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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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13 hours ago, DStaal said:

Pull request to MKS, and that looks like it.  I'm a bit behind on my updates for KSP at the moment - since that's merged, I assume the version of MKS for KSP 1.5 should have the compatibility working again.

As far as I know, there is no version of MKS compatible for KSP 1.5 yet

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21 hours ago, Getsome2030 said:

USI mods have been updated for KSP version 1.5.x and can be found here https://github.com/BobPalmer/USI_Constellation/releases Not sure if updated for EL though?

It is true but that is a kind of a pre-release and not the official updated version. To quote RoverDude:


Also semi-related - there will be (very shortly) a 1.5.x pre-release of the constellation available.  Note that it does not yet have all of the changes in it, and the save-breaky ones are not in it yet, but it will let you play while we sort the last bits out.  It will also be the version I stream with tonight :)

Edited by LastStarDust
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On 10/5/2018 at 9:46 PM, taniwha said:

@Apone3k, @Xanif: this simply should not be happening, though I do have some suspicions. The main question I have is when is it "building instantly"? Right after selecting the craft? My suspicion is that one of your mods is throwing an exception while EL is calculating the build cost. 

I am also experiencing this problem and it is crashing KSP (1.5.1) each time. KSP-AVC *IS* throwing constant NPEs that I've never been able to get rid of. I'm on Linux as well.

You asked "when" it was building instantly. In my case the steps are:

1) Select the craft (in orbit) to build.

2) Drag slider for Machine Parts to 100% (I'm using the USI/MKS suite).

3) Note that I have enough Material Kits but no Specialized Parts. Click "build".

4) Hang. Have to kill the process. EDIT: The next UI dialog does open, the one that tracks construction %s, but the KSP is entirely unresponsive until killed.

The last couple times nothing's shown at the bottom of the logs. But earlier tonight I saw two EL log entries. One said something like it had all the parts. The last line was "starting Physics" and hang.

Sorry I can't help more, but the last few times it's hung there's been nothing in the logs that I could find.

Edited by McHendrik
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2 issues:


first a question:
What do i need to change in what files so that when i scale up the workshop using tweakscale its productivity scales appropriately?

and now a bug report

Also, i got a crash in 1.4.5 that i'm pretty sure its EPL related. I have the  full log files if you need them but here is the last bits:

[LOG 22:09:26.429] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 47779
[LOG 22:09:26.429] [GenericAppFrame] Reposition 0.02 47779
[LOG 22:09:26.472] [CompoundPart]: Part: CompoundPart craftID: 4287273056 No target found with craftID: 0
[LOG 22:09:26.472] [CompoundPart]: Part: CompoundPart craftID: 4283778072 No target found with craftID: 0
[LOG 22:09:26.473] [CompoundPart]: Part: CompoundPart craftID: 4283778002 No target found with craftID: 0
[LOG 22:09:26.473] [CompoundPart]: Part: CompoundPart craftID: 4283777932 No target found with craftID: 0

The vessel loaded onto my screen then everything froze as it tried to load the kerbal's faces.

The crash happened when switching to a vessel that was constructing something and i'm pretty sure it ran out of specialized parts, as i encountered this bug before. I have switched to said vessel before but everything was fine. 

this is the last thing i see before the game freezes"


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49 minutes ago, Nicky21 said:

What do i need to change in what files so that when i scale up the workshop using tweakscale its productivity scales appropriately?

Crew capacity would be best.

53 minutes ago, Nicky21 said:

The crash happened when switching to a vessel that was constructing something and i'm pretty sure it ran out of specialized parts, as i encountered this bug before. I have switched to said vessel before but everything was fine. 

I've heard reports of things going wrong when resources are insufficient. I still need to investigate that.

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Shouldn't be necessary. I did do a lot of work in that area to fix another bug, so it's entirely possible I broke something. It's just that I've been busy with other things (mainly my mu tools addon for blender).

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I have releasd version 6.3.0 of Extraplanetary Launchpads.

Changes from 6.2.2:

  • Update for KSP 1.5.1.
  • Update mallet, survey stake, and micro pad for KIS 1.15+.
  • Slightly tweak teardown code: hopefully it won't eary-out (I suspect I didn't really fix anything).
  • zip name changed from Extraplanetary_Launchpads... to ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads... (ie, first _ removed) and EL.version changed to ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads.version. I have set up my server such that either naming works for older files (this means grabbing older builds will still be a matter of just editing the version number in the url).

I haven't addressed the various recent problems with resource exhaustion as my quick test failed to produce any issues. I figured it best to get this out there as looking at the relevant code makes me want to rewrite it, and that never goes to plan :P

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37 minutes ago, AstralWither said:

sooo... is it possible to make a single part at once? i wanna make a factory ship using kis that will accompany a fleet

You can put the part in a container, and build the container.  (Or make some one-part ships and build them.)  Or take a look at this mod:


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I have just encountered an insta-build bug in EL. While it may or may not be the same problem others have reported, it should be easy for me to reproduce it as it happened when I loaded a quicksave (I'd saved and loaded as a workaround for another bug I saw).

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@TheWangking: Though tagged for 1.5.1, and a warning will show, 6.3.0 should work just fine in 1.4.5. Also, for older releases, just edit the version number of the URL for the current release.


15 hours ago, taniwha said:

I have just encountered an insta-build bug in EL. While it may or may not be the same problem others have reported, it should be easy for me to reproduce it as it happened when I loaded a quicksave (I'd saved and loaded as a workaround for another bug I saw).

(yeah, quoting myself :P )

I have found and fixed the bug I encountered, and due to the nature of the bug, I strongly suspect I have fixed all the ista-build and insta-teardown issues (simple order of operations issue).

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I have released version 6.3.1 of Extraplanetary Launchpads.

Changes from 6.3.0:

  • Fix a pile of collider issues with the construction drone. The new model is incompatible with the old, so some part and model shenanigans are present in the hope of preventing save breakage.
  • Give the construction drone a hatch and a ladder, along with a crew capacity of 1. NOTE: the productivity factor is 0, the drone is not a manned workshop (I have some other vague ideas). Also, the current IVA is just the Mk1 command pod's, hopefully something more appropriate soon.
  • The construction drone's lasers now glow intensely.
  • Fix the insta-build and insta-teardown caused by the work-sink (pad) receiving exactly 0 kerbal-hours.
  • Fix erroneous 0 productivity display in the build window after using a micro-pad.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have released version 6.3.2 of Extraplanetary Launchpads.

Changes from 6.3.1:

  • Fix productivity updates on rocket workbench for KSP 1.5.
  • Fix rocket workbench seat names in boarding PAW (for KSP 1.5).
  • Rocket workbench support seat assignment in the VAB or SPH.
  • Move the construction drone into a real tech node (was set for some custom tech tree, I guess).
  • Can set the orbital dock and stock claw as target. The dock because it can be useful to pull up near the dock for repairs and the claw because I saw a situation in a stream (don't remember whose now, though) where it would be useful.
  • Use of launch clamps at bases vastly improved: stock clamps now extend properly, KSP does not twist the build to be parallel to the ground, and better support for custom clamps (documentation forgotten but coming soon).
  • Fix long delay in showing the correct vessel productivity on scene load.

Some of my recent streams on twitch show off the launch clamp behavior (and misbehavior in one stream, since fixed).


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got my first smelter into orbit, thinking that I could recycle the crew launcher and return to the planet via capsule, but the smelters only return 1% of the Scrap as Metal. The thermometer I placed on the smelter hovers around 300 degrees Kelvin, but the info panel on the smelter shows efficiency climbing steadily. Is there a way for me to change the efficiency to a fixed value while the temperature systems gets fine-tuned?

I am using ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads version 6.3.2 with KerbalSpaceProgram version

I am also running Tweakscale, CivillianPopulation, KerbalInventorySystem, KerbalAttachmentSystem and their supporting mods as well, but I have the same problem after un-installing and re-installing just ELP, MM, KIS.


take care and have fun!


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@Tharl: Smelter efficiency is a function of internal temperature: 0 below 273.15K, 1 above 1873K. Note that a smelter will get to only about 0.53 because the smelting process requires more heat than that which the amount of LFO required for the smelting process itself can produce. Smelter efficiency is how much Metal you get out for the amount of LFO you put in. Scrap metal remelting can get an efficiency of one because there's no chemical reaction consuming heat. Thus running both can boost the efficiency of the smelter while reducing the efficiency of the remelter.

The only waste heat you need to worry about is that which is transferred to your metal storage containers or any parts consuming metal, as the heat in the metal is transferred too.

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10 Scrap remelting into 1 Metal is normal. Efficiency climbing to 100% while the temperature stays around 300 is only affecting the amount of time to remelt the 10 scrap (and thus fuel burned). Am I understanding that correctly?

Thanks for the quick response!




edit: I noticed that my math was off by a decimal. Scrap to Metal conversion may be a 10:1 ratio by quantity, but it is 1:1 by mass. I tested the conversion chain farther along in a sandbox game and the QUANTITIES roughly go 10 Scrap ~ 1 Metal ~ 10 Rocket Parts. 

Edited by Tharl
new math
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@Tharl: close. The amount of fuel consumed stays constant (I'm not sure what it does if it can't actually convert anything, need to check), but the amount of Metal produced varies with efficiency. When the smelter is really cold (< 273K) no Metal is produced at all. As for the skin: it is the smelter's core that gets hot,, not the skin (usually: it may get hot eventually, but very slowly as there's some good insulation in there).

The ratio of Metal to ScrapMetal or Metal to MetalOre does not change (the first is 100% because it's just melting metal that's in unusable shapes, the second is about 70% because of chemistry (there's 1116.9g of Fe in 1596.882g of Fe2O3)), but the speed of production does vary. If you want the gritty details, check section 2.1.2 of the manual (pdf in GameData/ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads).

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The smeltery having separate internal and surface temperatures is new info for me.  Thanks for pointing out that the freshly smelted Metal will carry it's heat to the storage tank. I did enjoy reading the nitty gritty in the manual, which is why I was expecting Scrap to convert into Metal 100%. [Note to self: it converts 100% by mass not by quantity, so I need a much smaller Metal storage tank.]

Thanks for putting me back on track to building my 15,000 ton station taniwha!

- Tharl

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