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What do you think the rest of Kerbal society is doing?


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I'm strongly convinced that the rest of Kerbal society continues to live their lives out in massive underground automated cities. Their every want is taken care of by highly advanced robotics, and they live their lives in a purely arts and culture environment. Freed of the needs of manufacturing and further science, Kerbals have grown uneducated over the centuries, forgetting their past, and only now a small collection of bored youth are rediscovering science and trying to explore the universe.

Just think of what elementary school kids could do with an unlimited budget and vague hints of NASA?

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I'm strongly convinced that the rest of Kerbal society continues to live their lives out in massive underground automated cities. Their every want is taken care of by highly advanced robotics, and they live their lives in a purely arts and culture environment. Freed of the needs of manufacturing and further science, Kerbals have grown uneducated over the centuries, forgetting their past, and only now a small collection of bored youth are rediscovering science and trying to explore the universe.

Just think of what elementary school kids could do with an unlimited budget and vague hints of NASA?

That's deep.

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It is a beautiful way to explain why a planet with no cities can support a highly advanced space program. And I like underground city-planets. Ix just sounds like a great idea. All your human stuff going on down stairs, nature allowed to continue up top. Very logical.

Plus it saves devs from having to find ways to make massive cities and stuff visible on the surface. Just cover the surface with smaller 'top side outposts', and call it a day.

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Slaving in underground factories, to satisfy the KSC's lust for rockets and fuel tanks, and refusal to sacrifice any fuel whatsoever for preparing fuel tanks for recovery later.

Or working in KSC itself, or in one of the recovery teams that travel out to where rockets land and recover the remains from wherever.

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Hiding... ... Its dangerous on the surface.

Heh, the first thing I though of when I saw this thread title was

Hmm... either

1) Hiding underground because it's raining big orange tanks


2) What rest of the population? Oh, you mean the previous participants in the space program that bravely participated before we figured out how to make the engines not blow up on the launch pad.

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I'm strongly convinced that the rest of Kerbal society continues to live their lives out in massive underground automated cities. Their every want is taken care of by highly advanced robotics, and they live their lives in a purely arts and culture environment. Freed of the needs of manufacturing and further science, Kerbals have grown uneducated over the centuries, forgetting their past, and only now a small collection of bored youth are rediscovering science and trying to explore the universe.

Just think of what elementary school kids could do with an unlimited budget and vague hints of NASA?

This is by far an amazing way to explain it.

After all, the Kerbals are a type I civilization (as stated by the devs i think), and that definition fits perfectly a case in which a civilization, after gaining it's maximun planetary potential, enters a long and tortous state of decadency caused by the easy life offered by technology (why go to space if you have everything you need in your own planet), but finally a small and somewhat rebellious part of that civilization decides to venture into the stars.

That's the Kerbal way.

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I like the idea of Kerbals being a kind of technologically advanced Dwarf or Gnome race, it would explain their small stature, and obviously industrious nature.

Also the decadent society served by complete underground automation idea has been published in an Isaac Asimov novel, I think, cant remember the title though, it was one of his earlier ones.

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Kerbal society was doing fine. There was no crime, everyone was employed, and and Jeb was the face of the space program. One day, the KSP theme music was heard round the world. The planet was in panic. What was happening!? Who could have caused this? Suddenly, a very large face appeared. The face was slightly tanned, with a ponytail, and had a slight smirk on his face. Suddenly large portions of the surface were being shaped, and a large building was being constructed. It's like this large face in the sky was cultivating everything. Jeb, Bill, and Bob discussed, and decided to call this face "The Harvester." The Kerbal Space Program was repurposed to blast into space, to discover the origin of this space face called Harvester!

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