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Armageddon vs Deep Impact (1998)


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I like both movie. Armageddon had a loot cool stuff and special effects, but i think Deep Impact are scientifically plausible, and had very touching romantic subplot,

So girls may like it as well:D

But talking seriously with movie are more reliable in your opinion?

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Deep impact.

DI: A comet is going to hit the earth. Uses nuclear weapons to destroy it. A nuclear weapon impact on the comet would cause it to out-gas there.

Armageddon: A Texas-sized comet messes things up. Uses nukes to destroy it. I doubt a comet of said size could even form. While nukes could work on a small comet, it will do jack to this one.

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  The Fleet Master said:
Deep Impact, I'm sorry but you Can't Split an asteroid the size of Texas that far unless you have something like 1,000,000,000,000x more power than the worlds Nuclear Arsenal.

I've not seen the film in a long time, but wasn't the 'size of texas' quote an off-the-cuff remark from a politician, rather than anything that might seem 'official'?

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"Size of Texas" was said by the politician. It was few kilometres wide, in fact.

Of course, Deep Impact is better. It's not scientifically 100% accurate, but Armageddon is way, way worse and basically done very sloppy, just to impress gullible people who think rocks impacting the ground burn like gasoline.

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  The Fleet Master said:
Actually the Asteroid in Armaggedon was 600 miles wide, Still can't split that with a Nuke that small

Indeed, a quick calculation of magnitudes gave me somewhat around 10^25 J to just account for the gravitational potential.

By the way, 600 miles is very very big for an asteroid, it would have to be Ceres (~590mi) itself...

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I've only seen Armageddon, but I'd still go with Deep Impact. I mean, its easier to train astronauts to become oil drillers than it is the other way around. Then, please explain to me why an over sized rover would be flown in on a shuttle if there is no atmosphere? Why would said shuttle be making an approach the same way a 737 does to a runway? And finally, WHY THE HECK WERE THERE MINI-GUNS ON THE ROVERS??? I doubt guns even work in space. Even if they did, why would you need them? You're not destroying the asteroid with a s---load of 7.62x51mm bullets.

I hope that Deep Impact is much better than Armageddon.

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Guns work in space even better. There's no gas medium to reduce the kinetic energy of the bulled.

IICR, they had mini guns to destroy those shards.

Deep Impact was not only way more accurate in the terms of scientific accuracy, but also in the socio-economic and psychological sense. They could do it better, but the work they did was pretty good. Armageddon was about some "tough" people acting "tough", explosions... I don't like that.

I watched Deep Impact in the cinema. Back in those days we had no digital screenings. Those were the last years of analog cinema and I remember it was cool. I only wish it was done even better because the plot is not developed enough.

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  Xeldrak said:
Hm, well, while Deep Impact was scientificaly more accurate, Armageddon was the more fun movie...

600 miles big asteroid is days from impacting the Earth, and oh yes - wiping the humanity completely. And what a bunch of our would-be saviours is doing? They are demanding tax-free life in exchange for their services. Seriously? Who came with that c***? I wanted to vomit after seeing that scene. Sheesh. /end rant

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Yeah, it's not a movie to be taken seriously. Watch this like you would watch a monty python movie and simply be amazed by the next absurdity they come up with.

No, really - it's trash, but I found it to be entertaining trash. Like fast food for your brain....

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  rpayne88 said:
I've only seen Armageddon, but I'd still go with Deep Impact. I mean, its easier to train astronauts to become oil drillers than it is the other way around. Then, please explain to me why an over sized rover would be flown in on a shuttle if there is no atmosphere? Why would said shuttle be making an approach the same way a 737 does to a runway? And finally, WHY THE HECK WERE THERE MINI-GUNS ON THE ROVERS??? I doubt guns even work in space. Even if they did, why would you need them? You're not destroying the asteroid with a s---load of 7.62x51mm bullets.

I hope that Deep Impact is much better than Armageddon.

In any case, I would recommend Deep Impact, there is a cool romantic plot, i'm guy but like romantic movies, :D

There is nothing more beautiful than love in the face of disaster, especially when the orchestra plays to the end:D

Edited by Pawelk198604
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  Scotius said:
600 miles big asteroid is days from impacting the Earth, and oh yes - wiping the humanity completely. And what a bunch of our would-be saviours is doing? They are demanding tax-free life in exchange for their services. Seriously? Who came with that c***? I wanted to vomit after seeing that scene. Sheesh. /end rant

That is actually a smart move in economics. The demand for their services is extremely high. And they have a monopoly. So, they can, in theory, ask for anything and get it.

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  Sapphire said:
Having seen both Armageddon and Deep Impact (my dad's favorite movies), I felt like Deep Impact was more realistic, but Armageddon was more fun. I didn't take it seriously, and I enjoyed it.

Agreed. Deep impact focuses more on the how do you plan to destroy the asteroid part, but Armageddon focuses more on the live of people/astronauts/drillers that destroy the asteroid itself. Of course, what people forget is Armageddon have that epic soundtrack that sometime I play when I play Dota 2.... but now it is displaced by the Pacific Rim soundtrack

If someone make a movie about a pro team preparing up to the big match with that soundtrack, I will extremely like it

  rpayne88 said:
I've only seen Armageddon, but I'd still go with Deep Impact. I mean, its easier to train astronauts to become oil drillers than it is the other way around. Then, please explain to me why an over sized rover would be flown in on a shuttle if there is no atmosphere? Why would said shuttle be making an approach the same way a 737 does to a runway? And finally, WHY THE HECK WERE THERE MINI-GUNS ON THE ROVERS??? I doubt guns even work in space. Even if they did, why would you need them? You're not destroying the asteroid with a s---load of 7.62x51mm bullets.

I hope that Deep Impact is much better than Armageddon.

Honestly probably no one ever know why that minigun is there.... I recall someone say that the minigun was there so they could sell the rover as toys

Edited by Aghanim
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  Xeldrak said:
Yeah, it's not a movie to be taken seriously. Watch this like you would watch a monty python movie and simply be amazed by the next absurdity they come up with.

No, really - it's trash, but I found it to be entertaining trash. Like fast food for your brain....

I don't know... Some of us struggle to find trash entertaining. I went to see Gravity on the recommendation of some of you guys on this forum. It had one or two redeeming qualities, but I could have just as well skipped it. I didn't find it particularly entertaining.

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  PakledHostage said:
I don't know... Some of us struggle to find trash entertaining. I went to see Gravity on the recommendation of some of you guys on this forum. It had one or two redeeming qualities, but I could have just as well skipped it. I didn't find it particularly entertaining.

Tastes differ obviously - I'm also a big fan of sixties batman, with Batman: The Movie beeing the crown jewel of trashy entertainment. If you're more the 2001: A Space Odyssey (I like that movie too, by the way) guys - sure; whatever floats your boat...

On a side note: The Core was not only trashy but also non-entertaining and not a good movie in it's own right. It could be worse than Armageddon.

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I think that the first sentence explain the whole movie:

A series of disturbances caused by instability in the Earth's magnetic field lead geologist Dr. Josh Keyes (Aaron Eckhart) and scientists Serge Leveque (Tchéky Karyo) and Conrad Zimsky (Stanley Tucci) to learn that the Earth's molten core has stopped rotating; within a year, the Earth's magnetic field will collapse, irradiating the planet

Why do film-maker don't seem to care about science?

EDIT: actually, I remember that movie being aired on TV, I didn't watched the whole movie though.

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  lajoswinkler said:
"Size of Texas" was said by the politician. It was few kilometres wide, in fact.

Of course, Deep Impact is better. It's not scientifically 100% accurate, but Armageddon is way, way worse and basically done very sloppy, just to impress gullible people who think rocks impacting the ground burn like gasoline.

Two issues with deep impacts, why drill holes for the bombs, why not use the bombs in the orion drive, rotate them 180 degree and go off an suitable distance from comet.

Second was the blow up asteroid close to earth using all the bombs at once to get an happy ending was just as bad as Armageddon.

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