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[1.6.1] Soundtrack Editor 4.6 (2019-01-28)


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Soundtrack Editor worked fine for me - so far.

With 0.90.0 it stopped working.

Only getting a immediate crash when the menu should appear - I guess the dll is not compatible anymore with 0.90.0.

Any chance for an update?

Hmmm, might be a problem with some other mod... I'm using it fine with 0.90 (win32), no problems at all.

I also use a really extensive mod list (~100 mods) so could be a problem with your install or something? Are you using any other mods?

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Hmmm, might be a problem with some other mod... I'm using it fine with 0.90 (win32), no problems at all.

I also use a really extensive mod list (~100 mods) so could be a problem with your install or something? Are you using any other mods?

Oh well, I guess I found the issue. Yes, I'm using some mods - not many, but some are huge. And it seems to me it is a memory thing. x64 is loading just fine (but crashes regulary in the game itself). The 32 bit version is crashing before the main menu screen when loading all mods. Having the soundtrack editor not loaded is working, but also when removing another large mod and load the soundtrack editor instead. Guess it was working before but crashing now because Squad added more stuff themselves ... will have to sacrifice something, and that will be the music then :(

By the way, my mod list (as GameData dirs):

- 000_Toolbar

- AtmosphericSoundEnhancement

- BoulderCo

- Chatterer

- DistantObject

- EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements

- Kethane

- NavyFish

- StationScience

- ToadicusTools


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Oh well, I guess I found the issue. Yes, I'm using some mods - not many, but some are huge. And it seems to me it is a memory thing. x64 is loading just fine (but crashes regulary in the game itself). The 32 bit version is crashing before the main menu screen when loading all mods. Having the soundtrack editor not loaded is working, but also when removing another large mod and load the soundtrack editor instead. Guess it was working before but crashing now because Squad added more stuff themselves ... will have to sacrifice something, and that will be the music then :(

By the way, my mod list (as GameData dirs):

- 000_Toolbar

- AtmosphericSoundEnhancement

- BoulderCo

- Chatterer

- DistantObject

- EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements

- Kethane

- NavyFish

- StationScience

- ToadicusTools


I see :(

Well, yeah... Until x64 works fine, we all have to make sacrifices :P

This list is a bit short, though... I use pretty much all of these (except Kethane; I use Karbonite/all the USI stuff instead) and I can run with high res textures without issues... I see you don't use ATM, I don't like it either (becuase I like the full res textures) so I'll suggest you what worked for me :) I'm really happy with the amount of mods I can run with this:

1. Try converting all the textures to DDS (with THIS) and using DDSLoader

2. Try running the game in OpenGL. To do so, follow the instructions provided HERE.

Believe me, it is worth the trouble. This is my GameData folder WITHOUT Active Texture Management and using full res. My game runs around ~2.5 gb, eventually climbing to 3.2~3.3 (but still not crashing) Hope this helps! :)


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Wow, I'll give it a try for sure! My game is constantly around 3.6+ GB RAM usage by the game alone - and it often crashes when switching screens like going to the Space Center. :( The 32 bit version is therefore not really more stable than the 64 bit version.

Forgot to mention one little thing: I "pimped" Kerbal's clouds from the provided texture by working off some glitches it had, removing foggy areas and most of all increasing resolution to 8192 x 4096 (resulting in a 128 MB png) so you have more natural clouds rather then large "square" clouds.

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Ok, that wasn't that much trouble as I expected after your "warning".

Using OpenGL was a piece of cake - at least for having it tested: screen is flickering on some areas, no AA anymore, settings menu gives blank screen, Alt-Tab to Windows and back gives blank screen, etc. -> not usable for me :(

From the OpenGL thing I came to use the DX11 instead of DX9 rendering: all worked - except there are quite some issues with the shadow on textures, it's not working correctly (especially visible at the space center complex when rotating the camera - windows on buildings are flickering like hell)

-> So I have to stick with DX9 rendering.

Using DDSLoader and converting all textures to dds did work however :) Loading time is amazingly quicker and I was able to get the SoundtrackEditor back working while running at 2.8 GB now, going to 3.5 at max when switching between many big things: I switched through some of my larger stations/vessels in action and the space center, loaded some larger ships (up to 700 pieces) in the Assambly Building and everything was working fine so far. Before I had a crash latest after switching to more than one biger station or load more than one thing in the Assembly Building.

So thanks a lot for the help! I am even more happy to obviously got rid of the crashes than of having the additional music back ;)

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Hello! I installed the mod, and have put inside .ogg files. I then proceeded to load the game like instructed, but I noticed that it would load the song up to a certain songs, then skip the rest of them on the list. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a fix?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am like others here when I say that I have been really wanting this for a looooong time.

I finally got it to work, but the undocumented quirks of the mod have turned me off.

Loading music files and THEN(in a separate instance of KSP) specifying their purpose in a cfg file, at it's current state, is clunky as hell and unintuitive.

Backing out of an active game to the main menu loses main menu music.

More than anything, you can squash a lot of UX issues if music could be played playlist style straight from the HD. I look forward to future versions and I will be donating handsomely for further progress.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The temptation to add "High Speed Dirt"... just to play it in the space plane hangar.

So I know this is definitely still being worked on, and lots of time needed to do that. But...

1. Any chance of a GUI'd music player, capable of playing any songs from the music directory, or a directory created for that purpose?

2. If the answer to the above is yes, what are the odds of integration into something like RPM? It would be incredibly awesome to let Jeb rock out, without having to A/T out and run a playlist :D

Forgive my asking if either feature is already available... I am currently loading the game... yay for compressing textures as we speak :D

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Could this be used just for removing the stock music to free up RAM?

That's actually what this mod grew from. You can set the playlists to empty ones to remove the stock music from the game.

The temptation to add "High Speed Dirt"... just to play it in the space plane hangar.

So I know this is definitely still being worked on, and lots of time needed to do that. But...

1. Any chance of a GUI'd music player, capable of playing any songs from the music directory, or a directory created for that purpose?

2. If the answer to the above is yes, what are the odds of integration into something like RPM? It would be incredibly awesome to let Jeb rock out, without having to A/T out and run a playlist :D

Forgive my asking if either feature is already available... I am currently loading the game... yay for compressing textures as we speak :D

Yes, a GUI is a big part of what I'm working on. It might not make it for the next release, but it's definitely coming in future. Editing a text file and restarting the game is just too clunky. So far, the media player functions of the GUI are nearly done. It shows what tracks are in the current playlist, which one is playing, and has a playback bar that you can drag around to seek through the current track. It also has buttons for pausing, shuffling and skipping tracks.

An IVA music player is a great idea! I'll add that to the future plans. Sounds coming from the location of a speaker inside the cockpit. GTA-style higher sound quality speakers in better cockpits (optional)!

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Dont know about everyone else, but i would be more than satisfied with a new version of this mod where only dynamic loading of tracks is included as it is stated as working already in the OP. Not to have to load everything at startup is more important than some fancy features in future versions :)

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That's actually what this mod grew from. You can set the playlists to empty ones to remove the stock music from the game.

It doesn't actually unload the unused music assets from memory, though, does it? I did a very quick-and-dirty test on a brand new install of 0.90. At the main menu, it consumed 1,115 MB of RAM. When I installed Soundtrack Editor with a minimal config file that disabled most of the music, the memory consumption at the main menu was 1,119 MB. Here's the config file I used. Did I do it right?

astroComplexAmbience = KSP_AstronautComplexAmbience
credits = KSP_Credits
menuAmbience = KSP_MenuAmbience
menuTheme = KSP_MainTheme
researchComplexAmbience = KSP_ResearchAndDevelopment
spaceCenterAmbience = KSP_SpaceCenterAmbience
SPHAmbience = KSP_SPHAmbience
trackingAmbience = KSP_TrackingStation
VABAmbience = KSP_VABAmbience
track = none
track = none
track = KSP_Construction01
track = KSP_Construction02
track = KSP_Construction03
track = KSP - VAB_SPH_SneakyAdventure
track = Groove Grove
track = Brittle Rille
track = KSP_SpaceAmbience01
track = KSP_SpaceAmbience02
track = KSP_SpaceAmbience03
track = KSP_SpaceAmbience04
track = Arcadia
track = Bathed in the Light
track = Dreamy Flashback
track = Frost Waltz
track = Frost Waltz (Alternate)
track = Frozen Star
track = Impact Lento
track = Wizardtorium

I like being able to disable the (repetitive, grating) music, but all things considered I'd rather have that memory back if there's a way to reclaim it.

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It doesn't actually unload the unused music assets from memory, though, does it?

It does removes the tracks from the game database and then does an "UnloadUnusedAssets" to clean them up, so it should have some effect.

Your config file still loads the non-playlist tracks. Try this one instead:

astroComplexAmbience = none
credits = none
menuAmbience = none
menuTheme = none
researchComplexAmbience = none
spaceCenterAmbience = none
SPHAmbience = none
trackingAmbience = none
VABAmbience = none
track = none
track = none

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When I used that config file â€â€.none none none everywhere â€â€.the main-menu RAM use was 1,110 MB compared to 1,115 MB. So you're right, it did save me a little. I would've naively expected more though. As I remember it, when I stripped unwanted audio assets out of Chatterer, I saved a significant amount of RAM … though now that I think about it I can't remember exactly how much. I was hoping, again naively, that unloading those music assets would save me dozens of megabytes or something.

Just to be crystal-clear, when Soundtrack Editor rewrites its config file and puts a bunch of tracks into the "Unused Tracks" section, that's not causing the game to load those tracks into memory, right?

(Also for the record, I've been only looking at RAM use at the main menu, the one where "Start Game" appears. I haven't loaded a saved game or entered the VAB or anything. Also for the record, I'm playing the Mac version, though I can't imagine that makes a difference.)

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It does removes the tracks from the game database and then does an "UnloadUnusedAssets" to clean them up, so it should have some effect.

Hah! Wow, I never even realized this. I removed the mod a while ago because my added tracks were using too much memory I needed so I just muted the game and used Winamp, but I completely forgot all the stock music is still loaded. Derp

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Hm... Whenever I play tracks, it doesn't seem to play in random order. It plays the first track in the construction playlist twice in a row on every entrance to the VAB or SPH. Is there a way to fix this? I heard the playlist is supposed to be randomized, but it always plays the same track twice in a row before anything else (I haven't been able to test if it plays everything in a specific order, only the first two same).

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