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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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eLDude: there is no such version lf KAE: that is a private build (by the developer of SmartParts, I presume*) and there is no expectation for it to work alongside other versions of KAE.

Also, never replace a mod's version of KAE: you will break that mod. The mod must be recompiled against the version of KAE you wish it to use.

* Actually, it might be toadicus' work (I don't know SmartParts at all) for which I have a pull request and need to go over, in which case there is definitely no expectation for it to work along side other versions as it very explicitly breaks older versions (we talked about it).

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I finally had time to get a good test of the asteroid mining config I was working on last weekend. Sent a pull request.

i tried your cfgs but the augers wont drill as they have "no ground contact".

i managed to mod the stock drill and it works:

+PART[RadialDrill]:FOR[ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads] {
@name = RadialDrillEPL
@title = 'Drill-O-Matic' Mining Excavator MetalOre Type for EPL
@ResourceName = MetalOre

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i tried your cfgs but the augers wont drill as they have "no ground contact".

i managed to mod the stock drill and it works:

+PART[RadialDrill]:FOR[ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads] {
@name = RadialDrillEPL
@title = 'Drill-O-Matic' Mining Excavator MetalOre Type for EPL
@ResourceName = MetalOre

On asteroids, the unmodified stock drill will extract any resource that the asteroid has. If I had needed to modify a drill, I would have figured out how to modify the EPL drill. Try the stock drill without your modifications.

I should have communicated more clearly that you were meant to use the stock drill on asteroids and not the EPL drill. In hindsight, that's probably going to be a support nightmare. I'll look at adding the stock asteroid-mining module to the EPL drill so people who do the obvious thing won't be surprised.

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Speaking of survey stakes...I changed the KIS-Mallet cfg to have "attachMaxMass = 0.1" instead of .005 like you had it. There needs to be a KIS tool that a non-engineer like Jeb can use for small stuff.

Please consider making this change part of your next release.

Reposting in the hopes this will make it into the next release.

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On asteroids, the unmodified stock drill will extract any resource that the asteroid has. If I had needed to modify a drill, I would have figured out how to modify the EPL drill. Try the stock drill without your modifications.

I should have communicated more clearly that you were meant to use the stock drill on asteroids and not the EPL drill. In hindsight, that's probably going to be a support nightmare. I'll look at adding the stock asteroid-mining module to the EPL drill so people who do the obvious thing won't be surprised.

thx for clarifying this. i tried using the unmodded stock drill and as u said it works out of the box - if the potatoroid has MetalOre as resource.

as for the drills: i dont like the look of the EPL augers is a bit weird to me for a spaceship even if its a mining one - so i'm fine with this.

- - - Updated - - -

while my tries to get asteroid mining to work i got weird results with productivity in the current release (v5.1.92).

i got myself a fresh install of ksp with epl, kis, hyperedit (for quick testing) and a new career mode game.

i raised some kerbals till i got two decent not-so-stupid engineers and tried to build something with no luck whatsoever as the productivity of the used mk1 lander can is always zero no matter what i try.

debug shows:

[Log]: [EL Workshop] Kerbal: Dirina Kerman 0.1645007 0.2143992 False 0() 0 True 0 False 0.25

i tried to understand the source but im not so sure what

string expstr = KerbalExt.Get (crew, "experience:task=Workshop");

on Workshop.cs/189 means. am i right that experience = 0 will get me a contribution = 0 ?

how do i get a kerbal with experience > 0 ? is this tied to the golden stars ?

thx in advance ...

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Reposting in the hopes this will make it into the next release.

Not going to happen. I very deliberately set the allowed mass of the mallet to be useless for attaching things to ships. Good grief, you're attaching possibly delicate equipment to a rocket ship, not your aunt's painting to your living room wall. Try running your suggestion past your local mechanic and see how he uses his mallet }:> (ok, he might not actually do so, but I'm sure he'll want to).

i got myself a fresh install of ksp with epl, kis, hyperedit (for quick testing) and a new career mode game.

i raised some kerbals till i got two decent not-so-stupid engineers and tried to build something with no luck whatsoever as the productivity of the used mk1 lander can is always zero no matter what i try.

debug shows:

[Log]: [EL Workshop] Kerbal: Dirina Kerman 0.1645007 0.2143992 False 0() 0 True 0 False 0.25

Your experience level is 0 (the number between the True and False). This is your stock experience, so just send your kerbals to orbit and back. The idea here is an inexperience kerbal is rather lost when not surrounded by specialized equipment, while one with some experience (one star) would still be able to get the job done.

i tried to understand the source but im not so sure what

string expstr = KerbalExt.Get (crew, "experience:task=Workshop");

on Workshop.cs/189 means. am i right that experience = 0 will get me a contribution = 0 ?

how do i get a kerbal with experience > 0 ? is this tied to the golden stars ?

thx in advance ...

That experience (the "0()") in the log is from KerbalStats. It adds to a kerbal's productivity and thus 0 is just fine so long ans your kerbal is not too stupid, which Dirina is not: she(?) should get a fairly decent productivity (check the normal kerbal graph). KerbalStats experience is purely time based (the number is actually the number of seconds of experience), and is gained by a kerbal being in an appropriately configured workshop (currently only the blue workshop, and some parts in a mod for which I have forgotten the name, but I helped a person set them up).

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(currently only the blue workshop, and some parts in a mod for which I have forgotten the name, but I helped a person set them up).

This is the EL / Kerbalstats integration patch for FusTek Station Parts (dev build version): https://www.dropbox.com/s/5uvc7h0c87dvjxq/FusTek%20EPL%20integration%20patch.zip

And this is a small Kerbalstats integration Patch for the workshop module parts - the Orbital Shipyard, Pioneer Module and the MKS Refinery - of USI MKS/OKS/UKS: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jw84ulek8l4864e/EL_USI-UKS_Kerbalstats.zip

Latter is untested, I just did not have the time, but I dont see why it should not work. Maybe taniwha can have a quick look in the cfg and its location and check it for stupidness on my side :D

Edited by DaniDE
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Your experience level is 0 (the number between the True and False). This is your stock experience, so just send your kerbals to orbit and back. The idea here is an inexperience kerbal is rather lost when not surrounded by specialized equipment, while one with some experience (one star) would still be able to get the job done.

That experience (the "0()") in the log is from KerbalStats. It adds to a kerbal's productivity and thus 0 is just fine so long ans your kerbal is not too stupid, which Dirina is not: she(?) should get a fairly decent productivity (check the normal kerbal graph). KerbalStats experience is purely time based (the number is actually the number of seconds of experience), and is gained by a kerbal being in an appropriately configured workshop (currently only the blue workshop, and some parts in a mod for which I have forgotten the name, but I helped a person set them up).

thx for the quick reply taniwha. i trained the gal and she would build fine then.

IMO it would be better to give them at least a tiny bit of productivity even if untrained but YMMV.

thx for the superb addon !

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I'm using both the Extraplanetary Launchpads and the KIS mods, it seems the workshop eats the kerbal's inventory when they board it.

I EVA'd an kerbal, put some stuff in his inventory, when I then boarded his inventory was empty. I tried EVA'ing all 4 of the kerbals in the workshop and none of them had anything in their inventory, the workshop didn't have any "Inventory" button once it was empty.

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tja: if you have a 4-star engineer in the part as well, the 0-star engineer will be productive. 5-star enables non-engineers.

Mastikator; the inventory buttons disappear for all empty parts, not just the workshop. Your difficulties lie squarely with KIS: you'll have to take it up there.

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Does the construction vessel need to have the resources that will be added to the constructed, unreleased craft?

If you mean stuff like fuel, no, not during construction. You still need those resources though if you want to actually fuel the craft.

Also, a few resources which can't be transferred the usual way (I'm mostly thinking MKS's enriched uranium here, but theres probably others) will automatically be added to the craft.

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I was wondering, what would be the best choice of launchpad to launch rovers from? i was considering using the unfoldable one, but i'm not sure how it would work (i've only ever used the orbital pad so far, and that was to build mun landers in orbit)

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All "optional" resources (those you can adjust before release) are done on a best-effort basis: if the builder can't supply the specified amount, the buildee gets everything the builder has (partial fill) and the builder winds up with nothing.

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Mastikator; the inventory buttons disappear for all empty parts, not just the workshop. Your difficulties lie squarely with KIS: you'll have to take it up there.

Having the same trouble, but I am not sure what you mean by empty parts.

For me it seems to be isolated to the UKS Training Akademy module even when other kerbals are still on board...another strange thing about that module is you do not see the crew inside and when you EVA them the focus stays on the ship instead of going to the EVA kerbal. Maybe it is some setting he has on that module to make it think it is empty so it does not display 12 kerbals in there when it is full?

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Smurfalot: empty = crewable part with no kerbals on board.

I see. The reason I was confused is because it is happening to me when there are still kerbal's inside. Just for whatever reason that particular module acts as if it is empty even when it is not.

Edit: It turns out the problem is a lack of IVAs for the module which causes the problem for "vacant" seats.

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All "optional" resources (those you can adjust before release) are done on a best-effort basis: if the builder can't supply the specified amount, the buildee gets everything the builder has (partial fill) and the builder winds up with nothing.

I was wondering about this and am glad it works this way, I didn't want to be able to supply my duna base by merely building a Food canister in exchange for rocket parts.

I'm wondering if there is a setting that allows restricted rocket construction, and if there isn't, I have a feature request :P

It would be nice to have a configuration on the Launchpad part that limits the maximum size of construction available to that Launchpad, either by total mass or by total required rocket parts, the latter would probably be easier and more logical.

This would allow a progression of different tiers of launchpads in the tech tree, which would be great for career mode, I figure the orbital dock would have an unrestricted size.

I'm wondering if I could find an alternative way of doing this, perhaps using Kerbal constructs to spawn parts.

EDIT: I've thought of a hacky way to enact a mass limit, I'll disable all storage of rocket parts except inside the launch pad itself, then create a resource converter module inside the Launchpad which converts machinery from MKS into rocket parts.

Edited by MarcAFK
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It would be nice to have a configuration on the Launchpad part that limits the maximum size of construction available to that Launchpad, either by total mass or by total required rocket parts, the latter would probably be easier and more logical.

Actually, mass is easier: the required rocket parts is calculated from the mass. More importantly, when I get recipes going, restricting by resource quantity would be even messier.

This would allow a progression of different tiers of launchpads in the tech tree, which would be great for career mode, I figure the orbital dock would have an unrestricted size.

If I do add a mass restriction, orbital builds would definitely have no mass restriction. Similar for survey builds. Landed pads do, sorta kinda maybe, make sense, though.

Kendrick: They should be, in theory, but I have yet to have a chance to test building with them (I do almost all of my testing via play).

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