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[1.8+] Real Fuels


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Hi guys,

I'm using procedural parts and real fuels, and want to give all of my procedural tanks 4 times as much volume (you know, like, cheating). Is there any simple trick I can use in one of the .cfg's to achieve this or am I looking at learning C# and rebuilding proceduralparts?

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There seems to be a major issue with this mod and RCS build aid. Any tank without a basemass after being saved and reloaded will have the wrong wet mass reported from RCS build aid. I haven't really found the correlation of the mass it reports. I don't know whether this needs working on on RF's end or RCSBA's end, but I wanted to at least make it know. There are no errors in the log or anything like that just RCS build aid report wrong numbers. I hope this can be fixed as I wonder for so long why my perfectly balanced planed would have torque after beefing reloaded.

Steps rep to repo.

1. Build a new craft. I used mk1 pod.

2. Attach any tank without a basemass

3. Open UI an add any fuel to the tank. Must be above 0L

4 Examine RCSBA reported masses in vessel mass window

5. Save and reload craft.

6. Repeat step 4.

mech jeb and the engineer report get it right consistently just RCSBA getting strange numbers. Using latest releases of applicable mods.

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RE: No FX, so sound people - how many of you are using Stockalike configs? I recognize a few of you from that thread, but I can say that the Stockalike configs are not working very well (read: FX is completely broken on certain engines). Anyone having issues with RF + Stockalike, head on over to the Stockalike thread for updates. I'm working on it.

If you're not using Stockalike, carry on. :)

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Svm420: That sounds like RCSBuildAid not appropriately checking part mass or something, then. As the MJ and ER show, RealFuels is correctly setting part mass and correctly reporting the change from prefab mass...

I have seen no FX issues myself (I use RO engine configs) so it does sound like a stockalike config issue...

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  Raptor831 said:
RE: No FX, so sound people - how many of you are using Stockalike configs? I recognize a few of you from that thread, but I can say that the Stockalike configs are not working very well (read: FX is completely broken on certain engines). Anyone having issues with RF + Stockalike, head on over to the Stockalike thread for updates. I'm working on it.

If you're not using Stockalike, carry on. :)

Oh, that's me yeah.

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CatastrophicFailure :

I had RealHeat installed and after deletion the sound came back on. Smoke was still somewhat broken tho(emission from engines that are off, etc.). Probably conflict with some emissive mod like HotRockets

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I'll update this here as well: For anyone on the Stockalike config set, the FX on older engines or any that used just ModuleEngines with the old FX system do not have sound/FX out of the box. You'd need to either a) get Real Plume and use the configs found in the Stockalike thread, B) configure HotRockets to work with RF/Stockalike, or c) roll your own EFFECTS nodes to make everything work.

Stockalike doesn't (currently) provide for FX, it just changes the engines to use the magic that is Real Fuels. In the future, I'm hoping to build on Svm420's Real Plume configs to offer a "fix" that way.

More details are in the Stockalike thread, for those interested.

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Hi all. Im having a problem which maybe related to Real Fuels and/or Stockalike. Since updating RF in CKAN im getting "no ignitions left" once I shut down an engine and try to re-fire it, however in the VAB it says I have 2 ignitions left? Also, how are these used correctly?

Alongside this, sometimes I get thrust off the launchpad but no flame out of the rocket?

Please can someone help me?

Edited by maceemiller
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Don't know about the latter issue, but for the former: have the right-click menu open on the engine from launch. At launch it should say 2 ignitions. Then when you ignite it the first time it will say 1. What happens when you try to relight it? Are you sure its propellant status was Very Stable when you tried to ignite it again?

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  NathanKell said:
Don't know about the latter issue, but for the former: have the right-click menu open on the engine from launch. At launch it should say 2 ignitions. Then when you ignite it the first time it will say 1. What happens when you try to relight it? Are you sure its propellant status was Very Stable when you tried to ignite it again?

No, it says my prop status is unstable, so im guessing im being impatient? Ill try again but not sure this is for me. Thanks though NathanKell, I do really like your work and responses :)

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  maceemiller said:
Alongside this, sometimes I get thrust off the launchpad but no flame out of the rocket?

Please can someone help me?

This is related to the FX "bug" I mentioned above your post. Basically, you need something that gives that engine an EFFECTS node. Side effect of my configs using ModuleEnginesRF.

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I am having issues with the LR89 engine, it is failing to ignite on the launchpad, saying that it has insufficient resources for ignition, however, as far as i can tell it only requires electricity,rp1,and lox.

Any ideas what i am doing wrong?

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  Shrike99 said:
I am having issues with the LR89 engine, it is failing to ignite on the launchpad, saying that it has insufficient resources for ignition, however, as far as i can tell it only requires electricity,rp1,and lox.

Any ideas what i am doing wrong?

Same here.

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  Shrike99 said:
I am having issues with the LR89 engine, it is failing to ignite on the launchpad, saying that it has insufficient resources for ignition, however, as far as i can tell it only requires electricity,rp1,and lox.

Any ideas what i am doing wrong?

You probably should mention which engine configs you're using, and which specific part you're using. I know FASA has an LR89 engine, but many others could be named (or renamed) as such. Also, you might need to post a log so we can see the actual error (if any) that's going on. @Borogrove same goes.

Also, read here for basic troubleshooting tips and logfile locations: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229-How-To-Get-Support-%28READ-FIRST%29

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  westamastaflash said:
Are the tank types only made available at certain tech levels in Career? The proceduralTankRealFuels that comes with PP will only give me Cyrogenic and Default in career mode.

I checked in the latest Real Fuels (v10.5). All seven tank types for the "Procedural Real Fuels Tank" unlock at Basic Rocketry.

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Librazy: Awesome! I'll take a look, just been busy.

Those having trouble with ignitions: try removing the part from your rocket, then adding a fresh part from the editor partlist.

Tekener: I can't open your PMs, but see if this new release helps you.

Changelog v10.5

  • Update to SolverEngines v1.9.
  • Auto-remove Interstellar Fuel Switch or FS Fuel Switch modules on parts that have RF tank modules on them too.
  • Add a new setting to disable natural diffusion when there is acceleration greater than (this threshold). Makes ullaging stages easier since only minimal acceleration is needed (it just can take a while).
  • Fix some flameout issues (and the 'flameout' sound on load with a pressure-fed engine).
  • Fix issue with a typo in ullage sim's rotation bit. Spinning axially will no longer cause ullage-outs so rapidly.
  • Attempt to load/save 'ignited' property.
  • Added other solid fuels to 'instant throttling' list.
  • Tellion: more NF Propulsion support, MkIV support.
  • Update engine/TL upgrade tracking to not keep the costs persistent (i.e. changing files no longer needs starting a new save).
  • Support maxSubtraction for entryCostSubtractors, do all subtraction(s) before all multiplications.
  • Update all heat animations on ModuleEnginesRF parts to use new animation module from SolverEngines.
  • Fix a big bug with ignition in CONFIG nodes. Now tracked properly.
  • Display pressure/ullage/ignitions info in GetInfo for ModuleEnginesRF and for MEC's alternate configs info text (if it differs from default config).

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Using either the latest RF version on CKAN (10.4.9) with it's dependencies or the latest RF version from the OP in this thread, entering Eve's (and I think Duna's) atmosphere causes the following to be spammed in the debug log.

Ambient density does not obey the gas law for vessel Mark1-2Pod (Untitled Space Craft)

I did not notice any other issues tied to this, atmospheres were generally behaving fine and the issue does not occur on Kerbin. Tested on a clean install with only Hyperedit present apart from RF. KSP is 1.0.4, 64bit, the OS is Ubuntu. Player.log and Screenshot here.

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