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Kerbin Outer Space Treaty - UNOFFICIAL Poll if it should be official.


Would You like this Treaty Official?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Would You like this Treaty Official?

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Kerbin Outer Space Treaty

Space is meant to be explored, Not militarized. Can we all agree, To leave the fighting and Keep Peace? The answer is your Choice. :)

What is KASE?

A space program, With a few different efforts than space exploration.

What is KASE's Efforts for?

We believe that space was meant for exploration, Not for warfare or militarization.

We also believe that if space was to be militarized, We would've done it already.

Our efforts are simple. We believe to have peace in Outer Space.


It's quite hard to enforce a treaty over all of internet, In the internet Free Will Reigns. Those who don't have the power to enforce will be

Disrespected, And their treaty will be diminished because the ignorance of some not all of the people on the internet, If you have an idea how KASE Can enforce, Please don't hesitate to tell.

The Treaty

The treaty Forbids militarization of space, Such as nuclear missile planet bases. Bases for science are okay.

The treaty Forbids Any form of militarization. No matter WHAT costs.

The treaty Forbids To Fight in Space, All enemies or continents of kerbin will agree.

Assigned as of 1/5/2014

Edited by ThatKerbal
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That is my question. A treaty does no good unless it can be enforced against those who try to violate it, while those who do not wish to violate it do not need the treaty in the first place, so what purpose would such a treaty serve? I also have no interest in militarizing KSP, but others have different views, and I couldn't enforce mine even if I wished to. Perhaps you are thinking of a pledge rather than a treaty? People can pledge to agree to a principle without trying to require others to abide by the agreement as well.

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It doesn't require necessarily an enforcement, just a majority agreement. People could, of course, carry on doing this- But what if most of us agreed not to? At that point, militarization would seem unjust. It does tighten the reins on personal creativity but I counter by saying that, although that's what rockets we're build for at the start, the game itself is about exploring, not killing- There is far to much willingness to kill in this world, lets not bring it into an exploratory game.

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I voted no. Why?

The only way that I can see this treaty being enforced is by setting up a military infrastructure in space, which in itself would violate the treaty. Also, we cant guarantee that everyone will agree to this.

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Even though I don't fly giant space carriers around the Jool system, dropping fighters and "space mines" as I go, I've made more than one military-looking airplane. I also love those military frigates people post on the screenshot thread, so...

Let everybody play however they want to... It's their game, anyway. :)

Now, if this is just a poll for a roleplay AAR, that's a completely different story. :rolleyes:

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Okay, It'll be a pledge.

Yeah it was more of an AAR roleplay, If people wanted officiality, This is what this poll is for.

Also the kraken is a bug, You can't shoot a bug with a missile and kill it.

Edited by Specialist290
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In my point of view a military is not a force of destruction, in my view a military is something you can get behind and trust to keep you safe from aggressors. A force of destruction would be a regime, raiding party, etc. But a military as of now would not be necessary in space, as there are no aggressive species in the Kerbol system. However there is a hostile force within it, hostile players! I think that if any correct military community were to erect itself then it would be in the name of defense. This would serve as a compromise as it can also enforce the aspect that space should be researched and not conquered.

But that's just my opinion

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And when multiplayer comes around the corner?,What you'll leave players new and old defenceless against people who won't even know of a treaty!.Attacking something defenceless is a no-no but someone who means harm?,well lets just say they would be 'discouraged'

Just read the above and feel a scientific defence committee,alliance,guild,whatever you want to call it could be set up now.

Edited by Spartwo
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NO! If I want a Mun Fighter, I am going to make a mun fighter! With Gatling guns! And Missiles! I do believe, however, that there should be some restrictions set in place on MP, such as being able to control the ability for other players to colide or control your stuff. [RP]If someone wants a military program, they can have one. Just dont force things like this from on high.[/RP]

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I honestly think this should get locked for Roleplay but that's just me. Arcadia Industries has NO INTENTIONS OF EVER SIGNING A PIECE OF PAPER FORBIDDING WARFARE ANYWHERE. I stand strongly opposed of this and will remain so until a valid reason is present, IT'S A GAME GUYS, NOT REAL LIFE.




Edited by The Fleet Master
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  Lolaks said:
Yeah it was more of an AAR roleplay, If people wanted officiality, This is what this poll is for.

Unfortunately, as roleplaying is forbidden on these forums, I'll have to lock this thread. You can find further explanation here as to why we take this stance.

If you'd like to restart this as a straight, non-roleplaying AAR, feel free to open a new topic for it. Alternately, if you're still attached to the roleplaying aspect, then you might find this website to be more receptive to what you plan on doing.

Have a nice day :)

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