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[1.8.x] DMagic Orbital Science: New Science Parts [v1.4.3] [11/2/2019]


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I have a few part ideas:

1: Thermal imaging camera. I don't think this is already in this pack, so I think that this would be cool.

2: Microwave radiometer. This could be similar to the Thermal imaging camera, but I'm pretty sure these play different roles.

3: Mass Spectrometer. Might be the idea behind the Multispectral Imaging Platform, but I'm including this anyway.

4: Thermal drill. Basically a tiny probe-like instrument attached to a drill that takes info about the planet's thermal properties or stuff. I'm not a a scientist.

These are based off of some instrumets from Juno, the Europa mission, and some proposals. You don't have to include these, they're just ideas.

Edited by TheJewelOfJool
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So I'm trying to do one of the missions for Dmagic, whereby I place a weather satellite into a polar orbit. Is there some special parameter that makes an orbit a 'polar' one?

My mission parameters state:

[X] Orbital Inclination of : 90

[ ] Enter Polar Orbit Around: Kerbin with ApA of at least: 850000

[ ] Enter Polar Orbit Around Kerbin with a PeA of at least: 850000

[ ] Send Data Stream and Connect Satellite to Customers

[X] (Then repair part required, launch new probe, and vessel must survive while contract is active)

It of course will not let me activate the part until the orbital parameters are met. No problem. The problem is, I am by my view, in the stated orbit. Heck. I'm about to WAY overdo it to 8,500,000m orbit just to make sure it's not some kind of display error. Is there something special about a Polar Orbit, as far as Dmagic is concerned?

EDIT: Nope. No joy. I'm really unsure how to succeed at this contract.

Edited by rdwulfe
More info.
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So I'm trying to do one of the missions for Dmagic, whereby I place a weather satellite into a polar orbit. Is there some special parameter that makes an orbit a 'polar' one?

My mission parameters state:

[X] Orbital Inclination of : 90

[ ] Enter Polar Orbit Around: Kerbin with ApA of at least: 850000

[ ] Enter Polar Orbit Around Kerbin with a PeA of at least: 850000

[ ] Send Data Stream and Connect Satellite to Customers

[X] (Then repair part required, launch new probe, and vessel must survive while contract is active)

It of course will not let me activate the part until the orbital parameters are met. No problem. The problem is, I am by my view, in the stated orbit. Heck. I'm about to WAY overdo it to 8,500,000m orbit just to make sure it's not some kind of display error. Is there something special about a Polar Orbit, as far as Dmagic is concerned?

EDIT: Nope. No joy. I'm really unsure how to succeed at this contract.

That sounds like mission controller 2 not dmagic...

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In 1.0.4, the Universal Storage wedges for the DMagic instruments all overheat badly, often blowing up during reentries that don't eat but maybe 1% of the heatshield. I know, I know, DMOS hasn't been updated to 1.0.4 yet, but except for this, it works quite well.

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Version 1.0.5 is out; get it on Kerbal Stuff.

It fixes some issues caused by deploying parts in the editor, adds support for SCANsat version 14 resource scanning, has a few contract reward changes (mostly increased the magnetic field final reward values), and has a temporary fix for exploding Universal Storage parts.

I just increased the maximum temperature, which probably isn't the best way to go about it. But the parts seem to survive a bit better, and should be ok if you put them behind a heat shield during reentry. I take my wedge properties from Universal Storage parts, so if they come up with a better way of handling it I'll switch to that method.

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Version 1.0.5 is out; get it on Kerbal Stuff.

It fixes some issues caused by deploying parts in the editor, adds support for SCANsat version 14 resource scanning, has a few contract reward changes (mostly increased the magnetic field final reward values), and has a temporary fix for exploding Universal Storage parts.

I just increased the maximum temperature, which probably isn't the best way to go about it. But the parts seem to survive a bit better, and should be ok if you put them behind a heat shield during reentry. I take my wedge properties from Universal Storage parts, so if they come up with a better way of handling it I'll switch to that method.

Just an FYI, the .version file is still saying it's version 1.0.4 for KSP 1.0.2

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Just an FYI here, rather amusingly, I noticed the other day that what ever paint the magnetometer boom is painted with, it has the exact same refraction value as kerbin's water. The extended boom, is invisible underwater. I found it amusing. Not reporting this as a bug, just for the giggle factor.



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Just an FYI here, rather amusingly, I noticed the other day that what ever paint the magnetometer boom is painted with, it has the exact same refraction value as kerbin's water. The extended boom, is invisible underwater. I found it amusing. Not reporting this as a bug, just for the giggle factor.



That's been around like, forever. It's actually an issue with transparent textures or something.

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I'm having the following error when attempting to upgrade this mod via CKAN:

Failed to download "https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/5/DMagic Orbital Science/download/1.0.6" - error: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
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That's been around like, forever. It's actually an issue with transparent textures or something.

I'm guessing that water uses the same transparency shader as the parts do. I'm hoping that Unity 5 brings some improved transparent shaders as the current selection is pretty bad and has lots of weird issues.

I'm having the following error when attempting to upgrade this mod via CKAN:

1.0.5 and 1.0.6 were both deleted from Kerbal Stuff; they were bad. :D

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DMagic, could you please look into this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/124697-Game-bugging-out-after-I-return-from-EVA-doing-science?p=2062879&viewfull=1#post2062879 ? I can only reproduce it with DMagic orbital science and I've eliminated other mods. I'm using the latest DMagic orbital science version.

Edit: Heck with it, I'm just going to copy and paste that whole post over here:

Now attempting with DMagics orbital science (latest version):

1st attempt:

Kerbal portraits freeze after returning from eva, no error or exception generated, other wierd stuff happen as well. Attempting to land results in ship phasing through ground and exploding.





Output log: http://sta.sh/01a5wy9iimy3

Attempt 2 (now with just exception detector, DMagic orbital science, KJR, KER, stockbugfixmodules+stockplus config, and MM):

Hell kraken again dammit. Something with the MK3 tank I'm using??

Attempt 3 (same as attempt 2 really):

On (or by) third landing, the portraits freeze, I can't right click on anything, and attempting to EVA spawns an extra kerbal.

Those are ALL Raysey Kerman


Uh, whoops, I appear to have cloned him at least 14 times (was spamming EVA for the lulz).


Output log: http://sta.sh/028y8no2fn60

Going to delete that branchoff since I ran a cache check on KSP (using steam) and make a new save just to be sure. Plus that one is probably screwed up now.

New attempt with just Exception Detector, KER, and DMagic orbital science:

Attempt 1:

First time I've seen some other line of text be right above the exception without a space.

Platform assembly: C:\Bugtesting Kerbal Space Program\KSP_Data\Managed\Mono.Security.dll (this message is harmless)
InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[UnityEngine.Collider].VerifyState () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[UnityEngine.Collider].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

After I landed, did science, collected it, and went back in, it immediately went obviously frozen.


I was able to briefly reset it by EVAng and going back in, but it froze again, then during flight, some of the controls stopped responding after I went to map and back, was able to land safely by pulsing the engine. Got the clone thing going too.


Edit: Output log from that: http://sta.sh/028t268h2bik

Now attempting to see if it's reproducible without doing science (I reverted back to a save):

Nope, no reproduction there.

Trying with just surface sample and EVA report:

Attempt 1: Landed a little too fast, whoops.

Attempt 2:

On return from EVA after collecting EVA report and surface sample.

Platform assembly: C:\Bugtesting Kerbal Space Program\KSP_Data\Managed\Mono.Security.dll (this message is harmless)
InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[UnityEngine.Collider].VerifyState () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[UnityEngine.Collider].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

From slopes

InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[UnityEngine.Collider].VerifyState () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[UnityEngine.Collider].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Part.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Same error again after midlands, highlands. Okay, can't reproduce the bug, going to science something else, maybe the mini-goocanister (the roverable one).

Reproduced after I took the second goo sample and reset the canister.

Arg, it's not wanting to reproduce. However, I highly suspect that it has something to do with the autosave because the last one happened when the autosave triggered, and MJ forces an autosave, so it's actually more reproducible with MJ.

Edited by smjjames
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Arg, it's reproducible, but not quite reproduce on demand. I wish I could give a simple 1 2 3 step kind of thing, but, you know......

Save file and craft file: http://sta.sh/012t3oyew5co

To reproduce:

1. Land somewhere (I go to poles first, but doesn't matter).

2. Go on EVA, observe and collect the goo and material science stuff.

3. go to a new biome.

4. go to step 2, reset the science parts when needed.

5. Rinse and repeat until you see the portraits freeze. Sometimes it completely glitches out there, sometimes you have to EVA and do more science again.

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@smjjames: I've seen mention of a bug involving cloning Kerbals which seems to appear for a few people with several different mods (KIS or KAS was one, IIRC). I am wondering if there's some new stock bug that gets exposed by some mod behavior.

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Yeah, it's possible, given that I've seen that error come up in a stock only branchoff KSP.

Edit: I've also noticed that it has something to do with the autosaves as the bug triggers with that.

Edited by smjjames
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Arg, it's reproducible, but not quite reproduce on demand. I wish I could give a simple 1 2 3 step kind of thing, but, you know......

Save file and craft file: http://sta.sh/012t3oyew5co

To reproduce:

1. Land somewhere (I go to poles first, but doesn't matter).

2. Go on EVA, observe and collect the goo and material science stuff.

3. go to a new biome.

4. go to step 2, reset the science parts when needed.

5. Rinse and repeat until you see the portraits freeze. Sometimes it completely glitches out there, sometimes you have to EVA and do more science again.

I can see it happen, the NRE when boarding a vessel with science, both in your save (which seems to have some other weird bugs when going on EVA) and in a new save. And I've seen that happen before several times.

It's no surprise that weird things happen when a part's destroy method fails like that (I managed to trigger an error that interrupted a part's destroy method for dropped stages during launch, after that the parts would continually respawn above me and drop back to the ground, it was kind of hilarious). So I'm sure that all of the weird Kerbal portrait and other errors stem from the initial failure upon boarding.

Why that happens I still don't have any idea. I don't do anything unusual to the Science Data. Once it gets transferred to a Kerbal it should be treated the same as any other, the same way that it does when it gets transmitted or recovered. The only difference between my data and stock data is that stock science somehow takes Kerbal scientist level into account.

The value that controls the science research level (detailed, thorough, ect... that shows up in the results page), ScienceData.labBoost is being set to 0 by me. I should probably set it to 1 (which is the lowest research level, that doesn't show any special name). It's possible that the 0 value is breaking something, but I would expect that to happen every time if that were the case. I'll try it out though.

Edit: Nope, that didn't help. Not that I expected it to based on the error log. That error is typical when someone isn't being careful about modifying a list of something while enumerating through each element of the list. Which is exactly what KSP appears to be doing in the part's destroy method.

Edited by DMagic
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I thought it would be interesting to change the config for the stock goo and material bays to only allow a limited number of samples.

The stock ModuleScienceExperiment seems to be either on or off and nothing inbetween.

Since I always play with your parts I figured I would see if you had any modules that would do this.

DMModuleScienceAnimate is used for the Universal Storage Material Bay, but I don't see a experiment limit.

DMRoverGooMat has a experiment limit, but I'm a bit confused as to why it is a separate module from the above one as it seems pretty similar.

Anyway, I guess the quick question would be can I use DMModuleScienceAnimate and add a experiment limit field? If not, can DMRoverGooMat be used in place of the stock module, or will it break something?

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