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[WIP] MSI's Infernal Robotics - Model Rework (v02 Pre-Release Beta)


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New Robotics Update Out!!

I've tested the latest TweakScale plugin and it all seems to work, but let me know if you spot any issues. Usual disclaimer about potential save breaking etc

Edit: Also adjusted stepIncrement as per suggestions, and increased movement speed of the 120 degree Pivotron

Edited by ZodiusInfuser
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Awesome, thanks for updating. I wouldn't be too sad about breaking compatibility - people using Goodspeed parts have the Goodspeed plugin and likely not this one. If they have this one, presuming this TweakScale can be used on Goodspeeds parts (simple MM config to remove the GS module from them), people can use this one instead. There should be no major problems - as long as people read that they can have either GS or yours, they can decide which one they want.

So no sadness, just happiness for bugfixes :)

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  ZodiusInfuser said:
If there's something lacking, please let me know in the other thread so I can consider modelling something in. The current selection is by no means complete.

I like to build my sattelites inside of some fairings, and the current meshes of IR are really well Fitting, they take just the space to feel realistic.

To me the parts for them self look good, and the hint mesh for showing where the primary node for attaching is, is great, but but compared to the current meshes they are taking much more space in meaning of spacevolumen in cm³.

The structural parts are looking more adault than the hinges.

But I love your robo arm, it is incredible.

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
You know you can tweak the robotic parts down a size, right?

Of course, but it is the style of the parts that is somehow feeling bulky, just my personal opinion.

Edited by Alewx
corrected spelling
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  Alewx said:
Of course, but it is the style of the parts that is somehow feeling bulky, just my personal opinion.

Could you perhaps show a picture of what you've created with the old parts, and what a similar setup would look like with the new parts? It may well be a case that your application needs a specialist part, or that one of my planned parts (e.g ATHLETE) may resolve.

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  ZodiusInfuser said:
Could you perhaps show a picture of what you've created with the old parts, and what a similar setup would look like with the new parts? It may well be a case that your application needs a specialist part, or that one of my planned parts (e.g ATHLETE) may resolve.


My Comsat 1 from an early techtree stage


And ist more advanced brother in early construction Phase, I already changed the two hinges on top of the panels with a single open hinge.


Athlete might be able to save me a lot of parts. if the texture looks awesome it will be the thing.

Don't get me wrong on this, I like the parts and that they are made like from one Piece having the feel they all belong together. But my personl subjective Feeling on the hinges is like i look at this:


instead of this:


The current hinges are soft and round and nice, and from what I have read most ppl like them, but they are just not mine.

Edited by Alewx
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  Alewx said:

My Comsat 1 from an early techtree stage


And ist more advanced brother in early construction Phase, I already changed the two hinges on top of the panels with a single open hinge.


Athlete might be able to save me a lot of parts. if the texture looks awesome it will be the thing.

Thanks for this. To be honest, the Athlete parts will not help you with this design, and there is nothing on there that I can visibly see needing a new part made for.

Don't get me wrong on this, I like the parts and that they are made like from one Piece having the feel they all belong together. But my personl subjective Feeling on the hinges is like i look at this:


instead of this:


The current hinges are soft and round and nice, and from what I have read most ppl like them, but they are just not mine.

I've said this a few times before, these textures are not final. They are merely placeholder until I have finalised the part functionality. Most people said they're ok with them because the lack of texturing doesn't detract them from the functionality the parts offer, and it allows me to easily iterate on the design. The final design will be more industrial, but still maintain a space-age feel. This might take a while though, so I can understand if you'd prefer to wait for a more finalised selection of parts :)

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  sirkut said:
Feels good to see someone else get fussed at for textures. :) jk


  Cpt. Kipard said:
... Except for the rotation direction indicators.

Btw, I'm working on these now. Gone with the geometry approach since that allows me to make them the same across parts (like with the base indicator lights). Think I've got a style i'm happy with, but need to see how it looks in game first, and then match the direction colours up with the actual directions.

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  ZodiusInfuser said:
Thanks for this. To be honest, the Athlete parts will not help you with this design, and there is nothing on there that I can visibly see needing a new part made for.

I've said this a few times before, these textures are not final. They are merely placeholder until I have finalised the part functionality. Most people said they're ok with them because the lack of texturing doesn't detract them from the functionality the parts offer, and it allows me to easily iterate on the design. The final design will be more industrial, but still maintain a space-age feel. This might take a while though, so I can understand if you'd prefer to wait for a more finalised selection of parts :)

I think the Athlete will make a difference for me it could sage me at one single arm about 3 parts.

I know a little bit about the moddeling process, so no the textures are not the concern, it's more the design, but as you said there will be more iterations. I feel fine to wait and see :)

Were only my 2 Cents.

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New update out :D. Details and download in the OP as usual.

Here are the main highlights (pun intended):


Please let me know what you think of the new directional markers. I was trying to make something unobtrusive but identifiable when people need to figure out the direction a part will move. Unfortunately if you invert the rotation of a part, the markers don't invert to match :(

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Could I ask for a bigger hue difference on those markers?

Also this may be minor but the way you've bevelled those markers makes them look a little weird, especially the curved ones.

Also the root node pips are only useful at build time afaik, so I think they shouldn't be emissive. There's too much going on there in the dark.

Edited by Cpt. Kipard
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  Cpt. Kipard said:
Could I ask for a bigger hue difference on those markers?

Also this may be minor but the way you've bevelled those markers makes them look a little weird, especially the curved ones.

Now I've seen the parts in-game, I understand what you mean. I'll have a play around tomorrow with both these things.

Also the root node pips are only useful at build time afaik, so I think they shouldn't be emissive. There's too much going on there in the dark.

I was always my intention to make the base pips glow, so that robotics parts could be easily spotted on a craft; however having the rotational marks be illuminated, gameplay wise, is far more useful. I'll have to give this some thought. Any ideas of what I could change the base pips to look like instead of lights?

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Just a suggestion, as I know this could mean lots of added work, but maybe the lights could be actually toggable? That way they could be subtle and out of the way in general use, yet still available for those pesky placement problems.

I might be a bit of an oddball, but it feels wrong to me to show something that is mostly for construction purposes so prominently. That being said, I very much like the removal of the stripy texture. Less clutter and a much better look (as far that is possible, the parts looked good to begin with).

Edited by Camacha
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  Camacha said:
Just a suggestion, as I know this could mean lots of added work, but maybe the lights could be actually toggable? That way they could be subtle and out of the way in general use, yet still available for those pesky placement problems.

I might be a bit of an oddball, but it feels wrong to me to show something that is mostly for construction purposes so prominently. That being said, I very much like the removal of the stripy texture. Less clutter and a much better look (as far that is possible, the parts looked good to begin with).

Based on Cpt. Kipard's feedback the base markers are no longer emissive, since once in-flight they serve no purpose. The direction indicators on the other hand are useful both in-editor and in-flight. In fact I'm exploring the option of making them dynamic, such that they account for whether the rotation of a part is inverted or not. Don't expect anything to come from this in the short term though.

  JewelShisen said:
Do we HAVE to use tweakscale?

This is like asking do you have to use Firespitter.dll for KAX or SpacePlane+. Provided you haven't got the module manager configs from the official download, tweakscale will only be used by IR and nothing else. In fact this is how I have it set up in my personal install, since I don't want it messing around with stock parts.

So in answer to your question, Yes, you HAVE to use scale.dll.

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  ZodiusInfuser said:
Based on Cpt. Kipard's feedback the base markers are no longer emissive, since once in-flight they serve no purpose. The direction indicators on the other hand are useful both in-editor and in-flight. In fact I'm exploring the option of making them dynamic, such that they account for whether the rotation of a part is inverted or not. Don't expect anything to come from this in the short term though.

This is like asking do you have to use Firespitter.dll for KAX or SpacePlane+. Provided you haven't got the module manager configs from the official download, tweakscale will only be used by IR and nothing else. In fact this is how I have it set up in my personal install, since I don't want it messing around with stock parts.

So in answer to your question, Yes, you HAVE to use scale.dll.

Alright. Just checking.

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