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Incoming Pewdiepie!...?


Would you like it if the Pewds played KSP?  

  1. 1. Would you like it if the Pewds played KSP?

    • Heck yeah, bro.
    • Nope, not at all.
    • No opinion/somewhere in between.

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You are assuming they'd buy the game, and not just mess about with the demo for a few minutes and get bored/frustrated.

The moderation team would deal with any breach of the forum rules as normal :)

See, I'd only barely heard of the guy before this thread. However, after a little peeking around, I find the guy has 19 AND A HALF MILLION SUBSCRIBERS. And yes, his videos all seem to be a mixture of crackpot and zany, just like many other popular Youtubers. I'm sure nobody would complain if FreddieW did a Kerbal video, and what about Danny2462?

But let's do some really conservative math and say that 1% of his subscribers then decide to go check the game out.

that's 195,000 NEW PLAYERS.

Now let's assume 1% of those then buy the game.

That's 1,950 NEW PURCHASES. Or US$44,850 into Squad's coffers if bought from the website. That's a really, really conservative estimate. 1% of 1%. In exchange for what, a week or two of a newbie flood, followed by a whole bunch of new players finding even more whacky things to do with and to kerbals?

Around here we have a phrase: Better than a kick in the censored. Nearly 45 grand? A whole lot better, in fact.

Now as an experiment for the readers, try raising those estimates a little, to say, 10%. Now imagine what Squad could do with all that moolah. I mean, asides fill bathtubs with it and laugh maniacally.

Yes, Pewds. I don't care how crackpot you are. Please, please, play KSP and please, please highly recommend it to those 19 and a half *MILLION* people.

Hey, if these forums start getting flooded, I'll take a mod badge and help. I've done ops before. Hell, I'm helpstaff on an online service which routinely has 700+ people active at once. S'not all that hard, and honestly I could use the "supervisory experience" on my CV.

Edited by technicalfool
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This is what Pewdiepie will say during an LP episode of KSP:


Although the sales/publicity would be nice but the "bros" would be in the forums like:

"ERMAGURD! MA ROCKT DONE NO NOT WOK! IT GO BOOM BOOM AND KILL DA GREN MIDGTZ! PLZ HELP MEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!! I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111" Then I would reply:

"Yes, you do need help, from a therapist."

So, I'm both ways.

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But let's do some really conservative math and say that 1% of his subscribers then decide to go check the game out. that's 195,000 NEW PLAYERS.

Now let's assume 1% of those then buy the game. That's 1,950 NEW PURCHASES.

(sorry for the gratuitous snipping)

Dirty public secret of YouTube: Subscribers != Viewers. By a long shot. Views != Viewers either, as you could have a single viewer watch a video 10 times and count as 10 people.

Ignoring the problem that Views != Viewers (because I don't have a choice) it looks more like his viewers range in the 3-5 million range. Still impressive, but that's about 20% of what you were going for. So 1% of 1% (which don't think is all that conservative, based on the content of his I've seen) and we're talking 20% of $45,000 or $9000.

Still, $9000 is $9000. Or about what they'd pay a programmer for a month or two.

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What people need to keep in mind here is that PewDiePie's personality is a STAGE personality, like Steven Colbert pretends to be an idiot. He's probably a perfectly normal person off-screen. As for the stereotypical PewDiePie fan, remember what Benjamin Franklin said: "The worst wheel in the cart makes the most noise." There are probably lots of smart people who are disgusted by the comment section, but are entertained by the crazy stage personality of the guy.

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Shame I can't rep you in the Space Lounge Jedi, what image of our forums would we display if we're hostile to potential new players?, a bad one.

I'm sure pewdiepie's fans like lots of things, some may already play KSP or other more thoughtful games, new members are not a bad thing, it helps keep things fresh :)

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Still, $9000 is $9000. Or about what they'd pay a programmer for a month or two.

It's true that the end result could be highly variable. However, more purchases is more purchases. A month of hiring a top notch coder at the right stage of development to sort out some optimisation could have a real effect on the performance of the game, for instance. Definitely better than a kick in the unmentionables, plus the new players bringing new ideas and generally new fun to the forums.

Honestly though, if it ended up going big amongst his subscribers?

Holy cow. I don't think Squad could find a bathtub big enough. They'd have to go all Scrooge McDuck and buy a swimming pool to put it in.

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You are assuming they'd buy the game, and not just mess about with the demo for a few minutes and get bored/frustrated.

The moderation team would deal with any breach of the forum rules as normal :)

Do not forget that there are some rich people that will buy it not even test the demo or get bored of demo and said.

Omg should i buy one it's so cheap let's do it!

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For Squad's sake, I hope he does it. It would do wonders for their budget for the year. For the community's sake, I'm not sure it would go so well. The mods would need to get a lot more people on staff to contain what could be not bad at all, or a complete and utter disaster.

While the ensuing chaos (of scenario 2) certainly wouldn't last as people that obnoxious often have the attention span of flies and no patience for KSP's learning curve, I can't imagine good things would happen to the current KSP community during such a period of chaos if it were to come from Pewd's viewers.

Edited by Captain Sierra
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What people need to keep in mind here is that PewDiePie's personality is a STAGE personality, like Steven Colbert pretends to be an idiot. He's probably a perfectly normal person off-screen. As for the stereotypical PewDiePie fan, remember what Benjamin Franklin said: "The worst wheel in the cart makes the most noise." There are probably lots of smart people who are disgusted by the comment section, but are entertained by the crazy stage personality of the guy.

That pretty much describes me. It's really entertaining and amusing to see him in his screen persona, but I'm absolutely appalled by the comments section. I stay out of it to be honest.

I also agree w/you sal, If this forum is going to treat newcomers as filth or denounce them then it might as well not even exist. Everybody on here was a newcomer at some point, but I think most people forget this and start to become elitists.

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Pewdiepie is known for playing horror and First person shooters, and while I can imagine him playing a few episodes I can't picture a full let's play series coming from him. If he does that's fantastic! Squad get numerous other players, while millions upon millions of Kerbals plough into Kerbins' sea. He is known for comedy as well, so thinking of it it wouldn't be too supriseing for him to do a episode or two. That's my thought and feel free to have an opinion on it.

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I would like to see him play it but I got to say no. I just hate that most of his fanbase are idiots and I don't want them going on very good youtubers like Danny, kurtjmac, and even Scott Manley saying that they copied Pewds. I have nothing against Pewdiepie, its just his fanbase. Also there will be a lot of spammers and his fanbase coming to the forums. So its a big NO to him playing it :P

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