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@maverick: actually i have always likened it to setting off the onboard explosives that would destruct it in an emergency on ascent. The same holds true with real rockets that NASA launches. Go back to the challenger disaster and watch the footage of the SRBs. NASA commanded the SRBs to self destruct a few moments after Challenger exploded. We avoid using the destruction charges irl in orbit because it would cause a storm of debris, but I figure kerbal charges atomize the debris lol

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don't know if it counts but in earlier version i had a bit of debris right above of ksc, it was in a suppossedly decaying orbit, maybe 20 km-30km i gues. Right above ksc i guess, as it didn't load it it kept passing and didn't "dissapear" like other objects inside an atmosphere and before every launch i could see fliying around really fast

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I was parked in orbit around the Mun, and undocked my lander from the transfer stage... then initiated a landing under Mechjeb control. Normally, there's a slight plane change manuever required... This time it went straight into the deorbit burn. My lander and transfer stage missed each other by about 30cm. o.O Nearly clipped solar panels too!

Thankfully, it didn't collide, and the craft is returning to Kerbin as I type this.

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I was parked in orbit around the Mun, and undocked my lander from the transfer stage... then initiated a landing under Mechjeb control. Normally, there's a slight plane change manuever required... This time it went straight into the deorbit burn. My lander and transfer stage missed each other by about 30cm. o.O Nearly clipped solar panels too!

Thankfully, it didn't collide, and the craft is returning to Kerbin as I type this.

okay, that is CLOSE hehe, bet the kerbonauts freaked out lol

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My most interesting near miss (but not closest) was when an Eeloo ship, returning to Kerbin, passed within 300km of an abandoned Dres transfer stage that was floating in solar orbit. Never had something that close in solar orbit before.

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I was returning from the Mün, and I passed withing 1km of my space station. I must have been traveling at around 3k m/s, if I had left the Mün half a second later, I would have killed about 10 kerbals in one hit.

Edited by Lord_Potato
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I don't know how it seems to happen so frequently to some of you, i have my max debris at 250, currently i got about 150 debris, i'd say about 140 of that around kerbin and never saw more than that gray little square thing telling me it's thousands of meters away

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I had a circular space station and had a spent tank almost thread the needle through the centre... I said almost because I had a crew shuttle clip it and then it all went pear shaped and my nice space station ended up turning into a Kessler Syndrome situation.

Was pretty epic though even though it wrecked my station... shame about the time wastage (I was playing at "zero backups/dead is dead" and was trying to make the station in real time). I made the mistake of premature staging when the engines of the previous stage hadn't fully shut down (was only on a smidge) so it was slowly building speed up and following my space station segment. If it hadn't clipped that darn shuttle... oh well.

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My closest call was just after liftoff on one of my first mun shot attempts in career mode.

Single core with 6 liquid fuel boosters on the outside. My TWR was cutting it really close, so that if I didn't jettison the boosters right after they burned out I wouldn't be able to make it to orbit.

Well I got a little twitchy with my stageing button and let them go a quarter second too early. They shot up and burned out a few hundred meters up.

I panned the camera view up expecting to see them shooting off in a nice starburst formation. But no, no they were just sitting there like a big beautiful snowflake 'o death right in my line of flight.

I managed to duck under them by about 20-30m.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got one, but didn't get pics. Coming in to dock with a space station, I had an empty stage of two stacked orange tanks with a Mainsail on the bottom. At about 700m away, I decoupled them, but they were pointing towards the station. I figured that I'm usually off slightly at that distance, but I ended up following the tanks in and they smashed into the station. It wasn't even a clipped solar panel, but just about dead on, broke apart mostly everything and sent it all spinning.

I reloaded a quick save from when I got into orbit and did it right this time, making sure to eject the tanks angled to the station. They probably missed by a hundred meters or so the second time. :)

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The closest I ever came during a launch was 15km or less - so just a little target reticule zooming above me while climbing out of the atmosphere.

It is usually the last stage (orbital insertion) that lures me with its siren song "I still have dV in my tanks, take me with you to the stars!" and ends up with a periapsis anywhere from 28 to 85km ... :P

But I recently had my share of post-rendezvous "fast shadow flashing over my departing craft" after undocking and leaving to other places ...

Edited by KerbMav
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