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[1.12.x] Ship Manifest (Crew, Science, & Resources) - v - 28 Apr 23


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Thanks for the reply Papa_Joe! I have the hatches open though :(. I noticed in the cls interface that the ships wouldn't register as connected until I opened them. Maybe it's the KSOS docking ports? I haven't unlocked the regular ones in my career yet so haven't tried them.

Later in the mission I discovered I was also unable to xfer science between these two ships, regardless of CLS useage. Again these may be issues with the KSOS docking ports or even a different mod, I'll try to spend some time testing to confirm when I get a chance.

Excellent mod and thanks again for your reply :cool:

Thanks for the kind words, and you are most welcome of a response.

If hatches are open, then it may be a lack of Module Manager Config files for that mod. codepoet includes configs for some of the major mods, and some mod authors are now distributing MM configs for CLS. Check out my op for the link to the CLS thriead and see if the mods in question have configs created. However you indicated that CLS showed contiguous spaces, so... hmm...

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(Posting again in the RIGHT thread)

I wonder, is it possible for the 'Realism' mode, or just an optional setting, to have experiments rendered 'Inoperable' after transferring the data from them to another science container, as they would be if you transmitted the results?

I am trying to devise a relatively stock-friendly way of rigging station science that uses resources and returns science data. Right now I can do it by transmitting results to the ground and then cleaning up using a lab module, but I'd like to be able to move the data to a capsule and send it back to the ground ala Shuttle, Dragon or Soyuz.

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(Posting again in the RIGHT thread)

I wonder, is it possible for the 'Realism' mode, or just an optional setting, to have experiments rendered 'Inoperable' after transferring the data from them to another science container, as they would be if you transmitted the results?

I am trying to devise a relatively stock-friendly way of rigging station science that uses resources and returns science data. Right now I can do it by transmitting results to the ground and then cleaning up using a lab module, but I'd like to be able to move the data to a capsule and send it back to the ground ala Shuttle, Dragon or Soyuz.

With Realism Mode on, experiments ARE rendered inoperable. If you are experiencing something different, please post your version of SM, along with your configuration settngs. (xml file in the plugin\plugindata\ShipManifest folder)


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Is it just me, or whenever science data gets transferred, it mysteriously vanishes on save and does not reappear on load? This sort of thing happens pretty repeatably for me.

First I've heard of that one.

Let me do some investigations to see if I can repeat the problem. is it consistent, or intermittent?

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I'm having a minor problem, where I'm unable to close Ship Manifest after opening it with the toolbar. Clicking the toolbar icon first opens the crew manifest successfully, and all the transfers and management work great. However, when I'm done, clicking the toolbar icon again does not close the crew manifest window, and there aren't any close buttons on the GUI itself. To fix it, I have to exit to the tracking center and reload the flight. All other mods using toolbar open/close succesfully, and toolbar is updated to it's latest version.


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First I've heard of that one.

Let me do some investigations to see if I can repeat the problem. is it consistent, or intermittent?

It happened pretty consistently to me. Transferring an experiment result, say, goo, or a surface sample, into a pod, then transferring it to a lab for future processing, going back to tracking station -- upon return, the data is just missing. Same thing if I quickload to a point before I went to tracking station.

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I'm having a minor problem, where I'm unable to close Ship Manifest after opening it with the toolbar. Clicking the toolbar icon first opens the crew manifest successfully, and all the transfers and management work great. However, when I'm done, clicking the toolbar icon again does not close the crew manifest window, and there aren't any close buttons on the GUI itself. To fix it, I have to exit to the tracking center and reload the flight. All other mods using toolbar open/close succesfully, and toolbar is updated to it's latest version.


Hmm... New one to me. Try a quick eva and board back into the vessel. That will force a close of the window. Let me know if that works.

What version of SM?

It happened pretty consistently to me. Transferring an experiment result, say, goo, or a surface sample, into a pod, then transferring it to a lab for future processing, going back to tracking station -- upon return, the data is just missing. Same thing if I quickload to a point before I went to tracking station.

So this is occurring when you switch vessels or scenes, and back again, correct?

It sounds like I may need to refresh the vessel after the transfer, but that should be managed by KSP... I'll take a closer look.

Anyone else experiencing this?

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Hmm... New one to me. Try a quick eva and board back into the vessel. That will force a close of the window. Let me know if that works.

What version of SM?

The May 29 version. Disabling a bunch of other mods fixed the problem. I'm going to try to track down specifically which one it was.

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The May 29 version. Disabling a bunch of other mods fixed the problem. I'm going to try to track down specifically which one it was.

Thanks for the response. If you find a compatibility issue, let me know. I'll want to correct it if I can.

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There still seems to be a problem with the highlighting of parts when using both SM and CLS. I think I have observed the following:

1) If you use SM then parts highlight as they should and when you close SM the loose their highlighting and the stock "mouse over" behaviour is present.

2) If you have just CLS installed then parts highlight as they should and when you close SM the loose their highlighting and the stock "mouse over" behaviour is present.

3) If you have both installed you can recreate the problem by:

a) open the CLS GUI and hightlight a space.

B) close the CLS GUI (highlighting is turned off)

c) open SM GUI and highlight some parts

d) close SM GUI

e) mouse over a part and when the mouse leaves the part it gets highlighted with its CLS colours.

I expect this is a problem with CLS, but it seems to be triggered by some sort of SM interaction. Any thoughts?

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There still seems to be a problem with the highlighting of parts when using both SM and CLS. I think I have observed the following:

1) If you use SM then parts highlight as they should and when you close SM the loose their highlighting and the stock "mouse over" behaviour is present.

2) If you have just CLS installed then parts highlight as they should and when you close SM the loose their highlighting and the stock "mouse over" behaviour is present.

3) If you have both installed you can recreate the problem by:

a) open the CLS GUI and hightlight a space.

B) close the CLS GUI (highlighting is turned off)

c) open SM GUI and highlight some parts

d) close SM GUI

e) mouse over a part and when the mouse leaves the part it gets highlighted with its CLS colours.

I expect this is a problem with CLS, but it seems to be triggered by some sort of SM interaction. Any thoughts?

Hey codepoet!

Yes I have observed that same. However, What I discovered was that when I invoke CLSVessel.Highlight(false) during a vessel change event, it does not seem to work.

Specifically, I'm cleaning up the vessel highlighting and reverting everything on a vessel change event. So I'm turning off any highlighting BEFORE the vessel actually changes. This way when you eva, it properly handles the highlighting. This also seemed to affect the crew moves as they use the same handler.

I'm thinking it may be a race condition, where you are updating your vessel info before I invoke the change But, when I replaced all CLSVessel.Highlight calls with a CLSPart.Highlight loop to turn them off, it worked. I have a working fix in my dev version, but have been working on Hatches feature at the moment. I could release a bug fix edition with the hatch features disabled for the moment.


Edited by Papa_Joe
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So, I was trying to transfer science from DMagic's experiments but found out that CM does not see the completed science to transfer.

So you cannot see the parts with DMagic's experiments in the list? or does the part show up, but the experiments don't?

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So, I was trying to transfer science from DMagic's experiments but found out that CM does not see the completed science to transfer.
So you cannot see the parts with DMagic's experiments in the list? or does the part show up, but the experiments don't?

SM won't see it because it's looking at ModuleScienceExperiment.GetData() and .GetScienceCount(), instead of IScienceDataContainer.GetData() and .GetScienceCount() (and it's not using IScienceDataContainer.DumpData() either). So it won't be able to see anything generated by my parts.

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SM won't see it because it's looking at ModuleScienceExperiment.GetData() and .GetScienceCount(), instead of IScienceDataContainer.GetData() and .GetScienceCount() (and it's not using IScienceDataContainer.DumpData() either). So it won't be able to see anything generated by my parts.

Thanks so much for that DMagic!

I will reexamine my code in light of the above.

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SM won't see it because it's looking at ModuleScienceExperiment.GetData() and .GetScienceCount(), instead of IScienceDataContainer.GetData() and .GetScienceCount() (and it's not using IScienceDataContainer.DumpData() either). So it won't be able to see anything generated by my parts.
Thanks so much for that DMagic!

I will reexamine my code in light of the above.

Thanks for looking into this. It's been bugging me for a while till I finally decided to let you know it was happening.

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Thanks for looking into this. It's been bugging me for a while till I finally decided to let you know it was happening.

No problem at all. I want nothing more than to give you a great experience using SM. :). I've made the necessary changes and am testing now.

As a reminder to anyone that is using SM and is reading this thread, please do not hesitate to report problems.

My crude testing skills (and limited mod list) will not catch everything and I cannot fix what I do not know is broken. :)

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Awesome, can't wait for the new version to be released. I've been using this mod since it came out (except when it required CLS. Sorry, wasn't a fan of CLS :/ ). I love this mod and find it a requirement for me to play.

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Awesome, can't wait for the new version to be released. I've been using this mod since it came out (except when it required CLS. Sorry, wasn't a fan of CLS :/ ). I love this mod and find it a requirement for me to play.

No offense taken with the CLS requirement. That is why I made sure there was a download area for previous versions. Don't like the current one, you can still use an old version, and know that you can still get to it.

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I'm so thrilled to see KSP 0.24.0 out! Way cool!

However, it broke Ship Manifest. Squad reworked the kerbal and vessel.CrewRoster namespaces and classes. Enums and method names changed as well.

Got it working again. Release imminent.

NOTE: I have a known issue with highlighting when using CLS. I'm working the issue, but use CLS at your own risk. you may get a repeating error in the SM debug window... Therefore, I have disabled CLS by default in the config included with the release.

You can have CLS installed, this will not cause a problem in and of itself. The problem is in my code, so just disable CLS when you use this new version. I will be working hard to get this highlighting issue resolved once and for all... :(

Pending Release Notes:

Version - 17 Jul, 2014 - 0.24.0 Edition.

- New: Now compatible with KSP 0.24.0. supports x64. Squad reworked crew objects and namespaces this version.

- New: Roster Window now shows vessel to which a kerbal is assigned.

- New: Add support for DMagic Science parts (IDataScienceContainer)

- Bug: SM Still doubling LS resource amounts.

- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62270-0-23-5-Ship-Manifest-%28Crew-Science-Resources%29-v0-23-5-3-2-2-2-May-14?p=1136419&viewfull=1#post1136419

- Known Issue: SM & CLS Highlighting still problematic.

So far tested with Toolbar 1.7.4 and Module Manager 2.2.0.

Final testing and packaging now.

Usability Note: I made a change to the way the Manifest & Transfer windows behave.

Old Behaviour:

1. When clicking on a Resource, the resource stayed selected, and you could only move from resource to resource.

2. To open the Transfer Window you clicked "Transfer" at the bottom of the Manifest Window.

New Behaviour:

1. When clicking on a Resource, the resource stays selected AND the transfer window is automatically opened. No Transfer Button.

2. To close the transfer window, just click on the same resource again. It is now a toggle.

Sounds complicated, but it is actually more intuitive than the old behavior, fewer clicks, and gives me room for the Hatches button, to be added soon in place of the Transfer button.

Edited by Papa_Joe
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I'm so thrilled to see KSP 0.24.0 out! Way cool!

However, it broke Ship Manifest. Squad reworked the kerbal and vessel.CrewRoster namespaces and classes. Enums and method names changed as well.

Got it working again. Release imminent.

NOTE: I have a known issue with highlighting when using CLS. I'm working the issue, but use CLS at your own risk. you may get a repeating error in the SM debug window... Therefore, I have disabled CLS by default in the config included with the release.

You can have CLS installed, this will not cause a problem in and of itself. The problem is in my code, so just disable CLS when you use this new version. I will be working hard to get this highlighting issue resolved once and for all... :(

Pending Release Notes:

Version - 17 Jul, 2014 - 0.24.0 Edition.

- New: Now compatible with KSP 0.24.0. supports x64. Squad reworked crew objects and namespaces this version.

- New: Roster Window now shows vessel to which a kerbal is assigned.

- New: Add support for DMagic Science parts (IDataScienceContainer)

- Bug: SM Still doubling LS resource amounts.

- http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62270-0-23-5-Ship-Manifest-%28Crew-Science-Resources%29-v0-23-5-3-2-2-2-May-14?p=1136419&viewfull=1#post1136419

- Known Issue: SM & CLS Highlighting still problematic.

So far tested with Toolbar 1.7.4 and Module Manager 2.2.0.

Final testing and packaging now.

Usability Note: I made a change to the way the Manifest & Transfer windows behave.

Old Behaviour:

1. When clicking on a Resource, the resource stayed selected, and you could only move from resource to resource.

2. To open the Transfer Window you clicked "Transfer" at the bottom of the Manifest Window.

New Behaviour:

1. When clicking on a Resource, the resource stays selected AND the transfer window is automatically opened. No Transfer Button.

2. To close the transfer window, just click on the same resource again. It is now a toggle.

Sounds complicated, but it is actually more intuitive than the old behavior, fewer clicks, and gives me room for the Hatches button, to be added soon in place of the Transfer button.

New release out. OP is updated.

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