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[0.23] Panda Jager Laboratories Parts Pack


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Hello, Sethnizzle, and thanks for a great mod!

Please look at this mod and consider to add a support for it to MastCam (Judging by Rover Brain's part.cfg, you just have to add its module. Thing is, your MastCam need to be horizontally oriented to work correctly with its navigation system. By "oriented" I mean not the part itself, but command module orientation - right now it "looks" up, like all stock KSP probes. You just need to change it so it looks horizontally)

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Hello, Sethnizzle, and thanks for a great mod!

Please look at this mod and consider to add a support for it to MastCam (Judging by Rover Brain's part.cfg, you just have to add its module. Thing is, your MastCam need to be horizontally oriented to work correctly with its navigation system. By "oriented" I mean not the part itself, but command module orientation - right now it "looks" up, like all stock KSP probes. You just need to change it so it looks horizontally)

Well i had the same idea about rover science and camera from this pack but it didnt occured to me that you have to change orientation..

I hope someone does this, maybe thi also can be doene by module manager file?

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I actually used my 2 week christmas break to learn how to use blender, gimp, and unity to create these parts (I've never done anything remotely close to this before), which is why I haven't been able to continue creating new parts, I haven't had any vacation since. I think I can update it to change the orientation relatively simply, iirc the orientation that changes which way the navball orients is done in unity, and the attach orientation is changed in the part.cfg. I'll have to look more into the RoverScience mod to see how to integrate it with the MastCam. However I'm all for it as I think that mod is doing really great things for making rovers have more of a purpose.

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good thing you are still around.

if you will be updating cfg files, why dont you add aset camer amodule to mastcam? thanks to that mastcam woudl be usefull with this mod


and personally i think ground scanner and mastcam shoudl only generate half of science income as kerbals surface sample and crew report.

do you plan to add some unmanned reports to mastcam? right now it uses crewreport reports, right? its sometimes strange to read what is crew doing while driving unmanned rover.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The mini Science Jr and Goo containers, i think i lacked reading comprehension, but they didn't hold many samples they just are reusable after taking out the science?

6 days later edit: the DRN scanner has such a long name it messed up my ActionGroupManager window (had to scroll to see useful buttons). Shortened the name in cfg and it did the trick

Edited by Mokmo
6 days
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  • 2 weeks later...

Your Mystery Goo Jr. Container model causes a drop of 10-12 FPS anytime it is present on screen. Your other instruments are fine, but the Mystery Goo Jr's model has something wrong with it. I replaced the Mystery Goo Jr. with another model and I no longer had lowered FPS when I put it on my ships.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Your Mystery Goo Jr. Container model causes a drop of 10-12 FPS anytime it is present on screen. Your other instruments are fine, but the Mystery Goo Jr's model has something wrong with it. I replaced the Mystery Goo Jr. with another model and I no longer had lowered FPS when I put it on my ships.

Can confirm this. The tiny model would immediately lag the VAB out as soon as I placed it.

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These parts are fantastic looking! Could I suggest a retexture to allow these to cosmetically fit with AIES?.and some hard drive like device for robotic probes to store experiment results? Also, I have a .zip version of your mirror, could i post it for people who don't like/can't open natively .rar archives?)

Edited by DarthVader
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  • 3 weeks later...

Awesome! Hell, I would use these as dashboard controls on my rovers because they look so good. ....Actually what if you made a SAS that looked like a control panel/ car dashboard. I'm all for making my rovers look more rovery.

and some hard drive like device for robotic probes to store experiment results?

So I do this thing where I send a probe to a planet first with goo and scince jr. then send a crewed capsule to pick it up. First note, I think the science jr looks like crap. Second note, I always feel like I am cheating doing it this way by sidestepping the need to bring back the science bits. Sometimes i hold myself to not doing it, sometimes I don't. What I would like is a remake of the Science Jr (and goo to a lesser extent) that has a sample tray. Something that works with KAS perhaps.

So you land a probe. You need the tray and housing to run the experiment. Then a kerbal can pull it out and pick it up, attach it to HIS capsule then go back.

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I thought Curse mod hosting would be an improvement, but this (like many other) mod's download link goes to the curse home page...and searching for a particular mod finds nothing...

not sure return is being obtained from this investment at all...

EDIT: Google seems to work better than Curse... Found it at kerbal space parts (.com)

Edited by jduchock
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  • 2 weeks later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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