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[WIP][0.90?] PlanetFactory CE


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Aug 15 2014 Update.

Hi all! I am afraid I have moved on to other projects and I don't know if I will be able to get back to working on PlanetFactory any time soon. So I have changed the license to straight GPL. That should make it easier for other plugins to make use of the code and even the textures and planets.

0.90 Beta - Dec 30 2014



-New planets show up all black in the Science archives.

-Using the Ultra-Timewarp can cause your ship to explode. To avoid this make sure you save/load after leaving Kerbal orbit.

Download Old Jan 2014 version here:


PlanetFactory source at Source with new License

The Kopernicus team has already expressed interest in porting over the stock PlanetFactory planets. I think that would be really cool since I spent about as much time on making those as the plugin itself. :)




This is the Creator Edition of PlanetFactory. It allows creation of systems and planets. Eventually it will be merged with PlanetFactory. But until it is stable it will be a separate plugin.


Includes three sample systems. Serious, Stella and Barry. Barry is a pseudo barycenter binary star system.


-This is a real WIP and has many more bugs than PF. You should only use it with save games you don't care about. For example adding and removing loaded systems on the loading screen will change the indexes of planets in the save game. So your saves are probably borked if you do that.

-It uses a bunch of ram. Piles and piles of ram. I would only use it if I had a 64bit window install. Good thing I do.

-If anything goes wrong you will probably see some sun surrounding Kerbin. First thing make sure you installed in the right bloody location. Come on guys it goes in the GameData directory like every other plugin since a while ago. Get with the now. If that isn't it you probably made a bad edit to one of the configs or have a missing file. Restore to a last known good state and start over.

Ctrl-9 toggles basic GUI for loading/exporting planets. The rest is done with a text editor. If a pics worth 1000 words video should be more right?

License same as PF. Source: https://github.com/Kragrathea/PlanetFactory CE Branch.

More to follow


Notes from the thread:

-Mass and SOI are both derived from GeeASL (see Thud). Be advised it is really easy to mess up SOIs so you cant orbit anything.

-You can change the radius by modifying both CelestialBody "Radius" AND PQS "radius" (note one is capitalized). Again its easy to mess things up if you go too big or too small.

-For atmosphere look at Skelton.

-If your new system isn't working you probably missed something while renaming the files or in the CFG files. Look in the log window for hints.

-As far as a textured planet goes look at Barney, Slade, Planetar and Moonar. All use simple textures I got out of SE. NOTE the only texture format that will work is PNG. No jpgs.

-Kerbin won't work as a template currently. Too complicated. Same with Laythe, although I got Erin to work (barely).

-When exporting from SpaceEngine use 2048 as the size. The only textures needed are surface_bump and surface_diff. They should be converted to png and then renamed <planetname>_height and <planetname>_color respectively. The rest are generated when you export from PlanetFactory.

-You can distribute your updated system by just zipping the directory and write some install instructions on where to unzip it in PlanetFactory.

-8gig RAM is more than enough. I only have 4.

Edited by Kragrathea
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yeeey its here!


just loaded it. the new features are sweet. and all those new solar systems with nice planets to go wih them are the bomb. but i can also report that this version still breaks the science archives and there is a NaN exception on mainmenu to spacecenter transition.(last one is no biggie as it dont seem to have any effect on gameplay)

Edited by landeTLS
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Muahhahahahahahhahah muhahahahhahahahahhahahahahh tomorrow Muahhahahhahahahhahahahahha very evil laugh.

Oh um, can you import custom height maps?

So I can make my very evil plans work?

Edited by Dooz
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No. And if you have a bad orbit nothing is going to fix it anyway. You need to fix the orbit and reload or everything going forward will be messed up.

Any way to reload a planet your not orbiting? My planet got stuck in a gas giant and i cant orbit it.
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This is the Creator Edition of PlanetFactory. It allows creation of systems and planets. Eventually it will be merged with PlanetFactory. But until it is stable it will be a separate plugin.

This is what I've been looking for, just to add small the occasional small body to the game - hope it works!

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Well this is cool. I've always preferred using plugins as it allows for much more advanced capabilities (plus ConfigNodes make code nightmarishly long.) , but I'll have to try this out. I like the Foo Bar references. :D

Edited by Nutt007
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So a figured Out how this Works :D

I did Binary Gas giants!



Cordron and Pop are Binary Gas giants

and they Orbit a Little star Called Gowl

I have a really Cool Texture i want to Apply to him How do i add textures? and Atmospheric Colors?

they have atmospheres and Based off of Jokers Config and any way I can rescale SOI

Edited by Dooz
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Mass and SOI are both derived from GeeASL (see Thud). Be advised it is really easy to mess up SOIs so you cant orbit anything.

You can change the radius by modifying both CelestialBody "Radius" AND PQS "radius" (note one is capitalized). Again its easy to mess things up if you go too big or too small.

For atmosphere look at Skelton.

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Is 8GB of ram enough? The game didn't even launched, so I'm guessing that i'm powerless until I build a new rig.

Laptop specs:

Intel core i7 @ 2.0 GHz

8GB of DDR3


Nvidia GT630m with 2GB of GDDR5

Desktop Specs:

AMD Phenom II X3 overclocked to 3.5 GHz

6GB of DDR3


AMD Radeon HD 6850 1GB of GDDR5

My Planned Rig:

Intel core i7 4930k overclocked to 3.8 GHz (4.2 GHz if water cooled)


4x 256GB Sandisk SSD (Raid 0)

Nvidia GTX 780 Ti (Maybe water cooled)

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