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BROKEN [0.90] TextureReplacer 2.1.2 (20.12.2014)


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  shrub said:
I get this


With the soviet space suit.

The files are:







all pngs

anyway to fix?

Also kerbin's clouds "twinkle" when you view them from a distance. It's really wierd



The "twinkle" is due to the PNG's not creating mip-maps. Switch to TGA or MBM and that will go away.

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@shrub: Are you using version 0.7.1? Only in 0.7.1 normal maps get properly replaced. Have changed transparency on PNGs? I saw a post on Universe Replacer threat that transparency issues could also cause this.

@KerbMav: Which converter do you use? Try Gimp. And set RGB colours, since Unity has issues with indexed TGAs.

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  rbray89 said:
The "twinkle" is due to the PNG's not creating mip-maps. Switch to TGA or MBM and that will go away.

Updating to .7.1 and converting to tgas fixed my problem

Thanks guys

Here is Sido's pack and the Soviet Space Suit in tga if anyone wants it


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Got .8 and Sido's pack in TGA from above... skybox still not working. *sigh* Guess I'm just meant to be using the default.

maybe I should go and install the Soviet suit textures, if only to see if this has any effect at all for me.


BoulderCo (of course), Crew Manifest, DRRobotics, Goblin Enterprises (heat shield part only), Hull Camera VDS, ISA, KAS, Keramzit (Procedural Fairings), Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, Kerbaltek (HyperEdit), MechJeb2, NavyFish (Docking Port Alignment Indicator), nothke DROMOMAN, RCS Build Aid, SCANsat, SelectRoot, TextureReplacer (duh), VibraDyn (parts for SCANsat).

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Is there a way to tell Gimp/ImageMagick to turn all PNGs into TGAs in all subfolders?

MBMs: textures compress (except normal maps) & generate mip-maps.

TGAs: textures are NOT compressed, but generate mip-maps.

PNGs: textures are compressed, but do not generate mip-maps.

Also, is this just stock KSP behaviour?

Else it wouldn't make sense to recommend using TGAs, right?

Edited by KerbMav
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@Zoom: Could you PM me your KSP.log (from TR 0.8)? Maybe I can find out what's wrong.

@KerbMav: This is stock behaviour. KSP (or Unity) from 20.1 on has some bug that causes PNG-related issues.

If you're on Linux (i guess it should work on OS X too in bash shell) you can convert all PNGs in subdirectories using ImageMagick like

list=`find . -name '*.png'`; for file in $list; do tgafile=`echo $file | sed 's/png$/tga/'`; convert $file $tgafile; done

Check if everything is ok and then delete all PNGs:

find . -name '*.png' -exec rm '{}' \;

However, if texture names include spaces, things get nasty. And script that would be able to handle spaces would be ever nastier.

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@shaw: I had some trouble using ImageMagick to mass convert textures before, though I was using the mogrify command to do it. Never tried it with just 'convert' -- that seems a lot simpler.

Anywho, I manually converted textures to TGA using Gimp. These packs are:

Rareden's skybox

AncientGammoner's High Res Kerbin (the 8k Matte version)

eRe4s3r's sun corona

Klakh's planet and moon pack (with the exception of Laythe and anything else with clouds).

Zip of converted textures: http://www.filedropper.com/texturereplacer-convertedtextures

It's big. But it's working in TextureReplacer 0.8. Filedropper only keeps files online for 24 hours or so, so if any of the authors have a problem with their textures being converted and packaged together with others, I'll just let the link expire.

Otherwise, I can post it elsewhere.

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Just wanted to publicly thank shaw for giving generously of his time to try to figure out why this wasn't working for me. I finally tracked it down to running an old version of Module Manager (1.0 something, from August, instead of 1.5, which came out at the very end of November). The skybox shows up fine now.

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TextureReplacer 0.8 looks to be working in .23, but I hear .TGA is now not the optimal compression with the new version? I feel like I get slightly worse FPS when focusing the camera at Kerbin now, and my clock is frequently showing yellow where it wasn't previously in .22.

Any insight Shaw?

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I feel like I get slightly worse FPS when focusing the camera at Kerbin now, and my clock is frequently showing yellow where it wasn't previously in .22.

"I feel" is a keyword. Just feel all is fine, and all will be fine.

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There's no reason why texture compression would be uglier with TGAs than PNGs. Both are compressed to DXT1/DXT5 when already uncompressed from deflate/RLE and loaded in memory. Maybe squad switched to lower-quality setting in the texture compression function to make it faster. But this doesn't really make sense since this function has a parameter to tell it whether one wants to use the high quality.

I'll look into this later.

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