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Favorite moon? Except Laythe!!!


Favorite moon!  

  1. 1. Favorite moon!

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You've wrote Minmus wrong. It's Minmus, not Minimus.

I like Minmus and Gilly, but I'll vote for Minmus.

I've always added the extra i in there, too...

time to stop doing that!

Mine is minmus, too... It's shaping up to have quite a busy SOI for me.

Gilly,lowest gravity available. Its fun there.

Gilly... the only place the SAS from a single probe core can stop your tall probes from flipping over on 45+ degree inclines.


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It was a hard battle between the Mun, Pol and Minmus.

But in the end I chose for Minmus, a few months back there was this tread on naming all the geological places in the game. I went and named lots of hills and lakes on Minmus. I remember naming the 3 mountains that form a triangle after Himalayan places (Mount Keverest, Base Kamp and such)

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Minmus, love the moon. Mainly because it has several very large flat areas nice for using a rover or building a base on. Also it has a low escape velocity which makes it easy to return to Kerbin I hate though that it is on an inclination.

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The Mun is, of course, my most visited moon just for convenience's sake. I've only landed on other moons a handful of times, which is limited to a manned landing and return from Minmus, and probe orbits and landings to Gilly and Laythe. The Laythe visit was only from a poorly planned ion engine probe that failed to aim outside of Laythe's atmosphere. I've orbited Ike, Vall, and Tylo as well over the versions.

My vote for favorite though has to be for Gilly, in spite of my single landing there. Any place where landing requires actually thrusting TOWARDS the surface because the gravity is so weak has to be my favorite place to visit.

(By the by, my next manned interplanetary flight and return is fixing to visit Gilly.)

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The simple reason why i left laythe out is: it would probably win by a loooooong way and i just want to know what your favorite moon except laythe is, THE END.

Don't get me wrong though, i love laythe to: atmosphere, o2, awesome views etc.

But I want to know what your favorite moon-style moon is, that's all. I'm sorry if you don't like this but it's just the way it is for now.

Edited by panzerknoef
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So we have

Mun: 1st place

Minmus: 2nd place

And Vall coming at number three

Thanks. I didn't know how to read a graph.:rolleyes:
1 it would probably win by a loooooong way
That's not a great reason. Would you kick someone out of a presidential election because they're too popular? And you can't really know if it would win without a poll that did include it. Even if it did win, you would still be able to see who came in second.
2 I don't really consider it a moon, in my eyes it's more like an actual planet.
That's seems like quite an arbitrary decision. In the real world, nobody considers Titan or any of the Galilean moons too planet like. If you want just moon-like bodies, you should include Eeloo (which is confirmed to be a moon in the future) and Dres, and throw out Gilly for being a captured asteroid. The only definition of "moon" we should use is the one the game uses.
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I kinda expected that but people keep on wanting it added!

And btw GuiltyBystander the argument about kicking a popular candidate out is kinda relative. I'm from belgium and the most popular party in the country got kicked out of the government so well, i'm just saying

I don't mean to be rude or angry or anything with this, i'm just saying. And still including laythe would be nice if a mod came over this. Even if it's just to stop people asking for it

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