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[1.8+] Real Fuels


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There really can be only one thing changing what resources a tank has. If you apply RF (or MFT) to a tank, you need to not apply FuelSwitch (or Firespitter's fuel switch or anything else).

Seems like I'm experiencing the same problem. I have FS and KSPI fuel switch installed, so they might be overriding MFT/RF

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StoryMusgrave: I've been super busy with other KSP stuff and haven't had time to either make a pull request for engine ignitor to make it 1.0 compatible, or to do something similar inside RF. Now that vessel modules are supported, it makes sense to run all the EI stuff in one of them--once per vessel--rather than once per engine.

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Nathan: Another question, maybe a bug, probably I'm not doing something right. Maybe this is intended now. Also, before I start DennyTX did a recompile of EngineIgnitor, no more NREs from it and temperature displays as before. Continuing. Before. A part had both ModuleEngines(FX) and ModuleEngineConfigs. When ModuleEngineConfigs was present the min/max thrust worked, would only throttle to that set point. Once throttle hit 0%, engine would shut down/off. Instead of stock behavior with *just* ModuleEngines(FX) when it would throttle as it should, but engine never shut down, well effects would, but still would maintain minThrust. NOW. The same behavior exists with ModuleEngineConfigs as it did with stock in 0.90. Engine still runs at min thrust even with throttle at 0%, but now effects and all still show up until the engine is actually shutdown. I actually kinda like the present behavior. Now with the recompiled EngineIgnitor this behavior doesn't quite jive because when throttle hits 0% and is then increased it still uses and 'ignition', all the while the engine was running and never shut down, so an ignition should never have been used.

So that leads to the question of. How are engines supposed to be configured in the config file. Is it the same as before and things should more or less transfer over, just a slight change in behavior involving shutting down or do we need to include a new module with engines or other parts. Basically are there intentions of a GOOD example or wiki of all variables involved with the new RealFuels. I'd be more than willing to create some documentation, but it would obviously require much help in what those variables are, and how they are used, etc.

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I've ported over the actual engine module changes to ModuleEnginesRF. All RO engines are forced to use that module; it derives from ModuleEnginesFX but has many improvements (like the minthrust thing you mentioned, thrust curve support, chamber temperature handled differently from part temperature, Isp curves extended to 0 Isp, etc). However, that means that you need to change the engine module in your patch to @name = ModuleEnginesRF. ModuleEngineConfigs now _only_ exists to handle multiple engine configs, rather than changing how the engine works.

In time this will allow much more realistic engine performance (say, calculated from chamber pressure, expansion ratio, and cycle efficiency), inside-the-module ullage support, much better thermal calculations, etc.

I have not yet had a chance to see how that plays with Engine Ignitor, partly because as above (or maybe mentioned elsewhere? It blurs together...) I intend to make a VesselModule to handle ullage simulation, so (a) no reflection is needed and (B) it only runs once per vessel, both vastly increasing performance.

I will _very_ happily take you up on your offer of docs. :)

Let me just try to finish up what I'm working on with 1.0.3, and I will also be away for the weekend (friend's wedding) but then I should be back to ROetc. :)

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Ok, that's what I was thinking that things needed ModuleEnginesRF. Time for some testing. Sweet. So unless an engine requires 2 or more configs one can just use the original ModuleEngines/FX changed to *RF. I'd very much welcome more or less EngineIgnitor integrated into RealFuels and as you say vessel support of ullage rather than part based.

Looking forward to your return and some welcome cooperation for some much needed documentation.

Edited by StoryMusgrave
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On Ckan, RealFuels indicates a conflict with Modular Fuel Tanks. Is this intended? I thought both complement each other.

The first post states "The previous Modular Fuel System has split into Modular Fuel Tanks (taken care of by taniwha; for all your stock-resource modular-tank needs) and Real Fuels (by me, modular tanks and engines using real resources). Use one OR the other."

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I am having some trouble with RealFuels:

My rocket consists of two stages: 1 Kerosene/Lox stage (Main), with three KW SA-2 LFT and a KW Wildcat-V, and an upper stage with a Coxwain engine and one KW SA-1 LFT. Both engines are set to use Kerosene/Lox and all fuel tanks are filled with both kerosene and lox. Kerbal Engineer shows me both stages and the proper dv. However, once I fly the rocket, all the fuel tanks switched back to LiquidFuel and Oxygen, they are filled with this mixture on the launch pad. After reverting back to the VAB, the tanks remain filled with LF/Oxygen. Is this a bug?

Edit: Conflict with Interstellar Fuel Switch (installed with Cryogenic Engines). Removed IFS and RealFuels works again.

Edited by Andy81le
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How can I install Real Engines config on 1.0.2?

Since it's included in the Realism Overhaul plugin, and it hasnt yet been updated, It won't work on my install. (Freezes upon loading when loading engines)

Any help would be really apreciatted!

Edited by danilon62
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Are there any mods that contain tiny realfuels-compatible RCS thrusters? I'm building a tiny lander and RF seems to disable tweakscale on all the existing RCS blocks I have at my disposal. I need to shave off mass, darn it! :)

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Is it possible to prevent handling electricity as a fuel? I can easily fill the mk1 pod with 10000+ electricity units and therefore never need any solar panels or generators. I could, of course, just not use it this way but ... ;-)

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