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What would you build with Saturn's rings?


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This article got me thinking.

Lets pretend for a moment that Humans are reckless creatures of science & engineering with no regard for the future as long as we do epic things in the name of science and domination of our environment. Saturn's rings would be a pretty awesome place to build a sandcastle, right?

Speculate: how could these technologically advanced Terrans, careless in their search of glory use Saturn's rings to make something epic.

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I'm thinking the tyrants could place a massive amount of heavy metals and like, Earth waste, and tow in asteroids, and maybe tow in some of Saturn's smaller satellites, toss in our nuclear waste, just freakin' dump em all in together, in a powerful eccentric orbit. And then wait... you know, see what happens. For science.

If you were in control of a technologically unlimited fleet of spaceships and manpower, what would you do with Saturn's rings?

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What would yuil build with Saturns Rings?

Most of them i would preserve ... and with a little bit of the material I would build a space hotel with view of Saturn and the remaining rings ... the view should be epic

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An asteroid belt seems to be epic enough for me to modify it. Maybe I would take it away from Saturn and put it in orbit around Earth. Waking up in the morning, looking up and admiring those beautiful pieces of spacecrap just destroying everything we have put into orbit, and making Kessler syndrome amazingness even cooler as the pieces of space debris and rocks destroy our neighborhood...

Ahhh... the marvels of the future technology when you combine it with human selfishness and stupidity... marvelous...

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I would collect all the water ice and anything else that is useful like frozen nitrogen and make mini comets out of them.

Then cover these mini comets in white colored dust and shoot them at Mars to skim the upper atmosphere and melt them without hitting the surface.

Assuming there is enough material in the rings, you might be able to thicken the atmosphere and hydrate Mars.

It would be a shame to ruin the view though, the Oort cloud/Kuiper Belt might be better for this.

Edited by Tommygun
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I would collect all the water ice and anything else that is useful like frozen nitrogen and make mini comets out of them.

Then cover these mini comets in white colored dust and shoot them at Mars to skim the upper atmosphere and melt them without hitting the surface.

Assuming there is enough material in the rings, you might be able to thicken the atmosphere and hydrate Mars.

It would be a shame to ruin the view though, the Oort cloud/Kuiper Belt might be better for this.

Tommygun that is a fascinating prospect. I think the Terran Empire would agree.

In all reality, would such a feat of planetary engineering work? On

, they tell the story of when the impact from space took out the dinosaurs. A very big spacerock slams into the Earth and shoots a stream of molten rock into space, this cloud of dust travels out... stops... and begins it's descent back to earth. As the dinosaurs are witnessing the greatest meteor shower in the history of our planet, this massive cloud of rock and glass falling through the atmosphere heats the air to pizza oven temperatures and wipes out the dinosaurs *<--- short version of their take on the extinction*

So take that theory and apply it in a different way (without the impact, and ice instead of rock),

if we bombard Mars with ice collected from all over our solar system, would it begin to hydrate?

PS: The other answers posted are awesome, some of them more devious than others. An Interplanetary Ultimate Frisbee course = epic, an orbiting space hotel featuring a view of Saturn = epic, with a Saturn-sized Stargate we could steal it's rings then destroy Saturn with the Stargate although you would need another gate to connect-to-so-where-woulditbeidontknowmybrainisbreaking, Suko hit the nail on the head with putting it around earth. Not only would we wake up in the morning to the sun shimmering through Earth's ring system, but we'd also have a bunch of rocks coming through the atmosphere and satellites being destroyed... you know what that's a bad idea, lets not do that one.

Edited by Latcarf
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I would collect it into one gigantic moon.

Then, I would merge all of Saturn's moons into one mega-moon, and merge it with all of the moons, asteroids, dwarf planets, and Oort Cloud objects along with the Kuiper Belt objects in the Solar System.

Finally, I will fling it in the same trajectory as Comet ISON, thus making the world's brightest comet.

Edited by bigyihsuan
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while we're at it, moving mars into a jupiter orbit would give it the benefit of a magnetic field to protect the new atmosphere... although it'd then be a bit chilly.. use the rest of the rings to make a reflective dish to increase sunlight on mars in it's new orbit! marvelous

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