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creatures on kerbin (and maybe laithe)

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Giant Sandworms for Duna !!!

Yeah! sand... storms? (creatures?)

Weather is planned, i don't know how deep they plan going on weather variations, but a sandstorm would be interesting

Anyway, back to topic

@zxczxczbfg: it would also be good if it counted like:

You launch several ships which fail and lots of debris fall on the ocean

Then, you get a fine for the ambiental impact

This way you would not be affecting the animals directly, but their ambient, which is pretty much what happens IRL

You can also make sort of ambiental "contracts" that allow you to spam debris at the ocean up to a certain limit without fines

That would fall into the management part of the game, which is yet to be implemented, but i belive it's a good idea

The more things i have to care about when flying my ships without falling into micromanagement, the better

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Flying a spacecraft is complicated enough as it is, should it really be more complicated with wildlife hazard? If you really want to kill rare animals, you might as well play a hunting game or something.

I don't want to hurt rare animals, that is the point.

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I, personally, think it would be an interesting touch, but not, strictly speaking, necessary. it would certainly be cool to have some wandering beasts, but I think more diverse flora would be a more important addition, not to mention easier.

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Some animals that you could see running around from low flight would add a lot of immersion. They don't need to be collidable or complicated, they could just run away and despawn out of sight.

Kerbal towns and kerbal citizens that check out your landed pad would be *awesome*. I wouldn't expect to see this any time soon, as it would be a pretty superfluous addition, but I hope to see this eventually...

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  • 2 years later...

Wildlife would be very nice. :)

But they should not have colliders.
Players are going to the extremes in this games which often means low altitude supersonic flight and (attempted) groundspeeds comparable to the maximum speed of racing cars. At those speeds you see the animals too late to evade them.

And that's also a point. You don't see much of them when going fast. The physics bubble has a radius of 2.5 km around your craft. You need less than 10 seconds to cover that distance with mach 1. You probably only see them for just a few seconds before you whizzed past them.

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I really don't get these suggestion submissions at all for stock KSP.

Suggestions like these fall under the category of addons (mods)

Because it adds content that isn't beneficial to operate the game. And might only appeal to a specific group of people.
There is a reason why vanilla KSP is barebone, and why it will remain that way more or less, because KSP is performance hungry on the CPU.

Adding graphics or scenery content in this case to the stock game in any way or form is going to devestate people on weaker computers. Why would the devs add anything to their game in the form of graphics that will use more system resources when it doesn't contribute to the main aspects of the game? Only because you want creatures walking around?

I have sympathy for your idea however but you should post it in the addons subsection. Nobody wants system resource eating side content, especially with larger rockets. And neither do you when you launch your 300+ part rocket, but you probably haven't thought about it that way. Glad to remind/inform you about the performance aspects of the game. If something like this is to become content it has to be a addon and I can decide when I want to use it and when I do not.

As for scenery which could be crocodiles, bird and whatnot (although I'm specifically talking about rocks and trees here)

A good non performance devestating stock graphics option for KSP could be auto generated scenery.
With a slider from none to max. Where a slider to max would generate whole forests. Naaaaaah, still I think that is mod department, but if it's a thing people would find cool to have out of the box it is worth suggesting. Not sure if you could do that with geese, reindeers, bears and rabbits, but who knows :lol:


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I would like to see some birds and some more stuff moving around, but merely decorative... on Kerbin, Laythe and maybe on Eve too... Imagine if Eve become like the old idea scientists had about Venus... a jungle planet full of life... :P

Edited by luizopiloto
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