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I tend to leave a MechJeb or probe core on most of my upper stages, and leave my first stages and boosters to burn up in Kerbin's atmosphere before or during circularization, so I don't have much debris. That being said, there is such a thing as making a rendezvous TOO precise.


The maneuver node brought that lander so close that it was aimed pretty much dead center at that solar truss. By the time I noticed, cut time acceleration, and killed relative velocity I was within 70m. A little too close for comfort!

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I have a somewhat overpowered 3 stage rocket for the stage of career I'm at with about 10k dv having not yet even attempted a Mun landing. Returning today from a manned Minmus fly by for science I still had 2k dv remaining and tried to see if I could reverse my orbital direction. I aerobraked without burning until suborbital and then burnt everything I had left retrograde. I didn't quite get the reversal but was down to a surface speed of about 80 m/s at 35km.

I have used this craft at least a dozen times, my normal procedure is to retroburn everything left in the tank, detach the engines for landing and let the difference in drag separate us. Without thinking I tried to do the same this time, turned prograde (not sure why) and released the tank. Which then preceded to follow me down. Desperately trying to do anything to get out the way I was pitching in circles trying to get some separation, I eventually had to fire the parachutes with the tank about 200m above jebs head. The instant they were deployed the tank shot past me taking one of my landing struts with it and putting me into a spin which was fortunately easily recoverable. I was too focussed on dodging to get any pictures.

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  FocalDistance said:
I have a somewhat overpowered 3 stage rocket for the stage of career I'm at with about 10k dv having not yet even attempted a Mun landing. Returning today from a manned Minmus fly by for science I still had 2k dv remaining and tried to see if I could reverse my orbital direction. I aerobraked without burning until suborbital and then burnt everything I had left retrograde. I didn't quite get the reversal but was down to a surface speed of about 80 m/s at 35km.

I have used this craft at least a dozen times, my normal procedure is to retroburn everything left in the tank, detach the engines for landing and let the difference in drag separate us. Without thinking I tried to do the same this time, turned prograde (not sure why) and released the tank. Which then preceded to follow me down. Desperately trying to do anything to get out the way I was pitching in circles trying to get some separation, I eventually had to fire the parachutes with the tank about 200m above jebs head. The instant they were deployed the tank shot past me taking one of my landing struts with it and putting me into a spin which was fortunately easily recoverable. I was too focussed on dodging to get any pictures.

sounds like quite the ride! I bet Jeb was smiling the entire time!

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i was testing out an interplanary stage, wanting to see about how much delta v it had. so i sent it up to my space station orbit. but instead of trying an escape burn, i just turned retrograde and fired full throttle. completely reversed my obit. with enough fuel to probably stop the obit completely again. so i decided since i was going retrograde to my space station to rendezvous with my station as close as i could. the station ended up shooting by at 5 Km/s and passed within 200 meters. I was actually scared for a second. kinda hit the "maybe this wasn't a great idea" stage half a second before the rendezvous.

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  Endersmens said:
i was testing out an interplanary stage, wanting to see about how much delta v it had. so i sent it up to my space station orbit. but instead of trying an escape burn, i just turned retrograde and fired full throttle. completely reversed my obit. with enough fuel to probably stop the obit completely again. so i decided since i was going retrograde to my space station to rendezvous with my station as close as i could. the station ended up shooting by at 5 Km/s and passed within 200 meters. I was actually scared for a second. kinda hit the "maybe this wasn't a great idea" stage half a second before the rendezvous.

man that had to be scary!

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I don't have a pic of a near miss but the other day I was setting up my Remote Tech 2 satellite network. Which involved putting a half dozen satellites all in the same orbit.

I really hadn't been paying much attention to debris as I was doing this. So as I reached orbit with my fifth satellite and detached it from the launcher I reoriented the camera and began maneuvering the launch vehicle for reentry to Kerbin when I heard a strange noise. Turned the camera back towards the satellite and saw nothing but the two solar panels floating away from each other with no trace left of the rest of it.

Apparently I got unlucky and came into contact with some debris.

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I was playing with a k-drive last night in a goof-off savegame, so I blasted it into space, and activated it. Not paying attention and narrowly missed the ONLY object I have orbiting Kerbin by 3KM. No pics though, I need to remember to screenshot stuff. *sigh*

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  federally said:
I don't have a pic of a near miss but the other day I was setting up my Remote Tech 2 satellite network. Which involved putting a half dozen satellites all in the same orbit.

I really hadn't been paying much attention to debris as I was doing this. So as I reached orbit with my fifth satellite and detached it from the launcher I reoriented the camera and began maneuvering the launch vehicle for reentry to Kerbin when I heard a strange noise. Turned the camera back towards the satellite and saw nothing but the two solar panels floating away from each other with no trace left of the rest of it.

Apparently I got unlucky and came into contact with some debris.

Sounds like a direct hit! Had to be frustrating to happen.

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My LKO is slowly filling up.

I recently re-started career (again), so it'll happen again eventually.

I recently had a staging accident with an interplanetary ship that involved forgetting that the nuclear engine shrouds shoot apart instead of falling off... so now I have a nice large debris cloud in a weird elliptical orbit. I'm sure I'll meet up with it eventually.

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i haven't had many near misses in space, usually just almost running into my lifter stage because i forgot it went ahead of me.

but I spend a LOT of time playing in the atmosphere, and my near misses are usually things like landing a plane that lost it's tail, or clipping my wingtips on buildings, if i find any pictures or take any, they'll be here.

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I nearly crashed my Space Station a few minutes ago. I was trying to dock the first habitational module, the fifth module all in all. I got very, very close, but then I accidently fired up the engine... Luckily I was able to turn broad side of the module so I could get past the station. I missed it below 1 meter, a crash would have destroyed both of my solar panel carrying arms and the main hub. I'm so close to a heart attack atm. :)

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  TheSedated said:
I nearly crashed my Space Station a few minutes ago. I was trying to dock the first habitational module, the fifth module all in all. I got very, very close, but then I accidently fired up the engine... Luckily I was able to turn broad side of the module so I could get past the station. I missed it below 1 meter, a crash would have destroyed both of my solar panel carrying arms and the main hub. I'm so close to a heart attack atm. :)

been there, but, I was sadly not so lucky, I drove head long into my station and watched it go off in several directions at once. was glorious and sad all at the same time. I will miss my first station from august XD

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In one of my early sandbox modes on KSP (.16 or something) I had nearly 800 (large) pieces of debris in orbit, mostly large lifter stages, many of them on very inclined or elliptical orbits. While launching a 3 man mission to Jool I collided with a spent 2.5 meter launch stage that crossed my orbit on an extreme inclination-meaning that the collision speed was greater than 1 KM/s. The crew was killed instantly, I mean INSTANTLY. It happened so fast I barely had time to identify what it was that I was looking at barrelling towards my nose before 2/3 of my rocket was vaporized.

A few hours of play later in the same save file a piece of debris plowed into my space station while I was doing a crew transfer and blew it into hundreds of pieces (probably just shy of the 600 parts it was made of).

Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a picture of either event until after the collision so all I had were pictures of 1/3 of a rocket, and pictures of the remains of a space station. After these events I found the game nearly unplayable because of the large amount of debris in space and I had to delete my save file and start over. I haven't had anything of the sort happen since and I design my lifter stages to fall back to Kerbin. I try to keep things clean now. Lesson learned.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  AlamoVampire said:
anyone else have fun and interesting encounters?

I've posted my near not-so-miss a couple days ago in the Mission Reports:

There is a beautiful station mod, called Station Science (grab it here). It contain parts that you must assemble into space station, then deliver experiments and bring results back home.

So, I built a station:


11 launches. Total weight: 234 t.

I've sent several expeditions on it, with all kinds of spaceships (my favorite is KSO). You also can see docked ATV.

Then, one day, this happened. The station was unmanned at that day (thanks Great Kraken!)

Looks like we've got a debris-proximity warning! By the way - it's debris from one of rockets that was launched to build this station.






OH S***


My beautiful solar panel! But things could be worse. Much worse...


Kids, don't litter in space. I've learned it the hard way.

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  ravensoul6@hotmail.com said:
After these events I found the game nearly unplayable because of the large amount of debris in space and I had to delete my save file and start over. I haven't had anything of the sort happen since and I design my lifter stages to fall back to Kerbin. I try to keep things clean now. Lesson learned.
Wow, you actually managed to Kessler KSP. That's quite the achievement (since parts don't fragment like in real life).
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  • 3 weeks later...

So I'm just hanging around at my Aquarius research station, admiring the sunset and clicking on stuff, when suddently a grey dot appears on the distance.

It went pretty much like this:


-What's that thing in the distance?

[fast forward]

-Cool! It's an upper stage! :D

-Wait, is it coming at me?

-It is coming at me


-7km, 6km, 5km, 4km, 3km, 2km, 1km...

-Oh crap, my beautiful station! Nooooooooooooo!



What's the obvious solution? I'm going to send up a defense system, with ze missiles! lXVDOEN.png

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