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[WIP] MSI's Infernal Robotics - Model Rework (v02 Pre-Release Beta)


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This is looking fantastic so far! Will it be pure parts or will there be functionality added? I ask because there are certain glaring omissions in the original version (incredible though it is), such as the ability to set preset angles, the ability to change rotation/extension in the SPH/VAB, and the toolbar window re-appearing when it's hidden, etc. that it would be nice to see fixed (what an ugly sentence, sorry grammar heads).

Anyway, good work is what I'm trying to say :)

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Not too much to be honest. I began unwrapping some of the existing parts, but have been pre-occupied with RL stuff of late.

It is important to take care of real life stuff :) I just really hope they do get finished one day, because they are too pretty to go to waste.

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This is looking fantastic so far! Will it be pure parts or will there be functionality added? I ask because there are certain glaring omissions in the original version (incredible though it is), such as the ability to set preset angles, the ability to change rotation/extension in the SPH/VAB, and the toolbar window re-appearing when it's hidden, etc. that it would be nice to see fixed (what an ugly sentence, sorry grammar heads).

Anyway, good work is what I'm trying to say :)

This is a replacement for (and expansion of) all the existing Infernal Robotics parts only. Sirkut was working on a rewrite of the IR plugin to support the new functionality people have been wanting, but has been silent on the forums for the last month.

It is important to take care of real life stuff :) I just really hope they do get finished one day, because they are too pretty to go to waste.

Me too! There's so much potential for robotics in KSP, but juggling this with my real-life robotics work gets quite challenging at times.

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This is a replacement for (and expansion of) all the existing Infernal Robotics parts only. Sirkut was working on a rewrite of the IR plugin to support the new functionality people have been wanting, but has been silent on the forums for the last month.

He did say he would be very busy for at least a month to come, so that sounds about right. Although I would love to have IR parts that looks like the pictures we saw and that actually work with kOS, I would hate it if they had a cost in the personal life of the maker.

I fully understand people being busy, as I am graduating myself. For me, it is probably better not to have IR parts at the moment :D

Me too! There's so much potential for robotics in KSP, but juggling this with my real-life robotics work gets quite challenging at times.

Very understandable. The fact that you are still excited to do them is all I need to hear - because it means they are not dying a sad death. Take the time you need, modding should be fun!

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  • 3 weeks later...
oooooo mind filling a fellow robtics engineer in with what you are working on? (curious since he's just really got started doing practical robotics)

Well I'm early on in my career at the moment, doing a PhD at the SCentRo research centre in Sheffield, UK. My work is on Modular/Transforming robots, focusing mainly on hardware development at this stage (e.g. circuit boards, 3D printing etc), with programming coming into play later on. Before that I used to do robotics as a hobby, as videos on my youtube channel show: https://www.youtube.com/user/ZodiusInfuser

How about yourself?

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(looks though all 14 pages of thread)

(ME) "IM on my KNEES! , ON my knees!" (other poster)"no your not" "ooo (gets on knees) ON my KNEEEEESS!, PLEASE RELEASE these awesome parts! I don't even care if there not textured!....I NEEEEEEDDD THEM!"

rep if anyone knows what that is from.

Edited by Tidus Klein
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Well I'm early on in my career at the moment, doing a PhD at the SCentRo research centre in Sheffield, UK. My work is on Modular/Transforming robots, focusing mainly on hardware development at this stage (e.g. circuit boards, 3D printing etc), with programming coming into play later on. Before that I used to do robotics as a hobby, as videos on my youtube channel show: https://www.youtube.com/user/ZodiusInfuser

Pretty cool. Even though I am in a different line of work, I have always been quite interested in robotics. I used to build lots of robots with my Legos, designed them on paper and devoured every book on them I could find when I was a lot younger :D I have always been a bit hesitant to spend a lot of money building a 'serious' robot as I was not sure I would actually get somewhere - building things are part of my profession, but programming is just a hobby. Fiddling about with Arduinos and also kOS and Infernal Robotics has given me some confidence that I should be able to get to results that are at least interesting enough not to make it a waste of money. Especially stuff like inverse kinematics seem like a fun (but hard) challenge to take on. I really enjoy polishing an algorithm to perfection.

I think the first step would be to build that long planned 3D-printer. It is not only a valuable asset for my workshop, it also makes these things a lot easier.

(ME) "IM on my KNEES! , ON my knees!" (other poster)"no your not" "ooo (gets on knees) ON my KNEEEEESS!, PLEASE RELEASE these awesome parts! I don't even care if there not textured!....I NEEEEEEDDD THEM!

Even though I know you mean well, all the capitals and your wording come across as a little demanding. It has already been stated that real world obligations take up a lot of time. I would be best to leave the boys to their work, letting them release it as they see fit. Compliments are welcome.

Edited by Camacha
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Before that I used to do robotics as a hobby, as videos on my youtube channel show: https://www.youtube.com/user/ZodiusInfuser

Nice smooth tripod walking gait!

We've a Biology professor (bioinformatics I think) from Sheffield where I work, takes a few moments to acclimate to his Scottish accent if I haven't been around him for a while.

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Well I'm early on in my career at the moment, doing a PhD at the SCentRo research centre in Sheffield, UK. My work is on Modular/Transforming robots, focusing mainly on hardware development at this stage (e.g. circuit boards, 3D printing etc), with programming coming into play later on. Before that I used to do robotics as a hobby, as videos on my youtube channel show: https://www.youtube.com/user/ZodiusInfuser

How about yourself?

here in ireland (i'm not irish i come from the UK but had to move here cuz my dad got work here in google) it's much different we've only done a little practical work and alot of lectures on gyros and joints and foces and blah balh blah.

i've come from a progamming background so i kinda know a lot about it (that's why i've messed around in ksp to make engines work better (or a lil worse depending how i feel) not much robotics, apart from strapping a camera onto a couple of servos and attaching that onto a model helicopter then setting up a program that makes it fly around the neighborhood and land at it's heli/chargepad when it gets low on juice, so i'm just waiting in class until we get a lil more indepth with it (this is my first year in uni but i'm really intrested in robotics...)

oh i have tried making a bi-pidial small robot... not much succes though... it either keeps falling over or just thinks its ok to walk when it isn't :/

(the rig is just some lego with servos attached in places where i though the knees and ankles would be. i use lego because it's sturdy but also very brittle. i like it cuz although it might break apart but the pieces can be easily put back on unlike metal or plastic where if it snaps you need to build a new one from scratch.)

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Even though I know you mean well, all the capitals and your wording come across as a little demanding. It has already been stated that real world obligations take up a lot of time. I would be best to leave the boys to their work, letting them release it as they see fit. Compliments are welcome.

OO ops im not complaining, and I know making something like this takes a lot of time.... Just expressing my wants I guess. I was not trying to push anyone.

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(looks though all 14 pages of thread)

(ME) "IM on my KNEES! , ON my knees!" (other poster)"no your not" "ooo (gets on knees) ON my KNEEEEESS!, PLEASE RELEASE these awesome parts! I don't even care if there not textured!....I NEEEEEEDDD THEM!"

rep if anyone knows what that is from.

Thanks for the kind words on all "thous ugly ones." I quit.

Not really but damn have some sense to be tactful. You really make people not resume coding improvements to the plugin.

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Thanks for the kind words on all "thous ugly ones." I quit.

Not really but damn have some sense to be tactful. You really make people not resume coding improvements to the plugin.

Gotta agree with this. Sure the older parts may not have looked as good, but that doesnt give reason to downright insult them. Someone worked hard on those, and without those first parts, its likely there wouldnt be any remodeled parts.

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Thanks for the kind words on all "thous ugly ones." I quit.

Not really but damn have some sense to be tactful. You really make people not resume coding improvements to the plugin.

Sirkut, I hope it helps for you to know there are many more people who appreciate, and are thankful, for the work you've put into IR.

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Sirkut, I hope it helps for you to know there are many more people who appreciate, and are thankful, for the work you've put into IR.

Sirkut. Yeah. You were the pilgrim. We need you. We love you. Don't let people talk. You pieces are ultra kerbish imo. And I like them.

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Looks Amazing really glad for the re-texture, not to say sirkut did a bad job he made IR and made it work well!

Edit: maybe you can use the goodspeed areospace plugin? It allows you to change part size on right click and would help with the part/size clutter! Here's the link http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/72567

Edited by Boamere
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Thanks for the kind words on all "thous ugly ones." I quit.

Not really but damn have some sense to be tactful. You really make people not resume coding improvements to the plugin.

IR and the default ones are awesome. He was saying like "KW Rocketry is awesome, this is better than Squad, their parts are ugly ones!" despite the fact that Squad made the game itself and KW was just a mod that adds beautiful rockets to the game.

You made IR, sirkut, these parts would certainly be sticks and hubs if not for you :) I loved IR, still love IR. Aesthetics aren't everything (though it matters sometimes).

IR is awesome, This rework is awesome and some people just have a problem in expressing words that they can hurt people, nothing terribly wrong about it, please keep up the hard work with IR!:D

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Thanks for the kind words on all "thous ugly ones." I quit.

Not really but damn have some sense to be tactful. You really make people not resume coding improvements to the plugin.

HOLY CRAP!!! I did not mean it like that! if it means any thing Im really sorry. good god dont stop making a mod just because one moron ( such as my self) makes a half thought out post on a thread. I mean does anyone really think these thing out before they start typing, I was just excited at the moment, and was comparing the two sets of parts. Im just not always so good at stating my opinions. :)

EDIT... ops miss interpenetrated what ya said.....ok I didn't kill a mod phwwww

Edited by Tidus Klein
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Looks Amazing really glad for the re-texture, not say sirkut did a bad job he made IR and made it work well!

Edit: maybe you can use goodspeed areospaces plugin? It allows you to change part size on right click and would help with the part/size clutter! Here's the link http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/72567

I was not aware of this :0.0:. If it lets me specify what sizes I want and works with IR then I'll definitely adopt it!

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It looks like that mod only works with parts that have top and bottom nodes.

Um, ok. I may need to contact Gaius and see if a special variant could be made for IR. I'll investigate. That sounds to me like its just a hardcoded restriction.

Edited by ZodiusInfuser
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