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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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  Railgunner2160 said:
Quick question, is there any way to change whether the mod take time to build and use rocketparts after you start a game??? I think I choose the wrong options at startup and let's just say I've got 20000 rocket parts that aren't being used in construction......

(I can live with instant build, but not consuming rocket parts is sorta a deal breaker. And I spent so much time building this station........)

If you're willing to edit "persistent.sfs" in your save folder, search for "TimedBuilds". Change "False" to "True" and it'll start using resources again.

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  Valacar said:
Yeah I am having the same issue with it not using the parts to build. Makes having the mining and production kinda useless, when it doesn't use up the supllies.

I have Kethane installed on my game and I am having this issue as well. I have the newest version of is. So I have Kethane, Water and Ore showing on my maps. Managed to set my base down in a spot with all 3 resources.

I dont recall ever seeing water as an option with Kethane...

If you have Kethane installed it should take resources, are you actually able to build craft?

Also taniwha, can I make a request for either a timer or a formula for figuring out how long a project will take.....

I just started a 230k RP project and I think my 1 year of TAC Food will run out before it finishes... (my math says 101days...)

Edit, yay found another bug.... Working on my Minmus construction base and EVA'd a Kerbal ontop of the new Workshop and as soon as he touched it the damn thing blew up......

Edited by Donziboy2
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  Donziboy2 said:
If you have Kethane installed it should take resources...

It should consume them, yes, but it currently does not if you don't have TimedBuilds enabled. When you first load a save under 4.0+, it asks if you want to use progressive builds. If you don't enable progressive builds, it not only doesn't take time to build anything, it also doesn't consume rocket parts. It requires you to have enough on hand to build the craft, but doesn't actually use the parts when it builds it.

Edited by Gaius
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  Donziboy2 said:
I dont recall ever seeing water as an option with Kethane...

If you have Kethane installed it should take resources, are you actually able to build craft?

Also taniwha, can I make a request for either a timer or a formula for figuring out how long a project will take.....

I just started a 230k RP project and I think my 1 year of TAC Food will run out before it finishes... (my math says 101days...)

Edit, yay found another bug.... Working on my Minmus construction base and EVA'd a Kerbal ontop of the new Workshop and as soon as he touched it the damn thing blew up......

Water was added recently, Kethane only makes the liquid fuel, and water is required for the oxidizer. I think the water is used for some of the resources with Intersteller as well.

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  Gaius said:
If you're willing to edit "persistent.sfs" in your save folder, search for "TimedBuilds". Change "False" to "True" and it'll start using resources again.

Yeah, I noticed that bug while doing some testing. I forgot to consume RocketParts when doing insta-build.

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  taniwha said:
Yeah, I noticed that bug while doing some testing. I forgot to consume RocketParts when doing insta-build.

Yeah, I noticed it right away, and mentioned it at the time, but I probably should have used the issue tracker. My bad. Since I don't use TAC Life Support or anything else that would make how long it takes to build something relevant, TimedBuilds does nothing but add a couple of extra clicks to the build process for no practical gameplay effect. I can see how it'd be meaningful if time wasn't an infinite resource, though. I'll probably install TAC LS before I start my next new game; I usually restart with each new KSP version, and we're about due...

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Ah, so that's the situation. Well here's hoping for a fix relatively soon, and I'll see about modifying my persistence file....\

Also what's this ForceResourceUse option for, I see it in the persistence.sfs file.....

Edited by Railgunner2160
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ForceResourceUse is for when Kethane is not installed and has no meaning when Kethane is installed.

  • Kethane not installed
    • ForceResourceUse false means you can build everything for free in insta-build mode (not sure what happens with progressive builds).
    • ForceResourceUse true means you nust supply the necessary resources (fly up from kerbin).

    [*]Kethane installed

    • ForceResourceUse has no effect: resources are always used (barring PEBKAC (note, my keyboard and chair)).

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  Valacar said:
Water was added recently, Kethane only makes the liquid fuel, and water is required for the oxidizer. I think the water is used for some of the resources with Intersteller as well.

Water was added with a mod to Kethane, IIRC

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  BahamutoD said:
So.. any news on the ships exploding on launchpads issue?

Not sure about on the pad but I found that the workshop tends to explode after being built in the field. I had to return to space center and then come back after building my workshop, if i tried to EVA a Kerbal ontop of building it would explode. I tried building a simple workshop craft with no wheels and it exploded as soon as it spawned.

It was fine if I launched from VAB but building in the field was a challenge.


Just tried to build a smaller lighter part count smelter for my Minmus base and as soon as the build finished the whole base went up in explosions....

Would probably help if craft/vehicles did not spawn ontop or partially on the pad....

Edited by Donziboy2
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Hello just trying out this mod. Did anyone manage to build something (kethane installed, instabuild off) without the construction workshop? I was under the impression that a hitchhiker container or a sciencelab should work too if I don't need 10 kerbals, but so far I only see any progress when a construction workshop is there.

Update: Ok found out the issue after rereading the changelog of v4.0.0. I missed the ModuleManager dll. Maybe the mod should display a warning on load if this dependency is not present. I guess at least Riverey on page 77 run into the same trap.

Edited by chlue
found out whats wrong
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I just did some testing on the runway, having various kerbals with different stats hop in and out of an otherwise-vacant workshop, and found something surprising. Higher courage results in lower productivity. Is this intentional, or a case of "oops it should've been the opposite of the calculation used for stupidity"?

I would expect higher stupidity to lower productivity (just as it can with science, or so I've heard) but I don't see how being brave would translate to shoddy workkerbalship. Machining processes dealing with often sharp, frequently heavy bits of metal alongside various mixes of pressurized gases and explosive compounds in an environment where a mistake could cause a hull breach, even if it doesn't kill you directly, is certainly not for the faint of heart! :)

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Tallinu: courage acting negatively on productivity depends on stupidity: the less stupid the kerbal, the less courage affects productivity (stupidity = 0 -> no effect). Case in point: the Darwin awards is filled with stupid brave people: "She'll be right mate!... oops"

However... that is not always the case: for certain kerbals, if they're smart enough, courage increases their productivity, but only to a point (ie, there is a peak to the increase and it shifts as stupidity increases).

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Taniwha: Thanks for the quick answer. I'm not familiar with the inner workings of kerbals' stats - are you saying that an empty stupidity bar (lowest possible value) is not stupidity = 0? That is, rather than represented as (for example) 0.0 to 1.0 it's more like -1.0 to +1.0?

So, if their stupidity bar is above 50% (or whatever point corresponds to zero), you want as low a courage as possible... but if it's less than that, you want a high courage? How low does it have to be for courage to start providing a bonus? And does that bonus get scaled with how low stupidity is just like the penalty gets scaled by how high it is?

Sigh, now my hiring decisions will be even more complicated... :P I feel like the astronaut complex should now list a kerbal's calculated productivity scalar by their stats so you don't have to "test" them all on the ground before deciding who to send on your one-way colonization mission to Jool. :)

Edited by Tallinu
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Both stats bars are 0.0 to 1.0. So long as stupidity is less than half full, all kerbals will always contribute something.

For courage to be a bonus, the kerbals have to be badasses. The trouble is, a bad badass is really bad. And of the three orange suits, only Jeb is badass.

A big part of the reason for doing this was to make kerbal selection a bit of a game.

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Yeah I figure when I do this (I'm holding back upgrading because I just started sending bases to other planets in earnest, and don't want to put my viewers through yet another "Hold on I gotta spend 5 episodes redoing stuff" :) ) I'll just use the lowest stupidity guys and if courage helps, great.

The amusing side effect is that all my pilots and scientists will be the dumb ones, and all the smartest guys will be in manufacturing.

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  5thHorseman said:

The amusing side effect is that all my pilots and scientists will be the dumb ones, and all the smartest guys will be in manufacturing.

I've noticed this, too.

I'm not sure if this upsets me, or if it makes sense, from a Kerbal point of view.

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I have released version 4.0.3 of EL. This has a few bug fixes:

  • The root part of the spawned ship coming off (for any reason: KAS, collision, etc) is now detected hand handled properly.
  • Having only one of LiquideFuel or Oxidizer no longer causes an exception.
  • RocketParts is now consumed properly in insta-build mode.

I have been unable to reproduce the pad explosions. I strongly suspect it's an interaction between KAS (sprawling bases), EL's docking of the spawned vessel, and KSP's handing of landed dockings. All my tests have been with self-contained build ships. Essentially, I need a lot more information on this.

Also, I think this will be the last update for a little while. I am working on something cool for EL and I want to concentrate on that, so unless something truly show-stopping comes up, you'll just have to grin and bear it. It shouldn't be too long, though.

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