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Kerbal Space Program Player Survey


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Would I pay more than $40 for the biggest, most open sandbox gameworld ever made, with tools that allow me to create and pilot the machines of my dreams? Yes. Yes, I believe I would, thank you.

If this game only realizes half the planned features, it\'ll be far and away the best thing on the market.

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OK... I thought one of the questions was funny, then I realized the poll wasn\'t on the KSP forum. :)

For the question: How much would you pay for the final, complete version of KSP * If all or nearly all the game\'s planned features were already implemented.

Considering that there is a possibility someone will take the poll without being a forum member, maybe hyperlink 'planned features' to the wiki so they can read the list. I\'d venture a guess that if they haven\'t joined the forums, they haven\'t read the wiki or planned features list.

Only a guess... But we do seem to have quite a few community members who haven\'t seen the list yet either.

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Thanks to this survey I found out about the Twitter and Facebook page. xD

I hope this survey helps you guys.

I would pay $10 for the project in it\'s current state.

When it\'s finished I would pay $40 for it.

I already pre-ordered it for $7 but still would like to pay the resting $33 when it\'s complete because you deserve it. 8)

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