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Worst Survivable Indignity a Kerbal has "experienced" with you this week.

Rocket Farmer

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For me its a tight race.

2nd place goes to while heading from Kerbin to Laythe I found that right after rounding Jool at a 1,000km perapsis I could hit Laythe and do my atmospheric burn at Laythe to be captured into orbit saving me a transfer from Jool to Laythe. Seemed like a perfect plan. One small problem was I didn't account for was that I was getting a slingshot directly head-on to Laythe so instead of the regular 3.5km/s to 1.7km/s speed change I had to go from 7.5km/s to 1.7km/s. Not only did my poor Kerbal get to experience 23.6gs but throughout the atmospheric burn the ship rotated extremely fast. If the poor Kerbal wasn't green before that he certainly would have been after.

1st place however goes to Jeb who was showing off his EVA prowess to my wife by landing by the top lip of a Mun canyon. However his forward momentum just carried him over and he tripped resulting in him skidding helmet first down the entire hill ragdolling for 1.5kms. My wife didn't talk to me for over an hour.

What tragic indignity has a Kerbal survived in your space program this week?

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My kerbals don't survive the indignities that I visit upon them.

Jeb died earlier this week by hijacking a mission I had assigned to Hadley (you know how it goes with the Revert to VAB... Jeb always muscles in)... So fine Jeb, you wanna fly this highly seat of the pants test mission that I was going to assign to a Junior kerb, Ok, thats your right I guess.... ooops, water is especially hard at 700 m/s I guess.... Perhaps you shouldn't jump in on every mission!

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I got the senator add-on (krags planet factory) and came back straight into kerbins atmosphere at 5364 meteres per second. I still survived but had to pull my shoot at the right time.. Very little re-entry effects and it took about 3 seconds to get to full shoot deployment.

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Well I managed to launch a manned rocket without it's pilot in it.

Everything was fine until I released the satellite it was carrying and the manned part of the craft went dead and the satellite functioned normally.

That's when I realized I had left the pilot back on Kerbin.

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Designed a new RoV to be delivered to Duna with a manned lander..

Decided to do a test run at KSC with a couple of SRBs to boost it to parachute height.... came down perfectly, got Bill out..... released the rover and swapped to it... then managed to roll it and land it right on top of Bill

I think Jeb was laughing :D


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Entering Duna in my little lander, steepish entry profile to try and target a landing site. Watching the height tick down, power the engines up just a tickle as we approach 2,500 metres to soften the blow of the drogue shoot opening fully...

PFFT! Drogue ... um, is gone. Engines are still firing, but not very much. Try to increase throttle to bring us in on a fully powered landing. Throttle does not respond. Look more closely - not only is the drogue missing, but so is the lander can it was attached to.

Press [ to see a lander can plummeting down at 30ish metres per second, under a fully deployed drogue chute. Apparently I needed more throttle on those engines to absorb the shock of the deployment, or pick a shallower entry angle. Lander can not expected to survive the 30 m/s impact with Duna's surface. Resign myself to losing my Kerbal.

Then a bright idea strikes me - the jetpack! Jump out of the lander can, power the pack up and thrust upwards. The Kerbal hits the Duna surface at a teeth-jarring speed, but lives.

He's landed next to the fully intact lander can. Grrr!

Send the rescue lander (identical). Use full throttle for drogue deployment this time. It works. Lands 10km from the crash site (precision landings with atmospheric descents are so annoyingly fiddly). My Kerbal has to get there. Rather than walking, he decides to fly as far as he can with his jetpack, so sets off zooming over the surface...

...at 5km to go, he flies into a rock and dies instantly.

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  Tommygun said:
Well I managed to launch a manned rocket without it's pilot in it.

Everything was fine until I released the satellite it was carrying and the manned part of the craft went dead and the satellite functioned normally.

That's when I realized I had left the pilot back on Kerbin.

I kinda did that with a big habitat module I was sending to the Mun. I had got all the infrastructure, and built this huge ship that would lug about 30 kerbals to the Mun, and had them all filled. I flew the module to the Mun only to realize that I never bothered to look down at the Kerbals in the pods, and it was being piloted by a single one.

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My recent Mun mission went afoul. When I separated the 2 passenger lander from the transit vehicle two of its four engines got ripped off (a design flaw). At this point it couldn't land properly and crashed. Fortunately, Jeb and Bill survived and Bob came to rescue them in a 3 passenger lander. Unfortunately, he also came with two other guys because I forgot to unload them. Jeb, Bill and Bob all returned to Kerbin safely. The two extras are on an "extended mission" to the Mun.

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Not really last week, but a couple of weeks ago I was stunt-flying around the K2 mountain near the KSC. Got a bit too close and ripped a wing off. The aircraft spiralled out of control, and the pilot "Hadley Kerman" was surely doomed, but then for a split second, the jet flipped around and hovered at ~0 m/s in mid air. I made the decision to EVA Hadley and jump! He fell a good few 100 meters, before hitting the side of a mountain and sliding to a halt after a further few 100m. The crippled aircraft slammed into the mountain above him and completely disintegrated. I felt so proud :)

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  Ashflare said:
Hanging precariously from a jetplane by KAS winch.

I had good reasons for doing this in the name of science, I'm sure...

Something similiar happened to me :) I've landed three Kerbals on the Mun and sent the commander to plant the flag. He did so, but was unable to re-enter his ship - apparently i've welded a parachute too close to the hatch, and collider was blocking it. What to do? I wasn't keen on trying to lift-off with him hanging from the ladder, so... Well, i've plugged KAS connector to the hapless kerbonaut, reeled him up and took off :) Poor guy spent entire trip back home tethered to the side of the lander like some weird ornament :sticktongue: I've released him from this humiliating position only after parking the lander next to my space station.

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I was testing a long rage SSTO by visiting the Armstrong Memorial. On takeoff, I thought the plane would miss the large hill at the rim of the cater, I was wrong. After realizing that the Atomic Rockets were not able to get it over the hill in time, Jeb jumped out of the cockpit. A fraction of a second later the plane slammed into the ground at over 500 m/s. Amazingly, over 20 bits and pieces (one piece weighting like 5 tons) AND Jeb, were somehow shot OVER the hill by the explosion. Jebs apoapsis was moved from the original 20 Km to over 100 Km, along with the 20 debris. Jeb got to orbit with like 90% of his fuel left, but rather than waiting days for a rescue craft, Jeb decided to return home. With ONLY HIS SPACESUIT Jeb aerobraked at Kerbin (with flames) until he was able to get an encounter with the space station, he did not have enough fuel left to reduce his relative speed. So the space station's escape pod was send out to get him.

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Mine has to be my rover nearly being lost loading a quick save. I had not used quicksave in so long that it reverted my save back to the start of my second Mun landing. Good thing I had just transferred my KSP folder over to my backup drive, returned the file back to normal and relaunched the rover mission.

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  • 2 months later...

I had a nice largish exploration vessel (KSV-01 Duna was its name, really should have been KSV-02 but my first major vessel didn't get out of the atmosphere) in Kerbin orbit still with it LF booster rockets attached to the sides. I had originally equipped it with four smaller rockets outboard to help with boosting and four nuke rockets for the long burns for my first shot for Duna this play through but an error lead me with only one engine being attached. OK, I can work with this, no problem...

I had the boosters partially fuelled from an orbital tanker, attached a too large lander to the front (meant for multiple uses around Duna), settled the seven crew into positions, got the thing oriented and started my burn...

The first problem was the lander, the swaying got too much and it decided to not go on the trip to Duna less than a minute into the burn...

OK I can work with this, I still got the vessel, it has the crew and science experiments, no need to worry.

The boosters run out and I decouple them. Their little SRBs start their little burn to shoot them away from the vessel, only to fly straight into the four nuke rockets burning away. Now Jeb, Bill (or was it Bob?), and five others are in an elliptical orbit around Kerbin that takes them almost out to Minmus before screaming back in for a relatively close 125km flyby of Kerbin. Well crap...

I look at the craft, look at the orbit, look at the craft... wait it still has that one lone rocket engine on it! And the fuel as well! I can use that to do something about this! So I turn on that lonely little engine, the entire ship starts spinning. I ease back on the throttle till it stops that spinning. RCS is firing, keeping the nose pointing in relatively the right direction, then that runs out. That's it, I'm done with that. Time to design a rescue boat.

That only set them heading out halfway to Minmus, where they still orbit for now, enough food, water and O2 to last for nearly three years, a nuclear reactor to keep them in power.

Meanwhile the new and improved KSV-03 Eve is on its merry way with three green crew on their first mission, likely to be stranded there until I can get a kethane miner out there to help them out. Turns out putting a L torus ring containing fuel right below the upper stabilizing rockets isn't that good of an idea, no real big loss there.

Note: KSV-02 was the tanker I had used. Also seeing this thread made me decide to post that little adventure.

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Landed On The Mun With Bill and i had A Solar Panel In My Storage Box (KAS) to put on one of my rovers as its solar panel broke off unfortunately I did not realise that the rover was right on the edge of the large crater near the Neil armstrong Memorial. So after i put it on i decided to treat Bill To a quick exploration of the mun and maybe gather a rock or two accelerate and whoops! i soon realise I'm rolling down a hill with a seat attached to bill but no rover (at first i thought jeb thought he was going and sneakily attached some boosters to the seat but i realised my rover had done a backflip and scraped the lights and the rover seat off then he rolled down the crater about 2km with a seat superglued to him as if that wasn't enough then to get uphe kept falling down when he got near the top as it got to steep so in total he probably fell a distance of 7km at the same crater for some reason he was smiling all the way was he turning into jeb?

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Hm. Not sure if this is the worst this week, but I was unsure whether or not my latest spaceplane was rated for a sea landing, and I was completely out of fuel of any sort, so I decided to glide and hope I came across land. Bill was in there gliding for half an hour before I decided to just land in the sea anyway. Forgot I was in physics warp, oversteered, began to plummet out of control, and had to use the emergency eject and associated parachute, which caused the ejected cockpit to land upside down in the water Bill had spent the last half-hour gliding over in an attempt to avoid.

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  Kurtvw said:
My kerbals don't survive the indignities that I visit upon them.

Jeb died earlier this week by hijacking a mission I had assigned to Hadley (you know how it goes with the Revert to VAB... Jeb always muscles in)... So fine Jeb, you wanna fly this highly seat of the pants test mission that I was going to assign to a Junior kerb, Ok, thats your right I guess.... ooops, water is especially hard at 700 m/s I guess.... Perhaps you shouldn't jump in on every mission!

LOL, That is the perfect Jeb story.

  Boris_T_Roach said:
Designed a new RoV to be delivered to Duna with a manned lander..

Decided to do a test run at KSC with a couple of SRBs to boost it to parachute height.... came down perfectly, got Bill out..... released the rover and swapped to it... then managed to roll it and land it right on top of Bill

I think Jeb was laughing :D


XD That is awesome. Had a good laugh at that, thank you.

  Space_Meerkat said:
Landed On The Mun With Bill and i had A Solar Panel In My Storage Box (KAS) to put on one of my rovers as its solar panel broke off unfortunately I did not realise that the rover was right on the edge of the large crater near the Neil armstrong Memorial. So after i put it on i decided to treat Bill To a quick exploration of the mun and maybe gather a rock or two accelerate and whoops! i soon realise I'm rolling down a hill with a seat attached to bill but no rover (at first i thought jeb thought he was going and sneakily attached some boosters to the seat but i realised my rover had done a backflip and scraped the lights and the rover seat off then he rolled down the crater about 2km with a seat superglued to him as if that wasn't enough then to get uphe kept falling down when he got near the top as it got to steep so in total he probably fell a distance of 7km at the same crater for some reason he was smiling all the way was he turning into jeb?

BWAHAHA. This thread rocks!

As for me, well.. probably all the stuff I put poor Patmon through this week. I had him hung upside-down on a rover going 120m/s just to see how long it was before he fell off. I aloso blew him up, drowned him, crushed him, flung him... uh, ran him over at least once, and more indignities that didn't make it in the video.

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"Oops! I'm afraid that the capsule exploded accidentally after Jeb, Bill, and Bob somehow appeared on a ship meant for the legendary trio! It's definately a coincidence that I turned respawns off before the crash to test... Stuff, and the escape system ended up eating the ground after the parachute was accidentally left off!"

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Bob completed a Münar landing by bailing out of the lander when it ran out of fuel and killing 200m/s of delta-V with the jetpack. He's stranded on the surface with almost no EVA fuel, waiting for a rescue team to show up whenever I discover ladders :D

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Not this week, but from the last time I played --

Two Junior recruits were signed in for the first test orbit of a Mun mission equipped with an orbiter, an unmanned science lander and a manned sample collecting lander. The pilot was sitting in the main orbiters's can, and the co-pilot inside the manned lander module. After completing the rendez-vous with the refuelling orbiter, a small design oversight was noticed -- the engineers had blocked the manned lander's door by placing four spherical RCS tanks around the lander's tank instead of two. The Junior inside would be able to get out, but it would have been impossible to reenter the can.

With an orange tank and half of fuel loaded in, KSC decided the whole contraption was spaceworthy enough, and allowed the test to be extended for as far as it could run before safely returning to Kerbin.

What the poor Junior-in-a-can couldn't suspect was the dummy ship would end doing a Grand Tour, visiting Mun, Duna, Jool and all its moons before heading back home. And unlike the science lander, which landed on Pol and ended as a floating station at Laythe, in all that time the manned lander wasn't used a single time, except to transfer out fuel and store in some science. Junior had to sit there trapped in the can for the whole trip, fiddling his thumbs for years while the captain did all the work. The first time he ever got to do something was to board the LKO capsule that taxied them back home.

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