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[0.25] 6S Service Compartment Tubes - "Design smooth!"


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Is there any way to make them longer?

Making your own personal-use variations of structural parts like this which are geometrically simple is fairly trivial. Simply make a copy of the part's configuration file within the same directory, and change a few lines with a text editor. In this specific case, for example, you could copy SerCom2m.cfg to SerCom2mLong.cfg and edit:

name = SerComLonger <- this is used to identify the part within the program, must be unique and have no spaces

scale = 0.8, 1.6, 0.8 <- this rescales the part model, in this case doubling its length from the original

node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.374, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 <- these two lines set the points where the part connects to adjoining parts
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.374, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2

That's the absolute minimum changes needed. You would probably also want to increase the mass, and if you're using it in career mode the cost figures. If you compare the lines above to those in the original part.cfg you should be able to work out the math needed to make other sizes if needed.

The wiki http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CFG_File_Documentation contains most of the information you need to enable you to create your own modified parts like this, although some is outdated or incomplete and needs to be gleaned from the forum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/37-Add-on-Development.

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Can I just repeat the request for doors that open automatically? I use these on probes rather a lot. (Can this be done with a config edit? If so, how?)

Also, I have an unapproved use: as a very bare-bones lander cabin to provide slightly more protection to a kerbal in a command seat. However it'd be nice to be able to open the hatch rather than clipping a kerbal through the side of the container.

Edited by Sauron
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Making your own personal-use variations of structural parts like this which are geometrically simple is fairly trivial. Simply make a copy of the part's configuration file within the same directory, and change a few lines with a text editor. In this specific case, for example, you could copy SerCom2m.cfg to SerCom2mLong.cfg and edit:

That's the absolute minimum changes needed. You would probably also want to increase the mass, and if you're using it in career mode the cost figures. If you compare the lines above to those in the original part.cfg you should be able to work out the math needed to make other sizes if needed.

The wiki http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CFG_File_Documentation contains most of the information you need to enable you to create your own modified parts like this, although some is outdated or incomplete and needs to be gleaned from the forum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/37-Add-on-Development.

Thanks, that's really usefull to know. I thought that it's impossible to scale single dimension without using 3D modeling soft. Never really looked into part config files before, probably should before asking, but i was almost sure there is only some kind of "rescale factor" setting or something.

I... I don't know how to respond to this.

Well, the parts does not really have any practical function, like, at all. It's just the coolness factor of cargo bay doors - you can pretty much replace them with big SAS part or interstage and it will do exactly same thing (except that you will have to fiddle with camera zoom for a while). It's just that when it comes to coolness factor and getting part count at decent level, part count comes first.

Hope the config rescaling wont mess texture much.

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Can I just repeat the request for doors that open automatically?

I think you just need to update firespitter and the doors will open automatically. I think.

Any chance of getting an internal stack node? So that one could hide a Science Jr inside one?

Other alternatives: Part Clipping/Radial Attachment Points, add your own node.

Problem with adding another node is it's HARD to attach to the right node with that space. Part Clipping/Attachment points are better imo.

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There is one thing this mod needs. Some kind of retractable cover for service bays that are directly on bottom of ships.

Such bay can be used to store rover, like on this picture


But if i put rover back (using roboti arm or rover rockets), there is no way to cover it back.

Sure, i can use decoupler and some kind of adapter to cover it in vab, but i cant reuse such cover.

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Can I just repeat the request for doors that open automatically? I use these on probes rather a lot. (Can this be done with a config edit? If so, how?)

IN the config there is a line in the module area

availableInVessel = False

Change the line to read:

availableInVessel = True

i've tested this out on my own save file and it opens and closes in eva and in cockpit (also works with probes), just remember to always make backups! :cool:

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I also met an evil bug , when opening doors was glitched. When I pressed "open" it teleported to open position and started closing animation.

This was not a firespitter.dll problem: bug started without installing new firespitter , I think it's some mod conflict.

Anyway , I found a solution for this bug , maybe this will help other players:

in cfg files for both parts find

startEventGUIName = Open service hatch

endEventGUIName = Close service hatch

//toggleActionName = Toggle service hatch

Delete first 2 lines , remove // from 3rd line

This will make only default option available "retract" and "deploy" , but thats a low price for working part.

I think this bug is caused by conflict , which makes part forget what position its in , so making button a simple switch helps.

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I have problems with these parts.

I cant open them. Nor in VAB, nor in flight on EVA.

What coudl be causing this?

I've seen one report that issues with some versions of RemoteTech caused problems with these opening, though I don't use RT myself, so can't confirm if it still happens. Also, it's worth checking your other mods to make sure they're all up to date.

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--Extra Tubes--




[td]I have made a set of cfgs for extra tubes to expand this fantastic mod. As well as the original two varieties, there is now a 3.75m tube and taller variants of all three sizes (Making 6 different types in total!). They have all had their mass, cost and position in the tech-tree balanced.

1.25m and tall 1.25m tubes are available under general construction.

2.5m and tall 2.5m tubes are available under heavy rocketry.

3.75m and tall 3.75m tubes are available under very heavy rocketry.

These use the existing models, so you will need the main mod available in the OP. You will also need ModuleManager.

To install, simply extract the zip to your GameData folder. (It will ask if you want to merge folders, click yes)

Based on 6S Service Compartment Tubes by nothke, which is licensed under 88x31.png(Click image for written summary)




Edited by a__gun
Updated download + details
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This might be a hilariously stupid question, but I'll dare it anyway.

Does this reduce the part count, or is it just for covering them up, and making it easier to create aerodynamic rockets?

Nope, zero part reduction. It's just a better alternative than sticking stuff on random spots of your ship.

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