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Show off your Debris Near Misses here!


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not a lot of really-really-close-encounter-thing, but it's often that debris are physically loaded in the vicinity of my active spacecraft.


My equatorial KLO is a mess, and Mün orbit is worst.

Edited by Nemecle
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It always happens so fast that I cannot hit F1 in time, but a few days ago during a Return to Mun mission:

I entered a orbit retrograde to the spent lander modules left behind in earlier missions, so some reticules kept appearing and disappearing from in front my craft - until the game paused for a short while and something really fast zoomed a few hundred meters ... Kessler is not a sole problem to the homeworld it seems.

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  TheSedated said:
I nearly crashed my Space Station a few minutes ago. I was trying to dock the first habitational module, the fifth module all in all. I got very, very close, but then I accidently fired up the engine... Luckily I was able to turn broad side of the module so I could get past the station. I missed it below 1 meter, a crash would have destroyed both of my solar panel carrying arms and the main hub. I'm so close to a heart attack atm. :)

Haha very recognizable! This is exactly the reason I turn off all engines when I'm on the final approach during docking :)

Edited by DeepSpaceDutch
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Well, a while ago, when I was a kind-of-cruddy docker, I was docking a Soyuz-like rocket to a station. I still had the orbital-insertion stage attached to it. I was like, "Ah, I'll just get rid of this thing."

No pics, so I'll relive it in gory detail.

I hit the spacebar. The second after I did that, I realized, "Oh, shoot, I'm still moving toward the station!"

Looking at the Navball confirmed this: Dead on, at 10 m/s.

And the stage was a dead stage, no probe, no RCS, careening at the central hub of the station. "Oh, god. Oh, god! NO!"


It missed... by less than 10 meters.

I was practically going to faint, as that station took a long time to construct.

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  cantab said:
Wow, you actually managed to Kessler KSP. That's quite the achievement (since parts don't fragment like in real life).

It was largely due to the excessive lag I experienced attempting to load the save file, I had set the max debris as high so it didn't start automatically deleting stuff. I also had difficulty doing anything in orbits above 80km and below 150km because of the amount of stuff that kept trying to load. I was playing at <10 FPS most of the time so I just gave up.

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  • 1 month later...
  astropapi1 said:
So I'm just hanging around at my Aquarius research station, admiring the sunset and clicking on stuff, when suddently a grey dot appears on the distance.

It went pretty much like .....

What's the obvious solution? I'm going to send up a defense system, with ze missles

Or giant frikin lasers aka sunbeam laser. Makes things go boom.

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I had one happen yesterday. I sent up a crew module with 3 hitchhikers on it to about 150 km circular to start my first station. Shortly after I sent up a stage with fuel for the fuel depot and at 80 km up discovered that the final ascent stage for the crew module had not gotten far enough on separatrons to break orbit, and my fuel depot couldn't evade fast enough.I had to jettison the second ascent stage of the depot early and use it like a missile to blow up the incoming debris. Now I'm using the depot fuel on maneuvering engines to dock and will have to send up another ship to refuel it.

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My asteroid colony was nearly hit by 3 peices, and 1 hit the asteroid, not the parts. I then remembered my debris cloud from my ISS Replica after I Destroyed it. I made a replica of Gravity as Bill was shot into space by a solar panel.

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I had docked my first space station module to my core and decoupled the service module. And it stayed on the same orbit, I realized it after I timewarped around kerbin. I had to use rcs to change a little bit.

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Edit: Waargh, wrong pre-made post.

My closest call is a 150m-distant encounter between a spent stage and a modular space station, way back in 0.19.

In the current version, I've fielded CLAW-equipped tugs to remove debris, but it's hard to use them since we can't see debris on the map view (or target it properly).

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  Fendleton said:

In the current version, I've fielded CLAW-equipped tugs to remove debris, but it's hard to use them since we can't see debris on the map view (or target it properly).

In the map view, if you hover the mouse pointer at the top of the screen, you get the same set of icons from the tracking station to set which kinds of things are shown. Debris is off by default, but if you switch it on, bits of debris can be targeted in the same way as anything else. HTH.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  Biff Space said:
In the map view, if you hover the mouse pointer at the top of the screen, you get the same set of icons from the tracking station to set which kinds of things are shown. Debris is off by default, but if you switch it on, bits of debris can be targeted in the same way as anything else. HTH.
I've never realised that, thanks!

I have a claw-equipped SSTO spaceplane attached to my LKO re-fuelling station, purpose-built for debris collection. Time to give it a whirl! :)

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Have you ever tried a reversed orbit at your 80km parking/first stage decoupling orbit?

That's when you realize how much failed launch, badly designed first-stage-deorbit system and elecrical failure you had.

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I have a tendency to shed my retroboosters only when deep in the atmosphere, usually at ~55km.

The capsule then out-speeds the chunks by a bit.

I have had several close calls, and two impacts, of falling junk hitting (ok, passing through) my parachute canopies.

I have also mysteriously lost the east wing of my very extended refuelling depot/spacestation.

i didn't *see* anything, but the game froze for about 2/3 second (typical when loading a ship entering the 2.5km zone), and then **boom**.

Many, many pages of scrolling X impacts into Y messages in the log.

I expect this was a defunct booster cluster from one of my earlier mun launches. I had several dozen of them whizzing past on basically equatorial 110 x 20000 orbits, so my fueller base in a neat zero-inclination 240x240 was a prime target.

I have since dropped the "retain debris" setting from 1000 to 50 objects. ;)

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I think my nearest debris pass was at something like 2km, but flying by pretty fast.

However, last time I delivered a new module to my space station, I decoupled the transfer stage and... realized there wasn't any way to control the transfer stage... I'm an idiot

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