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BROKEN [0.90] TextureReplacer 2.1.2 (20.12.2014)


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No :)

It is the awesome AncientGammoner's High Resolution Kerbin

Cloud layers from "Clouds and city lights" mod are exceptionally good looking from the surface, but not so good from orbit. Oh, I have a screen ))


So I use only textures.

And the skybox, of course - I like this and this.

These are dark enough, but with small amount of bright stars.

Rareden's skybox is too bright.

Edited by MaxP
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and compresses uncompressed textures from `GameData/` that are loaded in RAM.

If only diffuse textures for Kerbals are replaced but not normal maps, the stock normal maps are kept.

Replacing only normal map is not supported.

Replacing normal maps for planets is not supported since it doesn't make sense as a planet's normal map must match its heightmap data.

Some things my slow brain does not swallow easily ...

Does this make rbray89's Active Memory Reduction Mod redundant?

What does this mean for the diffuse Kerbals? :confused:

In UR there were often two files per planet/moon - was the second the normal map you are talking about?

Can someone explain to me please, why it was used if it does not make sense to do so?

And: Which compression level would be best (using IrfanView to convert PNG to TGA), as TGA files are 10 times larger ... :P

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1. It is meant it goes though all the textures loaded from GameData/ and tries to compress those which are not compressed. It does not succeed every time as some textures are not loaded in RAM (although API says they are).

2. When I implemented texture compression I was looking at Active Memory Reduction Mod how it's done there. I do it the same way, so there should be no difference.

3. Diffuse texture means the colour texture. Beside diffuse texture we also know normal maps that define the normal in each pixel (texel) to create visual bumps although the surface is geometrically flat, emission textures to define how pixels glow at night etc.

4. Yes, the second texture for planets in UR is a normal map. It makes no sense to replace it. If you change it, "bumps" won't match the actual heightmap data.

5. I use Gimp and save with RLE compression (be sure to use RGB, indexed colours + RLE is no-go for Unity). TGAs are much larger, but only on disk. Once loaded in RAM they are either uncompressed or compressed in DXT1/DXT5 format (if already compressed as MBMs or compressed on start-up by TextureReplacer or AMR mod).

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OK, thanks!


Directory Layout

The textures to be replaced should be put into `GameData/TextureReplacer/Textures` and have the following names (plus .tga/.png/.mbm extensions, of course):

kerbalHead // Kerbal head
kerbalMain // IVA suit (veteran)
kerbalMainGrey // IVA suit (standard)
kerbalHelmetGrey // IVA helmet
EVAtexture // EVA suit
EVAhelmet // EVA helmet
EVAjetpack // EVA jetpack
kerbalMainNRM // normal map for IVA suit (standard & veteran)
kerbalHelmetNRM // normal map for IVA & EVA helmet
EVAtextureNRM // normal map for EVA suit
EVAjetpackNRM // normal map for EVA jetpack

GalaxyTex_NegativeX // Skybox -X
GalaxyTex_PositiveX // Skybox +X
GalaxyTex_NegativeY // Skybox -Y
GalaxyTex_PositiveY // Skybox +Y
GalaxyTex_NegativeZ // Skybox -Z
GalaxyTex_PositiveZ // Skybox +Z

suncoronanew // Sun corona
moho00 // Moho
Eve2_00 // Eve
evemoon100 // Gilly
KerbinScaledSpace300 // Kerbin
NewMunSurfaceMapDiffuse // Mün
NewMunSurfaceMap00 // Minmus
Duna5_00 // Duna
desertplanetmoon00 // Ike
dwarfplanet100 // Dres
gas1_clouds // Jool
newoceanmoon00 // Laythe
gp1icemoon00 // Vall
rockymoon100 // Tylo
gp1minormoon100 // Bop
gp1minormoon200 // Pol
snowydwarfplanet00 // Eeloo

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1. It is meant it goes though all the textures loaded from GameData/ and tries to compress those which are not compressed. It does not succeed every time as some textures are not loaded in RAM (although API says they are).

2. When I implemented texture compression I was looking at Active Memory Reduction Mod how it's done there. I do it the same way, so there should be no difference.

3. Diffuse texture means the colour texture. Beside diffuse texture we also know normal maps that define the normal in each pixel (texel) to create visual bumps although the surface is geometrically flat, emission textures to define how pixels glow at night etc.

4. Yes, the second texture for planets in UR is a normal map. It makes no sense to replace it. If you change it, "bumps" won't match the actual heightmap data.

5. I use Gimp and save with RLE compression (be sure to use RGB, indexed colours + RLE is no-go for Unity). TGAs are much larger, but only on disk. Once loaded in RAM they are either uncompressed or compressed in DXT1/DXT5 format (if already compressed as MBMs or compressed on start-up by TextureReplacer or AMR mod).

Actually, right now, there is a minor difference in Shaw's compression technique. My texture compressor compresses them right after they are loaded into memory, so if you have lots of uncompressed textures (tga, MBM NormalMap) it might be able to allow you to load an install that would otherwise crash-at-load.

I'm also working on further memory improvements (ie. compressing/resizing all textures including un-readable ones).

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I it says that TGAs are recommended over PNGs but the textures Ive found have all been PNGs. Is there a converter out there? or is the difference that it would make not worth the hassle?

It's actually kind of funny with the state of textures in KSP.

MBMs: textures compress (except normal maps) & generate mip-maps.

TGAs: textures are NOT compressed, but generate mip-maps.

PNGs: textures are compressed, but do not generate mip-maps.

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@Rassa: Most graphics software can save an image as a TGA. I use Gimp or ImageMagick. If you use Linux, you probably have ImageMagick installed, just type "convert image.png image.tga".

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rbray89, the most important question: how it works together? :)

Is there better loading priority? I.e. TextureCompressor loads first and compress uncompressed textures not compressed by another texture compressor, or vise versa?

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rbray89, the most important question: how it works together? :)

Is there better loading priority? I.e. TextureCompressor loads first and compress uncompressed textures not compressed by another texture compressor, or vise versa?

My mod currently compresses them almost immediately after loading. That is the big difference. In the next release, there will be a lot of configurable parameters to shrink textures, change filtering, compression etc.

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I get this


With the soviet space suit.

The files are:







all pngs

anyway to fix?

Also kerbin's clouds "twinkle" when you view them from a distance. It's really wierd



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