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Your Most Recent Moment of "D'oh!"


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Admit it, we all have them ... those times when you accidentally press a key and shoot your long-planned mission to pieces (SPACEBAR, I'm looking at you!). Those times you get to orbit and have forgotten the solar panels. That mission you spent months on in-game to get to Tylo but didn't realize the gravity was almost as high as Kerbin's ...

This one today wasn't nearly so grand but it would seem to qualify. Looking at the Astronaut Complex for new recruits, I happen to see that my old fave Buzz Kerman is shown as "On EVA". Hmmm. I must've forgotten to put him back in the command pod. Curiously, I seem to have forgotten what mission he was even assigned to. Go to the Tracking Center and find him on the Mün. That's odd. I don't have any missions going on there currently that I can remember.

Click "Fly."


Poor Buzz, standing at attention watching the flag for about the last 4 months while his crewmate flew home. Oops ... :D

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My last D'oh! moment, was while I was building a mun base, and was adding another module to it, only to realize that I forgot to put the docking ports on the side (to add more modules).... To make matters worse, I didn't fully realize this after I had landed this on the Mun and transported it to the base.

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  LameLefty said:
Admit it, we all have them ... those times when you accidentally press a key and shoot your long-planned mission to pieces (SPACEBAR, I'm looking at you!).

Stage lock (MOD + L) really needs to be more visible, it's an incredibly important feature.

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my last manned duna mission, unfortunately the shipe ended up a on polar orbit, and I landed on the sourthen pole. after flag planting and general EVA derping I got back in the ship and took off to rendezvous with the transfer ship. however since I had landed near to the poles my navball was *slightly* messed up, and when following a rough vector that should of brought me in to a intersecting orbit with the transfer ship, I ended up on a 45 degrees inclination to the transfer ship. D'oh.

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I put up a nice early career space station to do some science using the mobile lab. I sent it up with a two man return module for Jeb and Tomford Kerman to use when I was done with Science.

I did all my science, got bored and burnt for home. I splashed my station down in the ocean (no reason to leave it up there) before splitting the return module at about 5km for a nice paired landing, something I did for aesthetics and fun.The pods landed safely and I returned to the VAB to prepare for my next mission.


On assiging kerbals to my new rocket I wondered where Jeb and Tomford where... turns out I forgot to EVA them into the return pods before deorbiting the station :(

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Going back to Mun for Science, and I realized only during descent to land that I had installed my fuel lines incorrectly. Had a big 2.5m tank under the lander that was completely full, but also completely inaccessible. Ran out of available gas ~5000m up and freefell to the surface. RIP Bob and Harfred. :(

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I have remote tech 2 installed and I had to deliver radiators to one of the geostationary relays over kerbal.....a little design over sight but made for a fun mission. Launch my space plane with the cargo tucked away. Dock with my fuel station to top up the ship for the ascent to geostationary orbit. Make the Rendezvous. Open the bay, launch my brand new tug with the radiators attached. Switch to it.....no response from the rcs thruster........yup. left the antenna on kerbal. DOH!

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Just made a horrible flight that is probably worthy of this thread.

Assembled a large station in LKO, 800 parts, made up of 5 components. Pushed said station to low duna orbit, was slated to next proceed via Dres out toward Jool, yet it appears to have burned way more fuel on this first leg than anticipated. Pause mission and start designing/launching refuelers.

All tanked up I send it towards Dres, realise as I come to brake into Dres orbit that there are no fewer than 16 little rockomax radials fighting the nukes, leftover docking assistance engines from various assembly stages that were not deactivated. Between them they were canceling out 6-7 of the 12 transfer nukes, it was a miracle the thing even went forwards tbh.

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I built a lander,and to test out docking and decoupling abilities I used gravity hack.Lander was working good.Then I built a launcher for that lander.The whole rocket was looking very good,but I wasn't sure can it fly.Then I launched it.It flied flawlessly! I said "Oh my god! Did I really build a BIG,COOL LOOKING rocket that FLIES!?!".But when there was time for gravity turn,I switched to map view,and saw I'm on escape trajectory out of kerbin.

I forgot to turn hacked gravity off.

anyway,here's a happy ending.I modified my rocket a little bit,and it was capable to fly again!

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1) Activating phys timewarp during TMI burn only to see the lander falling off from the mothership...

2) Sending another lander and finding that it still lacks fuel lines...

3) Transferring fuel assymetrically at minimal altitude above the Mun

4) Paying more attention to the map than the actual terrain...

Rest in pieces Luddan Kerman ;.;

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I was planning to deorbit a space station orbiting Eve, which had eight scientists aboard. I decided to send the U.K.S. Aurora, one of my Challenger-class interplanetary shuttles, to pick them up and bring them home. The ship has room for exactly eight people aboard, but fortunately I had the foresight to install a probe core before the launch.

The Aurora entered Eve's SOI as scheduled, and I adjusted my trajectory for an aerocapture. About 100km up, I retracted my solar panels and waited for the ship to clear the atmosphere.


Once the Aurora had returned to space, I saw that I had indeed entered orbit but my apoapsis was much too high. So I timewarped to the apoapsis, quicksaved, and began burning prograde to trim my periapsis. Or rather, I tried to.

That's right, I had forgotten to extend my solar panels after clearing the atmosphere and was now out of power. And since I had already quicksaved, there was nothing I could do but watch sadly as the Aurora returned to Eve and disintegrated in the atmosphere.

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So, I built my first ship not meant to land, named "Voyager." A cupola, a hitchhiker, a bunch of fuel and two LV-Ns. I launched it under probe control and then sent Jeb up to dock:


I docked and EVAed Jeb to the cupola to take command. I then docked a lander with Eldred in it and sent the whole thing to Minmus. Arrived okay, sent Eldred down and went to EVA Jeb. And that's when I discovered that the RCS cluster I'd accidentally placed over the cupola door would permit Jeb to get in, but not to get out. Um...

I brought the Voyager home, landed Eldred and dumped Jeb's lifeboat. If I could land the Voyager I could just recover the vessel and let KSC engineers cut him loose. But, of course, Voyager was never intended to land.

I tried docking two probes, each carrying six radial chutes, but simulations indicate the docking ports can't handle the g-forces when the chutes open. And I don't think Voyager's twin LV-Ns can slow her enough to lithobrake successfully.

And so, Jeb remains in orbit, entombed like one of the Emperor's venerable Dreadnoughts until I figure something out or an update saves him. My current best idea is to smash a probe into the cupola door just hard enough to smash the RCS cluster loose, but not hard enough to kill Jeb.

D'oh, indeed.

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It's really easy to get these moments when you're trying to wrap your head around a new realizm mod.

When I first started with RT2, I didn't realize the precision you needed to place a comsat up in Kerbo-stationary orbit above KSC to relay coms. I had sent probes to Eve and Duna (and I mean a lot of probes) only to find out that KSC kerbostationary commsat was now out of range of KSC, which messed up every single mission I had going at the time.

Now I use Mechjeb to get the orbit time to precisely 6 hrs

But yeah, lots of D'ohs with RT for me

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  Y-Hat said:
And so, Jeb remains in orbit, entombed like one of the Emperor's venerable Dreadnoughts until I figure something out or an update saves him. My current best idea is to smash a probe into the cupola door just hard enough to smash the RCS cluster loose, but not hard enough to kill Jeb.

D'oh, indeed.

You know there is a very kerbal way to fix that, right? Send up a ship with an I-beam on it and ram the RCS port hard enough that it explodes. Just don't take out the capsule at the same time.:)

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-Launches large colony section for a ship bound for Laythe.

-Forgets to put all launch clamps in the first stage with the engines

-Launch vehicle shakes apart due to stresses.


-Puts launch clamps all in the first stage.

-Successfully launches

-Realizes at 6 km up that the game didn't re-crew the colony section.


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Recently in Career mode I was sending my firstnprode to Jool and when I got into it sphere of influence then I had no control, then I released I forgot to deploy the solar panels! So that was a fail as I couldn't deploy them and then I had to relaunch!

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I built a test prototype of a triple heavy engined rocket with an enormous fuel tank. I set the engine to full throttle on the pad and the rocket exploded. It took me a further 5 relaunches to realise it was the engine throttle settings at launch.

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  JiWint said:
I built a lander,and to test out docking and decoupling abilities I used gravity hack.Lander was working good.Then I built a launcher for that lander.The whole rocket was looking very good,but I wasn't sure can it fly.Then I launched it.It flied flawlessly! I said "Oh my god! Did I really build a BIG,COOL LOOKING rocket that FLIES!?!".But when there was time for gravity turn,I switched to map view,and saw I'm on escape trajectory out of kerbin.

I forgot to turn hacked gravity off.

anyway,here's a happy ending.I modified my rocket a little bit,and it was capable to fly again!


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