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[1.8.x] DMagic Orbital Science: New Science Parts [v1.4.3] [11/2/2019]


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Transmission worked fine for me in science sandbox. Can you check the debug log while transmitting science? It will show a message whenever science is received.

Something like:

[Research & Development]: +50 data on Seismic Scan from LaunchPad. +2.7 Science Added. Subject value is 0.59

I flew the same mission again (after uninstalling ScienceAlert) and got this result:


[Log]: [Research & Development]: +18 data on Orbital Telescope Observations from space just above the Mun's Midlands. +18.0 Science Added. Subject value is 0.00
[Log]: [DM] Could not find DMScience of title [Orbital Telescope Observations from space just above the Mun's Midlands]

So if the ratio between the recovery and transmit values are not linked to the subject value, what exactly is the subject value (sorry about my ignorance)?

Edited by greystork
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[Log]: [Research & Development]: +18 data on Orbital Telescope Observations from space just above the Mun's Midlands. +18.0 Science Added. Subject value is 0.00
[Log]: [DM] Could not find DMScience of title [Orbital Telescope Observations from space just above the Mun's Midlands]

So if the ratio between the recovery and transmit values are not linked to the subject value, what exactly is the subject value (sorry about my ignorance)?

I can't see the picture.

Ignore the second line in that log file, that is related to how science collected from asteroids is processed.

There was a thread somewhere explaining how all of the science values worked, but I can't remember where it was.

The Subject Value is basically the planetary and situation multiplier. Science from the surface of Kerbin has a very low subject value, less than 1 I think, whereas science from the Mun has a higher value (it differs on the surface, in orbit, high orbit, etc...). The total science value of an experiment is the subject value * base value (found in the ScienceDefs.cfg file).

The data value that shows in the experiment results page is based on another value in the ScienceDefs file, the dataScalar. It affects transmission time and electricity usage.

The transmission value, the percentage of the SubVal * BaseVal that can be transmitted, is defined in each part's config file.

There is another value not mentioned in that log file, the Science Value, that is to calculate the diminishing returns of repeated experiments from the same area.

Edit: Oh, and to add greatly to the confusion, when it says Subject Value in that log entry, it really mean Science Value. So when it says Subject Value is 0.00, what it really means is the Science Value is zero, therefore no more science data can be collected from that biome/experiment/planet combination (a Science Value of 1 means no data has been collected from there yet). The actual Subject Value isn't given in the log entry... :confused:

Edit 2: Here we go; [thread=62657]TriggerAu's awesome explanation[/thread] of the science system. The lab processing part is out-of-date, but the rest should still be valid.

And speaking of lab processing, most of the experiments from my parts won't show the lab processing option, even though I'm pretty sure they should. If you want to process the data you'll have to manually remove it from my parts and take it into the Science Lab. From there it should work the same as stock science.

Edited by DMagic
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I can't see the picture.

Added link to it instead of trying to usurp google servers.

Oh, and to add greatly to the confusion, when it says Subject Value in that log entry, it really mean Science Value. So when it says Subject Value is 0.00, what it really means is the Science Value is zero, therefore no more science data can be collected from that biome/experiment/planet combination

Oh goodie, so ScienceAlert permanently removed my chance of collecting orbital data from the Mun in my saved game. :huh:

Edit 2: Here we go; [thread=62657]TriggerAu's awesome explanation[/thread] of the science system.

Thanks, I'll have to give it a read. I really appreciate you taking the time to provide all this info! :)

Edit: I guess the bottom line is you just can't trust what the science experiment pop-up window says in terms of the science points you'll receive...

Edit2: Unless, of course, the 'subject value' is the result of the transaction and will be applied next time you run the experiment.

Edited by greystork
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Edit: I guess the bottom line is you just can't trust what the science experiment pop-up window says in terms of the science points you'll receive...

No, it should be correct (though when you have multiple copies of the same experiment they won't automatically update if you transmit one of them). The log file indicates that you received 18 science from that experiment. The "Subject Value" that it shows is the new value, after transmission. Since the transmission rate is 100% and the base and cap science values are the same for that experiment you get the entire available amount of science in one result. Check your actual science value total in the toolbar window, but it should be working fine.

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No, it should be correct (though when you have multiple copies of the same experiment they won't automatically update if you transmit one of them). The log file indicates that you received 18 science from that experiment. The "Subject Value" that it shows is the new value, after transmission. Since the transmission rate is 100% and the base and cap science values are the same for that experiment you get the entire available amount of science in one result. Check your actual science value total in the toolbar window, but it should be working fine.

Yep, I eventually figured it out. Thanks again for explaining everything! :)

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Thanks DMagic for a great mod.

I am a little confused by the latest update. The US Materials Bay looks like it moved quite a bit farther into the tech tree from the position in prior versions. When I went to see what the configuration file said (to check whether it was a change in CTT or DMOS) the cfg file said that the part was 'unresearchable'. Now I have no problem with writing a modulemanager patch to move it if this is an intended change, but I was confused by the cfg entry.

Can I get a clarification about what I am looking at?

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Hi there.

I am just stopping by to thank you for this awesome mod. I find the vanilla science experiments a bit lacking, most of the time boiling down to hauling the materials bay around the solar system. These experiments are much more fun to make. I am also really enjoying the contracts that go with them. They are more complex and rewarding to do than the standard "recover kerbal" missions.

Stellar work on this mod!

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I want to change what the pre-requisite technologies are for the Universal Storage components, but I am not having any effect by changing the @TechRequired at the end of the cfg files. How can I get these components to show up at another tech node?

Thank you! :)

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Thanks DMagic for a great mod.

I am a little confused by the latest update. The US Materials Bay looks like it moved quite a bit farther into the tech tree from the position in prior versions. When I went to see what the configuration file said (to check whether it was a change in CTT or DMOS) the cfg file said that the part was 'unresearchable'. Now I have no problem with writing a modulemanager patch to move it if this is an intended change, but I was confused by the cfg entry.

I want to change what the pre-requisite technologies are for the Universal Storage components, but I am not having any effect by changing the @TechRequired at the end of the cfg files. How can I get these components to show up at another tech node?

Look a little further down in the config. A Module Manager config is added at the end of each part's config file that places each part in the tech tree and makes it show up in the editor list. The Universal Storage parts must be set to not show up by default. Without Universal Storage the parts are technically loaded, but don't function correctly.

For some reason contracts are still not showing up. Not sure if it is DMagic or another mod causing the same effect. I'm using Dmagic, NearFuture and RoverDude's USI at the moment.

I need to know what version you are using, and log files would be helpful.

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Look a little further down in the config. A Module Manager config is added at the end of each part's config file that places each part in the tech tree and makes it show up in the editor list. The Universal Storage parts must be set to not show up by default. Without Universal Storage the parts are technically loaded, but don't function correctly.

Do you mean this:



@TechRequired = aerospaceComposites

@category = Science


I've tried changing the techs listed there and other places but have still had no luck getting them to change places in the research screen. I need walkthrough help with this or a reference I can learn from in this particular case.

- - - Updated - - -

Edited by Sarxis
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Hey DMagic, any idea why the magnetometer boom would give this exception when I load a craft which already has the booms extended?

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at DMagic.Part_Modules.DMMagBoomModule.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

I checked by retracting the booms, restarting game and loading craft, no error, then I extended the booms, restarted game and reloaded craft and the error came up.

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I too am wondering why the UniversalStorage Parts are at the place in the Community Tech Tree, like the PresMat/2 Hot in Subsonic Flight and how to change that. I can't find the part in the .cfg and don't know if I can just add something like:



@TechRequired = spaceExploration


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Hey DMagic, any idea why the magnetometer boom would give this exception when I load a craft which already has the booms extended?

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at DMagic.Part_Modules.DMMagBoomModule.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

I checked by retracting the booms, restarting game and loading craft, no error, then I extended the booms, restarted game and reloaded craft and the error came up.

That one has been bugging me for quite a while. It only seems to give the error once, and I assume it's because it's trying to access something that isn't initialized yet. But I've never really been able to track it down. It doesn't affect anything though, the Update() method fails once (Unity runs the Update method every single frame, so you'd know if was continually failing), but then works fine.

Do you mean this:...

Change the TechRequired line, nothing else is needed. If you have already purchased the tech node in the R&D center the part icon will still appear when you select the node, it should also appear in the new tech node you have assigned, there isn't much than can be done about this without save-file-fiddling.

If you are using the Community Tech Tree you'll need to edit the CTT config in the Resources folder.

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Change the TechRequired line, nothing else is needed. If you have already purchased the tech node in the R&D center the part icon will still appear when you select the node, it should also appear in the new tech node you have assigned, there isn't much than can be done about this without save-file-fiddling.

If you are using the Community Tech Tree you'll need to edit the CTT config in the Resources folder.

It was the CTT cfg file in the Resources folder! I suspected there was another file somewhere over-riding the changes, but didn't realize there was a CTT config in that folder. I didn't even need to change the individual part cfgs because I am using CTT 2.1 right now.

Thank you DMagic for taking the time to help a Layn00b like me :D My tech tree is super-saweeeeeeet right now!

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For some reason I can't seem to be able to use either the exokerbal core drill or the surface ablation laser light imager. Are there any known issues with this, or does anyone know what needs to be done in order to get them to work?

I am running career mode & just unlocked both devices. I have a mission contract to get them, and have the parts attached to the side of a plane. I've flown there & landed at the needed site, but when I click on the command to run either part I get the errors "no target", and "can't run this right now". If it helps I can run the systems check button & the animation runs, unfortunately I can't seem to run the actual test. Can someone please help?

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I'm using the latest version of this mod (think it is 1.0.3)

and i have some issue with experiment in Universal Storage

i'm unable to perform US experiment in low orbit situation (around 80 Km)

while corresponding standard experiment just work fine

from my log file, i found this (which i think is related to my issue)

[EXC 10:33:05.624] MissingFieldException: Field '.CelestialBody.atmosphereScaleHeight' not found.

DMagic.Part_Modules.DMModuleScienceAnimate.canConduct ()

DMagic.Part_Modules.DMModuleScienceAnimate.DeployExperiment ()

BaseEvent.Invoke ()

UIPartActionButton.OnClick ()

any idea, or advise ?

many thanks in advance


i re-test after a fresh install of latest version of this mod and Universal Storage

it works fine

sorry for disturb

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Ran into a bug today, had contract to do a series of magnetometer scans, launched a plane to do it, landed at the first one, and got an error from the scanner that said no more samples could be taken. here's a pic and log: Whoops wrong link, heres the right one. :https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xwftc87l53tmheh/AAC4_hW-p-sAYeQw5SYBmPEva?dl=0

Edit: this might actually have nothing to do with this mod, after a game restart I noticed the craft in question had all variables locked, fuel didn't drain during flight, electric charge wasn't consumed, throttle was set, and couldn't be adjusted. This 'bug' may have just been KSP being, well, KSP. You might want to still take a look to be sure, but I don't have any clue how to read the output log myself, so I wouldn't even know how to track down whats going on. sorry if I wasted your time on this.

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I'm having a wierd bug going on. I'm using a rover packed with science experiments and has an external command seat on it and is connected via decoupler to a pod (so that I can spawn a kerbal when I launch the ship) to get science at KSC. The bug is that after a short time and a couple of EVAs/return to seats, the craft suddenly becomes unclickable and whatever action windows are on there, get stuck. Returning to KSC fixes it temporarily, but it comes back pretty quickly.

Heres the craft file (required mods: MRS for the SAS and USI exploration pack for the small command pod and the science container, Dmagic Orbital science, the rest is stock): http://sta.sh/022izaiuvu3c

Doing a restart before posting an output log to see if I can reproduce it and to refresh the output log.

Edit: Before anybody asks, yes there is electric charge. The bug also happens when I'm on EVA.

Also, minor graphical bug, when you restore the mini goo canister and the mini materials bay, the two pieces that stick up and indicate the number of samples used don't reset while the rest of the model resets. It resets fully the next time you do an observation with either part.

The bug hit again while I was editing the post earlier, also $#%^& stock wheels break too easily :P Do you want me to upload an output log or not needed? I'm not seeing anything useful in it anyway.

Edit: It happens pretty soon after I go back to KSC and reboard the craft :P heres an output log: http://sta.sh/018ry4fepnhk I honestly have no idea if this mod is responsible though, but will test.

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I'm having a wierd bug going on. I'm using a rover packed with science experiments and has an external command seat on it and is connected via decoupler to a pod (so that I can spawn a kerbal when I launch the ship) to get science at KSC. The bug is that after a short time and a couple of EVAs/return to seats, the craft suddenly becomes unclickable and whatever action windows are on there, get stuck. Returning to KSC fixes it temporarily, but it comes back pretty quickly.

This seems very strange. Does it happen with any other vessel?

I don't see anything of interest in the log files, but something like this might not show up there anyway. Let me know if the problem continues and I'll look into it.

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This seems very strange. Does it happen with any other vessel?

I don't see anything of interest in the log files, but something like this might not show up there anyway. Let me know if the problem continues and I'll look into it.

It still happens with a somewhat modified version of that vessel, but I should try it with a totally different vessel.

It seems to have something to do with autosave, no clue honestly.

I tried it with stock only instruments and it doesn't happen there, so, I dunno....

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