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Worst place to build a base?


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Slightly off topic but I was reminded of it when people were talking about gilly... Way back in my nooby days I managed to get to gilly but the lander I brought... Well... it was made for Duna...dont laugh it was only a while after my first mun landing and I knew nothing about this moon apart from looks. its rcs could lift the entire lander...

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  cantab said:
IIRC you can't claw celestial bodies, unfortunately.

I bet Whackjob, and probably many other more established players, could capture and land Gilly if it was about to hit Kerbin

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Build your base on Potato.

Erm, I mean Pebble.

ARGH. I mean Gilly. (Eve's potato... moon)

Easy enought to get there, but too much gravity to build a zero-g spacestation, and way too little gravity to keep you base anchored to the ground.

I have managed to achieve escape velocity, just with a well-times landing gear deploy kick!

Potato. The only celestial body where you can use ION engines to relocate your base.

I meant to say Gilly. really i did.

Edited by MarvinKitFox
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  NecroBones said:
Yes, they are from *in between* and made of *many bubbles*.

Oh! *Jumping peppers*! The *silly cows* sometimes make me *frumple* by the way they *spit* though, they are too *sticky* for me. I will now go *picnic* with Jeb in *pretty space*. And my dear *campers* do not forget to enjoy the *sauce* after *dancing*.

Also, balancing a base on top of any north pole pyramid would be pretty tricky

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I would say gilly, but I've built a base on there and the low gravity allows for some pretty weird structures and shuttle craft (one of which was just a plane I ripped the wings off replaced them with solar panels, and changed the jet engine systems for xenon and it worked beautifully, just like an X-wing)

So I would say the mun seriously.

For kethane Minmus is much easer and has much more varied terrain and better views of kerbin, it also has more biomes.

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  Jacob01 said:
Eeloo. Hard to get to, and it takes ages to get there. Its pretty easy to find areas to build them on the surface though.

I love Eeloo! I'd hate Tylo or Pol. Maybe Dres because of its inclination though.

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I think Tylo is the hardest place to build a base, just because the delta-V requirements are so high. Also, due to the orbital speed around Tylo, it's very difficult to do a precision landing at a base. That's exactly why I'm building a base on Tylo - for the challenge. (Click my signature for more info.)

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  Remkeau said:
Oh! *Jumping peppers*! The *silly cows* sometimes make me *frumple* by the way they *spit* though, they are too *sticky* for me. I will now go *picnic* with Jeb in *pretty space*. And my dear *campers* do not forget to enjoy the *sauce* after *dancing*.

Also, balancing a base on top of any north pole pyramid would be pretty tricky

Claws ftw...

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Both of you with Star Control avatars are AWESOME.

Are you one with the poot worm? I know I am. (I forget how to spell that)

Someone should start a Ur-Quan post or something.

Anyways, I probably hate Tylo the most.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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Gilly fo' sho'. Low gravity really limits you, small size also limits you and screws up large modules with bending and misalignment, no flat land. It's also pretty tough to get to with heavy payloads because it takes a fair amount of DeltaV to reach and has a tiny SOI, which you have to reach from Eve orbit.

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Worst place would be on one of the poles on Kerbin. Seriously ... the effort required to get something there. Then, once you are there, the effort required to get anywhere else. Just blerg. Plus very little benefit. And not much in the way of accolades either, cause "any idiot can land something on Kerbin" ... :)

After that? Moho. Tylo comes in a close third, but the fact that you can aerobrake around Jool makes it a tinge easier to get to. Moho is hard to encounter, hard to capture, and hard to land. Landing precisely in order to put the pieces together is also a massive challenge. If you want something hard for the sake of being hard, build a base on Moho.


Eeloo isn't that hard, really. It's just the time investment that makes it difficult. I've actually got a small Kethane base on Eeloo. I could have gone much bigger with it, but as a first attempt it worked out fine.

Single image for proof of Eeloo base: http://i.imgur.com/M5rmzRz.jpg

Full album if you want: http://imgur.com/a/76pOM

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Pol, Gilly, Tylo or Moho,

Pol- Low gravity and barely any flat space.

Gilly- Reasons listed above.

Tylo- Hard to land on and not much to do (looks like Mun).

Moho- It eats your Delta V and not much to do (genuinely, the surface looks like a potato skin.

The reason I didn't include Eve is that the view is beautiful and there's a view to be had.

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