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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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Damn, you think they will come back to it after few sub versions or will they completely drop it? any news on that?


Edit : On a second thought, the main reason i had issues with my laptop before was that it had only 4 GB of ram, having a x64 win would recognize all my 16GB of ram, and still 32 ksp can use up to 4GB of it true? if that is the case, things would not be as bad as i thought, because previously i would only be able to use up to near 2.5 GB of ram for the game, but still, damn, thinking that i could give 8 GB of ram to game, how many mods i would be able to add to the game? A LOT, but now? not sure any more :(

Edited by Jiraiyah
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Crossposting from MKS/OKS because if anything, Taniwha is going to know the answer for sure.

empty, more stupidity = more stupid = less smart = less productive

really?, I thought it was the other way around with empty being less stupid? Is the same true for courage?

Can anybody else confirm this fact???

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Crossposting from MKS/OKS because if anything, Taniwha is going to know the answer for sure.

really?, I thought it was the other way around with empty being less stupid? Is the same true for courage?

Can anybody else confirm this fact???

The Bravery bar is better full, the stupidity bar is better empty. Sorry for the confusion, Its been a long night. :(

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Survey stakes must be within 100m of the survey vessel's center of mass.

If right clicking on a survey station or orbital dock (usable anywhere despite its name), or other pad (launchpad2, runway, appropriate MKS part) does not have a "Show UI" button, something is wrong.

The EL Workshop (big blue thing) is the best for productivity, but any crewed command module, the hitchhiker can, science lab, and survey station all work as workshops.

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I had extreme trouble figuring out what X/Y/Z meant in the SPH or VAB, and Felson's picture and explanation just hurt my head. Why can't somebody just make a simple picture showing the axes??

Oh wait, I'm somebody! So, through trial and error, here's the axes for SPH and VAB (note that Z and X are different!):

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Also if this was mentioned, I totally missed it: your survey stakes have to be named exactly the same to work together as a set. If you try to be clever and name your stakes things like "Z+" and "Z-" and "Origin" then they'll act as individual origin stakes and you'll be very unhappy.

I guess the idea is you can have different survey spots:

Stake 1: "foo", Z+ bound

Stake 2: "foo", Z- direction

Stake 3: "bar", Origin

Stake 4: "bar", Origin

Stake 5: "bar", Z+ direction

Now you have two spots to build in, "foo" and "bar".

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hab136: Yes, that is the actual intent: multiple possible build sites. eg, a semi-permanent one for building movable items, and temporary ones for more permanent structures. Also, multiple survey stations can be building at the same time and they can build at different sites even though the stations see all the sites.

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I have a problem, After installing the mod minmus is disappeared. Literally. I have a MKS station on minmus (1 module) and 2 satellites in orbit. Deleted all mods and added them one by one, this is the one causing problem. MKS station and some parts around it float in space but (still looks like its landed) and when I touch it it says "parts missing". Satellites are ok. I see right trough where minmus supposed to be. Stars other side visible.Anyone had something similar?

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I have a problem, After installing the mod minmus is disappeared. Literally. I have a MKS station on minmus (1 module) and 2 satellites in orbit. Deleted all mods and added them one by one, this is the one causing problem. MKS station and some parts around it float in space but (still looks like its landed) and when I touch it it says "parts missing". Satellites are ok. I see right trough where minmus supposed to be. Stars other side visible.Anyone had something similar?

Uh, try reinstalling KSP? Or if you have steam, do 'verify cache', sounds like you somehow screwed up something.

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Uh, try reinstalling KSP? Or if you have steam, do 'verify cache', sounds like you somehow screwed up something.

Well, I installed the mod a second time and this time minmus is there, but around the station frame rate dropped exponentially. Still cannot control the vessel, and its habitats are gone. I read something about kis on front page is there a way it might be related?

If I cannot find anything else to do I will reinstall kerbal, but it seems when I remove just EL it works fine. I can use the station again, my kerbals sit there smiling :) So I dont think game is broken.

Also I cannot just turn back, I have a OKS orbital station with 20/43 kerbals which has a shipyard this mod adds. So I lose the whole station If I just delete this mod :P

Edited by Phoenix1945
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Phoenix1945: EL is not capable of doing such a thing. It sounds like you might be running into memory limits.

Nice suggestion, it is possible. I will try to run it with active texture management mod, it should sole the problem if it is a memory problem.

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Phoenix1945: I hope that does it. Good luck.

5thHorseman: I just watched your Ike base episode... oh, geez, that was funny :). Good solution for the brakes. A couple of suggestions for if you find yourself in such a situation again:

  1. When using a single Origin stake, as you noticed, the CoM of the root part is placed over the stake. However, the very lowest point of the vessel (not counting launch clamps) is placed in line with the stake: a spike sticking below your drills but on the downhill side (to avoid hitting the ground) would have done the trick.
  2. If you had rotated your base 180 degrees in the VAB (SPH?), it would have worked just fine.

Oh, and the reason the first base didn't move was the launch clamps. While a touch awkward (especially for mining), it probably would have worked :)

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Phoenix1945: I hope that does it. Good luck.

Nope, it didnt work :P I installed ATR and opened the game mod installed, but still the base is acting funny. I really dont understand why this happens. Its seems like its not a memory problem.

Edited by Phoenix1945
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Define "acting funny". There are all sorts of things a base can do.

Well, Its not different from what I mentioned in previous posts. MKS station I have on minmus is completely unresponsive, kerbals in it missing, when touched it says parts missing, and habitations and stuff attached to it seems completely gone. At first minmus itself was gone too, but after a reinstall of the mod minmus is back but the base is still problematic. Framerate drop to 2 fps or something around the station.

Edited by Phoenix1945
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I'm using all the mods you have listed except, Tech Manager, Smart parts, Planetshine, Part Wizard, And Feram Aerospace research. I do not have issues like this. The only thing that really draws my eye is the poor graphics rendering, I'd almost hazard a guess that maybe active texture management isn't playing nice. I'd suggest clearing that out, and testing it. If I remember correctly, in a previous version of ATM there was a bug that broke Minmus, you couldn't land there or build anything there. I think there was even a hole at Minmus' North pole you could fall into. It could be that that bug has resurfaced.

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Hey Taniwha, I'm just letting you know that I get this exception every time I switch pads in the EPL UI, like I switch from Pad-0 to Pad-1 or vice versa. I'm seeing it via exceptiondetector.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads.DropDownList.DrawBlockingSelector () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads.ExBuildWindow.SelectPad_start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads.ExBuildWindow.WindowGUI (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Seems harmless though.

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I'm using all the mods you have listed except, Tech Manager, Smart parts, Planetshine, Part Wizard, And Feram Aerospace research. I do not have issues like this. The only thing that really draws my eye is the poor graphics rendering, I'd almost hazard a guess that maybe active texture management isn't playing nice. I'd suggest clearing that out, and testing it. If I remember correctly, in a previous version of ATM there was a bug that broke Minmus, you couldn't land there or build anything there. I think there was even a hole at Minmus' North pole you could fall into. It could be that that bug has resurfaced.

I installed ATM as a suggestion of solution I got here, normally my game works without it too. Yes after I installed ATM some textures got really bad. But the problem is the game runs good without EL, but when I install it I get this. And I cant just uninstall EL because I have a big space station with its parts.

I uninstalled all mods, reinstalled them one by one and when I install EL I get this problem. It might be a problem with MKS. The station has this parts, a cupola -attached and missing- , 2 stock big solar arrays -attached and missing- , stock 2 seated lander can, small 3m(which fits under lancer can as you see, I think its 3m) rocket fuel tank, MKS command pod, stock extendable dish comm array -attached and missing- , MKS landing pod (the one on the bottom), 1 inflatable habitation part -attached and missing- , a small karbonite drill -attached and missing- , 2 karbonite tanks (yellow one on the side in picture), 1 8m expandotube -attached and missing-, 4 small liquid fuel engines, 2 monopropellant tanks, 8 rcs thrusters -attached and missing-, stock backup antenna -attached and missing-, 4 stock batteries -attached and missing- and 2 1x6 stock backup solar arrays -attached and missing-.

Also got some kis tools at various seats.

One of these most likely causing the problem.

If there isnt a solution about this yet at least the owner of the mod should know about this.

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I know, you said that 64 bit support will be dropped but right now, i just installed linux and want to play .90 64 in it and it seems it's lot more stable than the windows version, and i may stick to this version for few updates to come, so, can i beg for a 64 version at least for .90 with the announcement that the usage and it's risks are up to the user and there will be no support for it? if not, is there a way for me to just compile it for 64 myself? (never done it for ksp so a little help would be appreciated)

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