). I did manage to successfully edit power, apply RT2 settings and remove reaction wheels so far... feeling better about that...progress

Seeing as RPL doesnt have ALCOR, Fustek, Habitat pack, and Bobcat's soviet historical parts support i will remove it from my install, this will only leave me with to look over FASA (its will save me effort and stop them from being misplaced in tech tree). I will just wait for what ever station/base pack that RPL adopts officially in the future.

I'm starting to make some progress, I will PM ANWRocketMan about his TAC modifications once i have pods_EnergyUsage.cfg behaving to make the blanket wildcard edits that are safe (its power settings, RT2 default comms/command station settings and KAS storage capacity only)

My testing of the file is starting to work out, i feel foolish now that i am seeing my earlier mistakes lol. I will just keep testing it on my own, when it appears to work 100% i will then post the file, i feel like i'm crowding up the thread lol.

Thanks alot for all your efforts in KSP, its truly impressive!

EDIT Decided to give up on probe power/comms being effected by pods_EnergyUsage.cfg as it was being interfering the way i was attempting it (i will just wait for RO fixes that apply directly to then rather than trying to effect all probes with the pods_EnergyUsage.cfg file) looks like i got everything else working right! finally! I will link file, i wont be making any more changes unless there are errors or settings that seem non realistic.

To recap it includes: >> jrandoms original power usage/amounts, manned pods this cfg effects will have 1000km (1MM) range with same stats as reflectron DP-10, removed reaction wheels from all manned pods this cfg effects, added KAS storage of 20 per crewman on all manned pods this cfg effects Submitted for approval


Only FASA to look at now and from what i learned from you/MM thread i think i can make FASA 100% TAC friendly (or atleast remove any ECLSS stuff)

Thank you so much, couldnt have managed it without you. If you know what i need to add this cfg to remove reaction wheels and create reasonable power usage/max amount for all probes to have by default that would be awesome, but looks like anything to do with RT2 for probes should be left up to RO fixes for the mod probes come from

complete sciencedef RPL fix for all parts from squad, aies, interstellar and fasa: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nso552en9fgadot/RPL_Tweaks_ScienceDefs_All.cfg

complete science instrument RPL fix for all parts from squad, aies, interstellar and fasa: https://www.dropbox.com/s/maq0jcb0vg9aqh5/RPL_Tweaks_ScienceInstruments_All_v2.cfg


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I don't have RCS sounds or tweakable everything. I just downloaded realfuels today so I assume it's the most recent version? Is there some sort of step I may have missed or done in the wrong order somewhere along the line?

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  ANWRocketMan said:
I'm almost done with my configs. Been busy all day(Johannesburg Rand Easter Show with friends). I'm just trying to configure the pods etc. properly and get their resources balanced. This includes some mod pods as well.

Hi ANWRocketMan,

Nathan mentioned you are editing density and consumption stats for TACLS. I have been toying with jrandoms TAC RO file (not as easy as i thought it would be, but i figured it out).

Would you mind giving the file i linked above (pods_EnergyUsage.cfg) and giving me your opinion, i think it works out power consumption correctly. I did manage to remove reaction wheels (nathan mentioned it to me that RO would remove reaction wheels from pods entirely) get a basic 1000km RT2 comms added at all pods and 20 KAS storage units per crewman to all pods.

If you have a suggestion on "default" probe power usage and power supplies i believe the "pods_EnergyUsage.cfg" could be useful to handle their power and remove their reaction wheels. (or a new "probes_EnergyUsage.cfg")

I hope your fix doesnt render everything i did moot, but if it does i'm sure it will atleast be done much better than i managed lol. I had a few issues with non-commandmodule manned parts (labs and crew cabin habitats) containing no TACLS resources/settings if you have made these fixes already i would love to take a look at them/use them.

I do have a small issue with some FASA parts being configured to ECLSS, which kind of messed with TAC and effected their masses.

Are you working on/with jrandoms "TACLifeSupport.cfg" and "pods_EnergyUsage.cfg" or have you created whole new files?

Atleast i got the file working, looking forward to whatever you release so i can switch over to it. Its abit hard to find anything "official" in the way of TAC RO fixes, and i think its sorely needed.

Sorry to bother you on easter weekend, Thanks in advance for any reply.

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hey there i did install the RSO and im trying to make wotk the HD Cloud Improvement V3 ALPHA mod, i dont see the clouds and al, im no programmer so bear with me lol, but i suppose they are underneath the planets surface since RSS is way bigger then kerbin normally is, any way to fix the parameters?

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Shukinen: update to latest EVE. The various cloud packs for EVE / Clouds mod / etc are for obsolete versions and have not been updated yet, so don't use them.

Aazard: The science stuff looks cool! Give MedievalNerd a holler (I'm linking him to the post, too) as that's more his bailiwick.

Thanks so much, and thanks for working on this! You're definitely getting the hang of it.

A note about MM, not clear from what I was seeing in your files--you never need to mention a value or node unless you want to do something to it; if you want to leave it as-is, you can just not mention it. Also, when deleting nodes, you can just do

!Nodename {}

without having to specify anything in it. I see you sometimes do that, and sometimes include various values.

The pods energy usage thing looks like it's still going to override any changes anything else makes, i.e. it will apply to *all* pods, regardless of whether RO or a realism patch has changed them. This is why I do suggest either just doing per-pod configs (this way pods can have variety, woo!) or using some kind of check that is liable to exclude previously-modified pods.

You should be safe globally doing the KAS changes though, since AFAIK no RO-related patches apply KAS modules to pods.

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  Aazard said:
Hi ANWRocketMan,

Nathan mentioned you are editing density and consumption stats for TACLS. I have been toying with jrandoms TAC RO file (not as easy as i thought it would be, but i figured it out).

Would you mind giving the file i linked above (pods_EnergyUsage.cfg) and giving me your opinion, i think it works out power consumption correctly. I did manage to remove reaction wheels (nathan mentioned it to me that RO would remove reaction wheels from pods entirely) get a basic 1000km RT2 comms added at all pods and 20 KAS storage units per crewman to all pods.

If you have a suggestion on "default" probe power usage and power supplies i believe the "pods_EnergyUsage.cfg" could be useful to handle their power and remove their reaction wheels. (or a new "probes_EnergyUsage.cfg")

I hope your fix doesnt render everything i did moot, but if it does i'm sure it will atleast be done much better than i managed lol. I had a few issues with non-commandmodule manned parts (labs and crew cabin habitats) containing no TACLS resources/settings if you have made these fixes already i would love to take a look at them/use them.

I do have a small issue with some FASA parts being configured to ECLSS, which kind of messed with TAC and effected their masses.

Are you working on/with jrandoms "TACLifeSupport.cfg" and "pods_EnergyUsage.cfg" or have you created whole new files?

Atleast i got the file working, looking forward to whatever you release so i can switch over to it. Its abit hard to find anything "official" in the way of TAC RO fixes, and i think its sorely needed.

Sorry to bother you on easter weekend, Thanks in advance for any reply.

No problem. I made my own configs. I was not in favour of the method employed in jrandom's configs(1 unit equals the usage per day, and changing the density to match that). I found that it does not interact well with Real Fuels and Procedural tanks/Stretchy Tanks. I do not have RT-2 or KAS support for the pods. So, that's your baby if you want to release separate Module Manager patches for that.

I've been a little busy and I'm writing a test on Tuesday and maths on Wednesday. So I'm out of action 'til then.

From the very little research I've done, unmanned command pods can be set to around 120W-200W(if you discard the usage of scientific instruments etc.) power usage. That equals around 10 368kJ - 17 280kJ per day. (in RO 1 unit = 1kJ as far as I know). Remember that energy usage(as prescribed in the part config) is per second I think. TAC uses per day usage rates. For manned command pods I'm really struggling to find proper power requirements.

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  ANWRocketMan said:
No problem. I made my own configs. I was not in favour of the method employed in jrandom's configs(1 unit equals the usage per day, and changing the density to match that). I found that it does not interact well with Real Fuels and Procedural tanks/Stretchy Tanks. I do not have RT-2 or KAS support for the pods. So, that's your baby if you want to release separate Module Manager patches for that.

I've been a little busy and I'm writing a test on Tuesday and maths on Wednesday. So I'm out of action 'til then.

From the very little research I've done, unmanned command pods can be set to around 120W-200W(if you discard the usage of scientific instruments etc.) power usage. That equals around 10 368kJ - 17 280kJ per day. (in RO 1 unit = 1kJ as far as I know). Remember that energy usage(as prescribed in the part config) is per second I think. TAC uses per day usage rates. For manned command pods I'm really struggling to find proper power requirements.


If you can nail power usage and resource density that will be great, i can always remove the lines for power usage/amount from the cfg i made so it will only effect removing reaction wheels (until all RO fixes kill reaction wheels), RT2 comms and KAS storage and rename it Pods_default_KAS_RT,cfg (that way it wont interfere with your TAC RO fix).

How have you delt with manned components that arnt command units (science labs, crew cabin hab's, ect?)?

I did notice jramdoms settings when used with RO nerfed solar panels made a standard 1 man pod require 6x of the 6x1 folding/tracking panels to maintain positive power generation, that seemed just abit overkill of an amount of panels IMHO.... this could mean fuel cells part for "lower tech level" manned flights could be sorely needed

Once you release you TAC RO fixes i can edit my cfg, as i said above, so it wont interfere with yours, i may ditch the default comms idea and just make 2 cfg's, one to kill reaction wheels in manned pods, and a second one to effect KAS storage of pods, that way someone could use the reaction wheel remover without having the KAS settings if they didnt want. Really looking forward to a TAC RO fix that not only works, but also allows for solar panels to be useful without having to bring so many it equals the pods own weight lol. (jrandow used 266watts for 1 man pods so some happy balance needs to be found between solar panel strength and pod power use OR a "fuel cell" part will need to be made, consuming mono/HTP and making it into electricity {and maybe consuming or producing oxgyen also, depending on how a real fuel cell works} so players can run a moon mission before unlocking mid-level solar panels)

Please let me know what your plans are, not to be nosey, but i have a big interest in seeing TAC fit in with RO well (without having odd "need 6x+ tracking solar panels" to keep 1 man pods at full power) i'd really enjoy seeing what you plan to do. Getting TAC working in RSS with RO has been a small concern of mine lately (i didnt like ECLSS's lack of food/water, and it was causing random "bailed out" deaths of my kerbals).

Yea, i will break up the cfg into 3 cfgs, 1 dealing with KAS storage of pods, 1 only dealing with RT2 default comms, and one dealing with removing reaction wheels (unless nathan thinks thats a poor idea). Grouping them together seems lazy and puts too many changes in one file preventing someone from having one effect without the other. I will completely leave TAC to you, ANWRocketMan, i'm sure you have a sound method of making TAC function correctly, NOTE i think i found an acceptable fuel cell in the TAC thread, i will wait for reply before going into detail on it.

@nathan: thanks alot for your help! will the RO cfg's be having reaction wheels removed across the board anytime soon? if so what will have reaction wheels removed and will a stand alone reaction wheel part still exist? If so then is my cfg more interfering with what you hope to do with RO than it is helpful :( ? Do you have any opinion to weigh in on, in regards to TAC RO fixes and fuel cell inclusion?

Any way its sliced, a definitive "one stop" TAC RO fix file that was in standard use with all TAC users in the RSS/RO realm would be great, i have needed to restart my RPL career many times trying to get it TAC sorted. It would be nice to have a "mostly complete" TAC RO fix to use in RPL MS19 careers.

I am 100% in favor of RO fixes being "standardized" with only really one option in a file for a particular mod, that way we all share a common experience making future suggestions and improvements that much easier to sort out. Seeing the mod list from RPL tech tree is 90% RO fix complete it should only take a short time, if due effort is applied to it, to get that number to 100% RO fixed, really i think only AIES, FASA (which *IS* done but with some ECLSS settings that interfere with TAC) and TAC are the hold ups.

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Is there a trick to getting gimballing to work? It works fine in all of the engines provided and recommended by this mod (I have novapunch, aies, kw, bobcat; with RftS and a couple from SFJB's pack), so I know I'm not missing any plugins (I definitely have KM_gimbal and exsurgentengineering). However, in trying to make my own realistic engine, I have tried using the stock gimbal module, smartergimbal, and km gimbal, but no matter what I do, the part in the game has no gimbal.

Here's the config (I'm temporarly using SFJB's rs-68A config while testing. The part is an rs-68B)

// Kerbal Space Program - Part Config
// RS-68B

// --- general parameters ---
name = bahars68b
module = Part
author = BahamutoD

// --- asset parameters ---
mesh = model.mu
rescaleFactor = 1

// --- node definitions ---
node_stack_top = 0.0, 2.6152, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.5873, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2
node_attach = 0.0, 2.6152, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2

// --- FX definitions ---

fx_exhaustFlame_blue = 0.0, -5.74338, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -5.74338, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, running
fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -5.74338, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -5.74338, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout

fx_exhaustFlame_blue = 0.0, -3.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, -3.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
fx_exhaustFlame_yellow = 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, -3.4, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout

// --- Sound FX definition ---

sound_vent_medium = engage
sound_rocket_hard = running
sound_vent_soft = disengage
sound_explosion_low = flameout

// --- editor parameters ---
TechRequired = generalRocketry
entryCost = 2100
cost = 950
category = Propulsion
subcategory = 0
title = RS-68B
manufacturer = Airojet Kerbodyne
description = The RS-68B is a Delta IV engine modified to meet the requirements of the Ares V.

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
attachRules = 1,1,1,0,0

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 6.7
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.2
angularDrag = 2
crashTolerance = 7
maxTemp = 3600
breakingForce = 2984
breakingTorque = 2984

name = ModuleEngines
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
exhaustDamage = True
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 2024.64
maxThrust = 3552
heatProduction = 400
fxOffset = 0, 0, 0
name = LiquidH2
ratio = 0.729
DrawGauge = True
name = LiquidOxygen
ratio = 0.271
key = 0 414
key = 1 366


name = ModuleEngineConfigs
origMass = 6.7
techLevel = 6
origTechLevel = 6
maxTechLevel = 6
engineType = L
configuration = LiquidH2+LiquidOxygen
modded = false
name = LiquidH2+LiquidOxygen
maxThrust = 3552
minThrust = 2024.64
name = LiquidH2
ratio = 0.729
DrawGauge = true
name = LiquidOxygen
ratio = 0.271
IspSL = 1.0
IspV = 1.0
throttle = 0.57
name = 6
key = 0 414
key = 1 366
techRequired = veryHeavyRocketry
thrustMultiplier = 1.0
massMultiplier = 1.0
minThrottleMultiplier = 1.0

name = SmarterGimbal
gimbalTransformName = thrustTransform
gimbalRange = 3
useGimbalResponseSpeed = true
gimbalResponseSpeed = 15

name = ModuleAnimateHeat
ThermalAnim = emissiveHeat

name = ModuleAlternator
name = ElectricCharge
rate = 6.0
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 0
maxAmount = 0
isTweakable = false
hideFlow = true


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Ranger 6 at full usage was about 200W; probes in standby, or earlier smaller (battery-only perhaps) probes used much, much less than 200W. For example Sputnik used about 1W IIRC, and I'd guess the solar-powered Vanguards were in the milliwatt range.

The issue with solar panels is that those small 6x1 panels are for *small satellites*. Pods need an order of magnitude at least more area. Consider that Soyuz flew with probably the equivalent area of ~20+ of those 6x1 panels, and it still had to operate on a much smaller energy budget than Apollo (less than half IIRC).

Basically, you should be putting probably 4x the big 2x3 shielded panels on a 1-2 person capsule at least, if not 2x Gigantors, or mods' medium-size solar panels.

Fuel cells consume LH2 and LOX and make water. However, ModuleGenerator is broken, so we probably need to use some other generator module.

RO v5 will kill reaction wheels for probes and pods (at least the probes and pods that RO supports natively); that said, if you just edit the existing RO pod cfgs to do that, I'll just use those. ^_^

I'll ask RedAV8R about TAC rather than ECLSS. It shouldn't be that hard to swap between them, since I would support (@ANWRocketMan) using ECLSS's/RF's standard of gas-at-STP for density, so the Oxygen amount wouldn't change; we'd just need to add Food and Water/a fuel cell.

BahamutoD: sounds like maybe the engine isn't set up right in Unity? Check the Modeling subforum (Addons->Dev->Modeling) for engine-creation details...

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I've made several engines before, and this engine works fine, gimballing and all in normal KSP. Only the gimbal stops working in my RSS/RO install, I figured maybe something in one of the MM configs from RO, realfuels, or RftS might be interfering.

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  BahamutoD said:
I've made several engines before, and this engine works fine, gimballing and all in normal KSP. Only the gimbal stops working in my RSS/RO install, I figured maybe something in one of the MM configs from RO, realfuels, or RftS might be interfering.

If you have Tweakable Gimbal installed that may cause the problem. There's also a Tweakable Gimbal in Tweakable Everything, which could be the culprit.

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Wouldnt the blanket wildcard cfg method be very effective at removing reaction wheels without needing to add that line to each RO fix for probes/pods? or would this cause issues with other cfg's that effect those pods/probes?

I dont understand MM cfg's very well (as is plainly evident), but is there an active master list of "fixed/needs fixing" for mods/parts (hopefully with a comment with what the RO goal is for that mod/part?)? the community could volunteer to take a certain mod to fix and have the master list commented with ** modder XXX - currently working on this **, although i'm not super useful i would be willing to work on some part of it i could handle. I'm sure there are many people here that could help reach a 100% level of completion for the mods in RPL tech tree, and then move on to all the mods that RSS RO hopes to apply itself to. Well atleast thats the "many hands make light labor" mentality.

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My... Ground seems bugged. Kerbals and rockets "sink" into it and landing on water causes my ships to bounce up and down indefinitely, making it very difficult to recover the ships or EVA. Any ideas on what could be causing it?

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Aazard: the blanket method is a problem because there might be pods (as FASA pods did for a while) that use a monopropellant resource in their reaction wheels as a way to get around the bug where RCS defined in the pod doesn't work.

That master list is actually a great idea! Sauron just created a topic in General Addon Affairs about this, and I'm going to suggest adding a public Google Drive document where we can list parts/packs etc and people can sign up. And it's great you're willing, and you'll certainly have work aplenty. :)

Oksbad: Known issue, due to larger radius and limited resolution of the PQS mesh. Not sure excatly why it happens, though, since the PQS should be generating mesh colliders.

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  NathanKell said:

Oksbad: Known issue, due to larger radius and limited resolution of the PQS mesh. Not sure excatly why it happens, though, since the PQS should be generating mesh colliders.

I see. Any known fixes?

EDIT: You know I realised I come into this thread all the time with problems, but I just wanted you guys to know that in general I really enjoy this mod you've put out. You all are doing awesome work!

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Are there any dangers in updating this when new stuff comes out? I really, really do not want to start over. I really do enjoy playing with this modpack (except with all the terrain bugs). I would also like to know when larger parts might come out? The largest parts we have right now are only 3.75m in diameter. If we want to really get anywhere, we need much larger parts. I think a good suggestion to the realistic fuels mod would be to have only 1 fuel tank part (for normal fuels, anyway. not pressurized) whose diameter AND height can be altered. But I want it to snap to certain diameters so I don't have to be really precise when I set it.

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  jandcando said:
Are there any dangers in updating this when new stuff comes out? I really, really do not want to start over. I really do enjoy playing with this modpack (except with all the terrain bugs). I would also like to know when larger parts might come out? The largest parts we have right now are only 3.75m in diameter. If we want to really get anywhere, we need much larger parts. I think a good suggestion to the realistic fuels mod would be to have only 1 fuel tank part (for normal fuels, anyway. not pressurized) whose diameter AND height can be altered. But I want it to snap to certain diameters so I don't have to be really precise when I set it.

this exists for fuel tanks, "stretchy tanks"... & you should have access to larger parts in RO fixed RSS than 3.75m... alot bigger

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  Aazard said:
this exists for fuel tanks, "stretchy tanks"... & you should have access to larger parts in RO fixed RSS than 3.75m... alot bigger

Ok so if I installed the Realism Overhaul in 22/12/2013, and I updated all my mods right now, I could get the bigger parts? I'm still afraid of breaking something if I update.

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Oksbad: Launch from a different area on the planet. Sometimes you sink, sometimes you float above the terrain. Sometimes it's juuuust riiiight.

Aw, thanks! :]

jandcando: nope, updating this is safe. Also, as Aazard says, if you installed all required mods you should already have bigger parts. Heck, the MK1-2 pod is made four meters (if it's not, something's not installed right). Use the required Stretchy to make whatever size tanks you want, and follow the OP and use one of the two engine packs to get appropriately-sized engines.

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