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[1.2?] Alchemy Technologies products... v1.2 beta


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Alchemy Technologies represents our complete production program

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Fuel tanks

Small and medium propellant tanks


Fuel tank with 0.625m diameter, capacity 12 unit of fuel, 60kg of fuel

Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas


Fuel tank with 0.625m diameter, capacity 25 unit of fuel, 120kg of fuel

Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas


Fuel tank with 0.625m diameter, capacity 50 unit of fuel, 240kg of fuel

Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas


Fuel tank with 1.25m diameter, capacity 100 unit of fuel, 500kg, of fuel

Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas


Fuel tank with 1.25m diameter, capacity 200 unit of fuel, 1000kg, of fuel

Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas



Fuel tank with 0.625m diameter, capacity 12 unit of fuel, 60kg of fuel

Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas


Fuel tank with 0.625m diameter, capacity 25 unit of fuel, 120kg of fuel

Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas


Fuel tank with 0.625m diameter, capacity 50 unit of fuel, 240kg of fuel

Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas


Fuel tank with 1.25m diameter, capacity 100 unit of fuel, 500kg, of fuel

Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas


Fuel tank with 1.25m diameter, capacity 200 unit of fuel, 1000kg, of fuel

Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas


Fuel tank with 1.25m diameter, capacity 60 unit of fuel, 300kg of fuel

Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas


Fuel tank with 1.25m diameter, capacity 200 unit of fuel, 1000kg of fuel

Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas



Fuel tank with 1.25m diameter, capacity 800 unit of fuel, 4000kg of fuel

Variants: normal, liquid fuel only, oxidizer only, monopropellant, xenon gas, scramjet


Derived version of FL-T800 for stages with SCRAMjet engines:

FL-T1200SC - Fuel tank with 1.25m diameter, capacity 1200 unit of fuel, 6000kg of fuel for SCRAMjet

FL-T1800SC - Fuel tank with capacity 1800 unit of fuel, 9000kg of fuel for SCRAMjet

FL-T2250SC - Fuel tank with capacity 2250 unit of fuel, 11250kg of fuel for SCRAMjet

FL-T3200SC - Fuel tank with 2.5m diameter, capacity 3200 unit of fuel, 16000kg of fuel for SCRAMjet

FL-T5100SC - Fuel tank with 2.5m diameter, capacity 5100 unit of fuel, 25500kg of fuel for SCRAMjet



Large and huge propellant tanks:


Fuel tank with 2.5m diameter, 0.9375m high, capacity 800 unit of fuel, 4000kg of fuel


Fuel tank with 2.5m diameter, 1.875m high, capacity 1600 unit of fuel, 8000kg of fuel


Fuel tank with 2.5m diameter, 3.75m high, capacity 3200 unit of fuel, 16000kg of fuel

variants: combined with monopropellant tanks, SCRAMjet



Fuel tank with 2.5m diameter, 7.5m high, capacity 6400 unit of fuel, 32000kg of fuel

variants: combined with monopropellant tanks, SCRAMjet



Fuel tank with 3.75m diameter, 3.75m high, capacity 7500 unit of fuel, 37500kg of fuel

variants: combined with monopropellant tanks,



Fuel tank with 3.75m diameter, 7.5m high, capacity 15000 unit of fuel, 75000kg of fuel



Fuel tank with 2.5m diameter, 15m high, capacity 12800 unit of fuel, 64000kg, of fuel


Fuel tank with 3.75m diameter, 15m high, capacity 30000 unit of fuel, 155000kg of fuel


Nuclear reactor

Alchemy Nucleonics presents new nuclear reactors series ALN-NR and ALN-NRHD. Our nuclear reactors are fully automated and do not require virtually any manual operating for at least 10 years of operation at full power. The reactors are equipped with a reliable, fully automatic safety protection against overheating, which does not require operator intervention.

ALN-NRHD type reactors are designed for heavy duty service.

Our offer includes:

- Nuclear Reactor ALN-NR-25-125 Topaz with electric output power 25unitEC per sec and diameter 1.25m

- Nuclear Reactor ALN-NRHD-20-125 Granit with electric output power 25unitEC per sec and diameter 1.25m

- Nuclear Reactor ALN-NR-125-250 Sapphire with electric output power 125unitEC per sec and diameter 2.50m

- Nuclear Reactor ALN-NRHD-100-250 Basalt with electric output power 100unitEC per sec and diameter 2.50m

- Nuclear Reactor ALN-NR-625-375 Rubin with electric output power 625unitEC per sec and diameter 3.75m

- Nuclear Reactor ALN-NRHD-500-375 Diorite with electric output power 500unitEC per sec and diameter 3.75m

- Nuclear Reactor ALN-NR-750-375 Emerald with electric output power 750unitEC per sec and diameter 3.75m

Since nuclear reactors in operation produce enormous amounts of heat – heat output during operation is the same as its the electric power – we also offer cooling radiators suitable for this purpose. Powerful types of radiators are extendable, like photovoltaic panels, that occupied the least space during transport. Cooling panel ALL-HRS is not movable, and is characterized by high resistance to damage.

Our offer includes the following cooling radiators:

- Folding radiator ALL-HR-80 provides cooling power 80 unit

- Folding radiator ALL-HR-20 provides cooling power 20 unit

- Folding radiator ALL-HR-5 provides cooling power 5 unit

- Stationary radiator ALL-HRS-05 provides cooling power 0.5 unit

For installation of cooling radiators we recommend using the Modular Girder system AWT.




Propulsion system

Small rocket engines

ALL-LV-3/6/10 - Small rocket engines working on liquid fuel and oxidizer. Derived from the engine LV-1 and LV-1R with thrust of 3, 6 or 10kN.

ALL-LV-1M/3M/6M/10M - Small rocket engines working on monopropellant. Derived from the engine LV-1 and LV-1R with thrust of 1; 3; 6 or 10kN.

RV-201LFO, RV-205LFO, RV-210LFO - RCS engines for liquid fuel and oxidizer with thrust of 1; 5 and 10 kN

RCS and thruster engines for monopropellant with thrust of 1; 5 and 10 kN



Medium size engines

ALE-375/385 Munsail – engine with a diameter of 1.25m and thrust 375/385 kN

ALE-170/180 Munwalker – engine with a diameter of 1.25m and thrust 170/180 kN

Electric propulsion (ion engines)

PB-ION-5 - engine with a diameter of 0.625m, thrust 0.5kN

PB-ION-25 - engine with a diameter of 1.25m, thrust 2.5kN

PB-ION-50 - engine with a diameter of 1.25m, thrust 5kN

PB-ION-100 - engine with a diameter of 1.25m, thrust 10kN

PB-ION-300 - engine with a diameter of 2.5m, thrust 30kN



Experimental SCRMAJet engines and other components.

ALE-10D/E; ALE-110E - rocket-ramjet (SCRAMjet) engines using liquid fuel and oxidizer

SCRAMjet Air Intake I/II - suction unit (air intake)

ALW-CU-xx - conversion unit for transforming intake air to oxidizer (ratio 10 : 2) for 1 – 6 suction units

ALW-MB-xx - mounting brackets for 1 – 6 engines, can contains fuel, aditional central mountig port intended for small or medium size rocket engine ("apogee engine")

- fuel tanks with a special ratio of fuel and oxidizer

Rocket-ramjet engines (SCRAMjet engines) have a special curve "height - Isp" and "speed - thrust". The initial Isp is low, with increasing altitude and speed increases, the maximum Isp lies at an altitude about 20 km and then gradually decreases to a value typical for normal rocket engines in vacuum. SCRAMjet engines provide maximum thrust at a speed of 1000 to 1500 m/s.

Engines have unusual fuel - Oxydizer ratio.

"Modular Base for SCRAMjet Intake" is intended as a montage console for Air Intake and act as conversion unit, transforming IntakeAir to Oxydizer. Usage is essential.

"Modular Base for SCRAMjet engine" is intended as a mounting bracket for the SCRAMjet engine. Use is recommended.

Fuel Tank for SCRAMjet engines containing fuel and oxidant in a proportion appropriate for typical use. Use is highly recommended.

Appropriately designed flying machine / space launch vehicle can be capable of reaching orbit as SSTO. Condition for success is to find the right ascend path profile. Trajectory for putting space launch vehicles with SCRAMjet engines in to orbit is not a simple convex curve. MechJeb2 in automatic mode is unable to reach orbit.





Energetic modules (part no. ALT-EMxxxx)

Energetic modules are covered with solar panels and contain powerful batteries. Our solar panels used on service modules correctly responding to illuminate by sunlight or to blocking the sunlight.

Alchemy Technologies offers modules with a diameter of 1.25, with diameter of 2.5 and with a diameter of 3.75


Service modules (part no. ALT-SMxxxx)

Service moduls containing module S.A.S, reaction wheels, powerful electric batteries and an amount of monopropellant.

Depending on the variant, service modul may contains additionally an amount of conventional liquid fuels, or xenon gas for ion electric propulsion.

Depending on the variant, service modul may contains additionally energetic sources - solar panels or RTG generators with cooling panels.

Alchemy Techniologies offers service modules with diameter of 1.25, with a diameter of 2.5 and with a diameter of 3.75.




Modular Girder System AWT

Standard Modular Girder parts in eight sizes.

System AWT contains seven parts:

- Adapter

- Node

- Truss 1 (Segment)

- Truss 1 Cubic

- Truss 3 (Segment XL)

- Octagonal structure (octogonal strut) in two different degrees of size

- Cubic structure (Cubic octogonal strut) in two different degrees of size


Fuel tank adapters:

ALW-AAxxx-1T3 "Triga x.xx" - adapter 1x 1.25m to 3x 1.25m; adapter 1x 2.5m to 3x 2.5m; adapter 1x 3.75m to 3x 3.75m short, long

ALW-AAxxx-3T1 "Triga x.xxR" - adapter 3x 1.25m to 1x 1.25m; adapter 3x 2.5m to 1x 2.5m; adapter 3x 3.75m to 1x 3.75m short, long

ALW-AAxxx-1T4 "Quadriga x.xx" - adapter 1x 1.25m to 4x 1.25m; adapter 1x 2.5m to 4x 2.5m; adapter 1x 3.75m to 4x 3.75m short. long

ALW-AAxxx-4T1 "Quadriga x.xxR" - adapter 4x 1.25m to 1x 1.25m; adapter 4x 2.5m to 1x 2.5m; adapter 4x 3.75m to 1x 3.75m short, long


ALW-ABxxx-1T1-yyy/L/S – adapter 1x 0.625m to 1x 1.25m normal / short / long; 1x 1.25m to 1x 2.5m short / long, adapter 1x 2.5m to 1x 3.75m long / short



ALW-AB250-1T2-125 – adapter 1x 2.5m to 2x 1.25m

ALW-AB250-1T3-125 – adapter 1x 2.5m to 3x 1.25m

ALW-AB250-1T4-125 – adapter 1x 2.5m to 4x 1.25m

ALW-AC250-3T1-375 – adapter 3x 2.5m to 1x 3.75m

ALW-AC250-4T1-375 – adapter 4x 2.5m to 1x 3.75m

ALW-AC375-1T3-250 – adapter 1x 3.75m to 3x 2.5m

ALW-AC375-1T4-250 – adapter 1x 3.75m to 4x 2.5m


Modular base for rocket engines:

ALW-MB-375/3x250 – modular base for 3(4)x engines with 2.5m base for 3.75m tank

ALW-MB-375/4x250 – modular base for 4(5)x engines with 2.5m base for 3.75m tank

ALW-MB-375/6x250 – modular base for 6(7)x engines with 2.5m base for 3.75m tank

MT versions contains intergrated monopropellant tank


For tanks with a diameter of 2.5 meters we recommend using a Mobius RocketWorks Parts http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mrw-cluster-engine-mounts/

Decouplers and separators

ALW-DA-12/xxx - Axial Decoupler with diameter 1.25m, 2.5m; 3.75m

ALW-DA-13/xxx - Axial Decoupler with diameter 1.25m, 2.5m; 3.75m; low profile

ALW-DAS-12/xxx - Axial Decoupler with diameter 1.25m, 2.5m; 3.75m; low decouple force, use group of integrated small solid rocket engines for soft and safe stage separation

ALW-SA-12/xxx - Axial Stack Separator with diameter 1.25m, 2.5m; 3.75m

ALW-SA-13/xxx - Axial Stack Separator with diameter 1.25m, 2.5m; 3.75m; low profile

ALW-SA-12/xxx - Axial Stack Separator with diameter 1.25m, 2.5m; 3.75m

ALW-DR-37/500 - Radial decoupler for big 2.5m and 3.75m parts (bigger version of TT-38K radial decoupler)

ALW-DR-39 - Radial decoupler for 0.625m or smaller parts (smaller version of TT-38K radial decoupler)

ALW-DR-68 - Radial decoupler for big 2.5m and 3.75m parts (bigger version of TT-70 radial decoupler)

ALW-DR-69 - Radial decoupler for 2.5m parts (bigger version of TT-70 radial decoupler)

ALW-DR-71A - Radial decoupler (versions of TT-70 radial decoupler)

ALW-DR-72A/B/C/D - Radial decoupler (versions of TT-70 radial decoupler)

ALW-DR-75A/B/C - Radial decoupler (smaller versions of TT-70 radial decoupler)




Testing weights

Testing weights, weighing from 1 kg to 10 tonnes, in diameter of 0.3125; 0.625 and 1.25, with decouplers. Useful for precise balancing of CoM or load testing of new launchers.

+ some others parts

All parts

Propulsion and fuel tanks


RCS thrusters and Service modules


Construction parts for SCRAMJET, adapters, testing weights, Modular base for rocket engines, Modular Girder System AWT


Decouplers and Separators, air intakes, baterry, nuclear reactors, Energetics modules


License 88x31.png

Edited by sumghai
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Jesus.... Do you ever sleep? This should fall under the MegaMod Category. One question, what's the memory load of this mod alone?

well it looks like its just new textures, and stock models that are streched with MODEL{ NAME X,Y,Z}.

so probably not much.

Anyway, nice work here, even for more or less stock edits, they look nice, however I doubt I'll get them, as I'm already overloaded with parts.(And up to 1.11Gb of mods...)

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New Download: [MOD - Download Link removed due to unauthorized redistribution of SQUAD assets - sumghai]

previous link (about 1100 downloads, four stars ) mysteriously disappeared ( [MOD - Download Link removed due to unauthorized redistribution of SQUAD assets - sumghai] )

Edited by sumghai
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ok, I understand ... become even worse things. :)

I wanted to delete them using "My Add-ons" page, but this do not delete it - link goes to "404 Page not found", but at personal page records still remains.

The second problem is very slow system response - as you click on Upload buton, there is not any response at upload page, and it takes up to ten minutes or so before any reaction occurs on the personal page or spaceport.

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I have installed a greatly trimmed down version as many parts are simply too much and with no effective use

I'll probably do the same. Stretchytanks + modular fuels = every tank you will ever need - period. I have enough modular girder parts to sink a battleship but I'll install and go through it anyway. It'd be a shame to not at least check everything after the man put in so much time.

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Question: The nuclear generators create electricity, but what do they run on?

Reactors running on "blutonium" and "cooling" (and must be started). "Cooling" is a resource produced by the cooling panel. A small amount of cooling also continually produces reactor itself (but much less than it consumes during operation). It is an attempt to simulate the production of heat during reactor operation. If the supply of cooling consumed, the reactor automatically stops and stops producing electricity (simulation protection against overheating). So the cooling panels must be extended and their generators running. They must also have sufficient capacity to produce sufficient cooling (cooling panels are really calculated according to the Stefan - Boltzmann law)- reactor consumes the same amount of cooling (thus produces the same amount of heat), such as its electrical power.

Blutonium is consumed in small quantities - enough to supply years of operation.

There is no free lunch. Nor energy...

two more questions: whats the Isp of the engines?

whats the resolution of the textures?

Isp - Specific impuls?

Munwalker 370 sec in vacuum, 300 sec in atmosphere,

MunSail 370 sec in vacuum, 300 sec in atmosphere,

small liquid fuel engines 290 sec in vacuum, 230 sec in atmosphere,

small monopropellant engines 270 sec in vacuum, 100 sec in atmosphere,

Ion engines - 4200 sec in vacuum, in the atmosphere zero, naturally.

Scramjet - Isp curve is complex, corresponds approximately to the bell / Gaussian curve.

Texture resolution is mostly 512*512*24, sometimes more, sometimes less.

Zek - I tried it, but with Unity can not understand yet. for this time... IMHO, the ability of part (from *.cfg file) are (for me) far more important than the external appearance of the model.

So with the new combined upload, does that mean all the other separate mods will no longer be supported?...I've been using them all except the SCRAMjet mod.

Maybe, I do not know, for now. I can try to divide it into parts, but the models and textures are common to multiple parts. It can by done by that - a scramjet with everything that belongs to it, will be placed in one directory. This then you can delete without affecting the other parts.

Edited by kyklop
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  • 4 weeks later...

I just noticed an odd problem with the service module parts, on KSP 0.23.

If I build a ship that's just a command pod, fuel tank, and engine (and use hyperedit to get that to orbit to mess around with, so I don't have to launch it every time), I can turn on SAS, and then use the WASD keys to turn around as I'm used to. However, if I put one of your service module parts on the same ship, it seems that it takes whatever the heading was when SAS was turned on, and tries to keep the ship on that heading. Using WASD while SAS is on only lets me turn so far, because the service module code is trying to pull it back to the original heading. Even if I turn off the reaction wheels in the service module, it still does this.

Does that explanation make sense?

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If with active SAS (key T) You'll do an maneuver using the WASD keys, service module tries to return the machine to its original orientation. Reaction whells are in the service modules quite strong and have "less attenuation" than reaction whells in the "command pods". So the process that was enough to change the orientation without service module, with the service module is not sufficient.

Try to use the key F for short "cut-off" SAS during maneuver or after its completion - it is actually a "reset" SAS and the new orientation taken as default.

Another possibility is that the basic orientation of the service module and command pods is different and two SAS blocks counteract each other...

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Yeah, using "F" and "T" to turn on/off SAS for short or long periods of time (or just reset it) worked, but it was really hard to fly, considering what I'm used to. I've never encountered this kind of problem before, even when I've had lots of SAS reaction wheels on crafts before. For example, I had a rover that had so much SAS reaction wheel torque, it was able to roll or pitch over completely, in a 360, while on the surface of Kerbin. The reaction wheels were also able to hold it at crazy angles. With SAS activated it while it was facing normally, I could press "S" and it would lift the front wheels off the ground, and when I released "S", it would stay like that. The behaviour I've been seeing with the service modules, even ones without much torque (5), is that it wouldn't stay where I'd left it facing after releasing "S", it would go back to the way it was facing when I activated SAS.

I'll try to to a bit more investigation. I looked at the part.cfg files for the service module, and it looks functionally the same as the Squad SAS reaction wheel part... so I dunno what's going on.

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It seems that I have found one possible source of the problem - all service moduls have in header "module = SASModule" (as is defined in "old style" cfg file) instead of the probably correct "module = Part". So that the parts actually have defined two different SAS modules, which can be a source of problems.

Repair begun...

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