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[1.8.x] DMagic Orbital Science: New Science Parts [v1.4.3] [11/2/2019]


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I watched most of the video; it was a little hard to tell in some cases if the boarding bug was being triggered every time the portrait freezing/other weirdness happened. From the logs I think that it did, which would make the most sense.

I'll have to go out Minmus and stumble around a bit while printing out the collisions list to confirm, but I think that those times you climb onto the lander and sort of stumble may trigger the effect, floating around might trigger it too, it's hard to say.

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You know, while I was doing the KSC rover science, I fell off the rover a number of times and the exception triggered several times (almost every time I returned to the pod), but the bug never triggered.

Edit: I just realized that I haven't done a round of KSC science in this new save and I have all the science parts now, so, I could do that.

Edit2: Or maybe I did, but not with all instruments.

Edit3: Clambering around on a rover seems to reproduce it pretty easily.

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Hey DMagic, I've been working on updating MonkeyWrench (an addon which added KAS configs to a bunch of parts, including DMOS instruments), so I was glad to see that you've put KIS configs in this mod already. However, because there's a stock bug where KSP doesn't correctly report the sizes of parts that use MODEL{} nodes and have rescaleFactor some value other than 1, KIS is calculating all of the wrong volumes for your parts. You can add a "volumeOverride" value to resolve this. The correct volumes (default volume x rescaleFactor^3) are:

ASERT: 22.11

GORESat: 39.11

Multi-spectral imaging: 41.47

(Magnetometer is OK, rescaleFactor = 1)

RWPS: 25.86

Orbital telescope: 168.21 (now small enough to fit in a Kerbal's inventory!)

(Solar particle collector OK, rescaleFactor = 1)

Anomaly scanner: 27.99

XKCD/biodrill: 36.97

DAN: 14.96

SALLI (surface laser): 45.67

Mini-goo: 7.85

Mini-Science-Jr.: 49.36

X-Ray: 45.68

(I'm happy to make a pull request with these values, if you're interested.)

Also, how did you get those equipDir angles? I gather from KIS's code and Unity documentation that they're Euler angles applied in the z-x-y order, but it seems that I only get expected results about half the time. Do KSP or KIS do weird things with axes or something? Thanks!

Edited by Kerbas_ad_astra
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Hey DMagic, I've been working on updating MonkeyWrench (an addon which added KAS configs to a bunch of parts, including DMOS instruments), so I was glad to see that you've put KIS configs in this mod already. However, because there's a stock bug where KSP doesn't correctly report the sizes of parts that use MODEL{} nodes and have rescaleFactor some value other than 1, KIS is calculating all of the wrong volumes for your parts. You can add a "volumeOverride" value to resolve this. The correct volumes (default volume x rescaleFactor^3) are:

Wouldn't it help to use the scale factor inside the model {} instead of rescale?

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You know, while I was doing the KSC rover science, I fell off the rover a number of times and the exception triggered several times (almost every time I returned to the pod), but the bug never triggered.

I tried this out on the launch pad and on Minmus in a stock install. Triggering the error was easy and I setup a proper bug report.

I also tried with DMOS installed, in neither case could I get any of the other weirdness to happen, the frozen portraits, control lock-outs, etc...

You can add a "volumeOverride" value to resolve this. The correct volumes (default volume x rescaleFactor^3) are:

Thanks, I'll add these in.

Also, how did you get those equipDir angles? I gather from KIS's code and Unity documentation that they're Euler angles applied in the z-x-y order, but it seems that I only get expected results about half the time. Do KSP or KIS do weird things with axes or something? Thanks!

Trial and error. :confused:

I'm sure there is some simple way of going from the part orientation in Unity to how they should be carried on a Kerbal. But I didn't want to go through the Unity scenes for each part, and a lot of them are rotated in the configs, so I just did a lot of database reloading; it was fun.

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I tried this out on the launch pad and on Minmus in a stock install. Triggering the error was easy and I setup a proper bug report.

I also tried with DMOS installed, in neither case could I get any of the other weirdness to happen, the frozen portraits, control lock-outs, etc...

Any idea what other factors we could be missing? I'm able to reproduce it in my brachoff KSP (a copy of KSP outside of the steam folder which I mainly use for bugtesting), so it's certainly not because of forcing OpenGL.

edit: Would be nice if you could post the reported side effects in the bug report, only problem is that it only appears to happen to me for some reason.

Edited by smjjames
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[You can add a "volumeOverride...]

Thanks, I'll add these in.

Actually, it would probably be better to adjust the config so that rescaleFactor = 1 (and same for SCANSat). E.g. if a part has rescaleFactor = 2, you'd change it to:

scale = 2,2,2

rescaleFactor = 1

node_whatever = 2*originalX, 2*originalY, 2*originalZ, xDir, yDir, zDir, size

That way, you avoid all of the shenanigans associated with rescaleFactor and MODEL{} nodes (e.g. KIS not getting the scale of the "hologram" right when attaching a part, shrinking/growing on load under certain conditions...).

And thanks for the heads-up on the angles. I guess I'll just have to do some more testing...

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Actually, it would probably be better to adjust the config so that rescaleFactor = 1 (and same for SCANSat)

Will do, and it's already done for the next SCANsat update.

Just started farming science points around the KSC when I found this little gem...


Oh yeah, I put in a bunch of those. :kiss:

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Hello DMagic,

yesterday I managed to get a contract done (after numerous attempts) where I had to do some laser measurements near the south pole. The problem was, there were really cliffy mountains (probably due to texture handling in KSP itself, they were actually called "grassland" for most parts) in these areas so that a landing depended on the use of several parachutes on my plane.

Is there a way to avoid having those measurement areas in the awkward regions around the poles?

Greetings from the astrosmurf and thanks for your awesome and fun mods!

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Random though relevant to this mod... Is it possible to do new kerbal portabe science experiments? I know it's a bit off the wall, but having a suit-case sized experiment you could EVA to nearby sites would be nice, especially if you're not quite to decent rover tech yet.

I know that would require working with the KAS/KIS folks... Just curious if anyone had thought about it.

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Hello DMagic,

yesterday I managed to get a contract done (after numerous attempts) where I had to do some laser measurements near the south pole. The problem was, there were really cliffy mountains (probably due to texture handling in KSP itself, they were actually called "grassland" for most parts) in these areas so that a landing depended on the use of several parachutes on my plane.

Is there a way to avoid having those measurement areas in the awkward regions around the poles?

Greetings from the astrosmurf and thanks for your awesome and fun mods!

Those are more-or-less just stock contracts that ask for results from my parts. They randomly assign locations, so you juts have to be careful about which contracts you accept. You can see where the waypoints for offered contracts are in the tracking station (and you can use CapCom to accept those contracts without having to go back and forth from the mission control center to the tracking station so much), that should give you an idea of easy it is to get to multiple locations.

Random though relevant to this mod... Is it possible to do new kerbal portabe science experiments? I know it's a bit off the wall, but having a suit-case sized experiment you could EVA to nearby sites would be nice, especially if you're not quite to decent rover tech yet.

I know that would require working with the KAS/KIS folks... Just curious if anyone had thought about it.

I've never really had any desire to add Kerbal experiments. I always intended this to be a probe science pack.

Are there any plans to add support for the New Horizons Mod?

As in science results text? I'm pretty sure KillAshley already added those for all of the new planets.

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Hey DMagic! I'm having a problem in KSP RO. I don't know if this bug is up to your mod or something with RO but i cant right-click goo experiment and i cant log data from barometer and thermomether. I can show data but i cant log them. I can sey them to log in action gropus but when i activate that action group in flight it still doesn't work? Any Help?

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This is probably a silly question, and I'm sorry if it's already been asked and I've missed it; but can I use Kerbal Attachment System in conjunction with the Asteroid Sounding Experiment? Could I affix each bit to the surface on either side of the spacerock I'm after and still have it work?

Thanks for any responses.

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Hey DMagic! I'm having a problem in KSP RO. I don't know if this bug is up to your mod or something with RO but i cant right-click goo experiment and i cant log data from barometer and thermomether. I can show data but i cant log them. I can sey them to log in action gropus but when i activate that action group in flight it still doesn't work? Any Help?

I'm not sure why that would happen. Do you mean that you can't access these experiments while on EVA, or that they don't work at all? And are you using the stock barometer/thermometer or the Universal Storage version?

This is probably a silly question, and I'm sorry if it's already been asked and I've missed it; but can I use Kerbal Attachment System in conjunction with the Asteroid Sounding Experiment? Could I affix each bit to the surface on either side of the spacerock I'm after and still have it work?

Thanks for any responses.

All of my parts should be compatible with KIS. I've never actually tried to attach those instruments directly to an asteroid, but it should work, and they should function properly, it's technically no different from having them attached to vessels which are attached to the asteroid with a claw.

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Is anyone else seeing their magnetic survey timers reset for no apparent reason? I've left the sat in the proper orbit and the timer starts counting down, but it just resets randomly, without me even focusing on the craft. I think it may be triggered by loading a saved game, or reverting to launch.

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Is anyone else seeing their magnetic survey timers reset for no apparent reason? I've left the sat in the proper orbit and the timer starts counting down, but it just resets randomly, without me even focusing on the craft. I think it may be triggered by loading a saved game, or reverting to launch.

Yeah, I've had one mag survey around Kerbin for 64 days by the MET clock, the mission was only for a 21day scan... sure, the margins of the orbit are close 0.186 vs .15 e, but still, if it's on rails, it shouldn't change... So why isn't it triggering the mission to be completed?

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