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HotRockets! Particle FX Replacement + Tutorial


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Is there away to set it so out of atmosphere FX changes like we could have nice flames tell space then in space change it to maybe a stock look ?

Not really sure it's possible with mod current version. Emitters seems to be bound to throttle level only.

The existing atmosphereCurve & velocityCurve are only for Isp & velocity, so you can adjust only (roughly said) engine power with them.

I, certainly, can be wrong.

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I'm not sure... I never had overheat in this cases... less than ever with Kerbal X:rolleyes:


Anyway, the problem come with the LV-T30, LV-T45, LV-909, Atomic Rocket, all the Rockomax and all the solid booster (except the Sepratron I). No problem with jet engine.

Ok, thanks for info. I'll check them later today, yet I'm pretty sure that this FX has nothing with it.

Or you can do it yourself:

- open an engine config from FX folder.

- open corresponding engine from Squad folder

- compare the parameter "heatProduction" (and, just in case, check "exhaustDamage" as well).

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I'm not sure... I never had overheat in this cases... less than ever with Kerbal X:rolleyes:


Anyway, the problem come with the LV-T30, LV-T45, LV-909, Atomic Rocket, all the Rockomax and all the solid booster (except the Sepratron I). No problem with jet engine.

Do you have Deadly Reentry installed? You might be using an old version of it.

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No, I haven't DR.
I made a big mistake:sealed:

I HAVE dr installed and is the last version 4.3. So I tried to play after uninstalling it and... WOW! I can see your fantastic mod in all his splendor!

Then I tried to re-download, re-unpack and re-install dr... overheat exactly like yesterday... now I uninstalled it. Thank you for your help :)

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I made a big mistake:sealed:

I HAVE dr installed and is the last version 4.3. So I tried to play after uninstalling it and... WOW! I can see your fantastic mod in all his splendor!

Then I tried to re-download, re-unpack and re-install dr... overheat exactly like yesterday... now I uninstalled it. Thank you for your help :)

If you re-install the latest dev build of DRE, it should work. I don't use it myself, but I've heard from others that the dev build is compatible with this mod.

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I found a bug.

The effects are not very responsive to throttle. There's hardly any visual variation on engines. I find this is most problematic on lower thrust engines, which already look more powerful than they are, when trying to land without the HUD, which I usually end up doing while filming cinematics. The Aerospike also has it the worst, where the effect won't even show at lower throttle.

The engines in the picture are set up with the one on the left having a 20% throttle limiter set and the right at 100%.


Yes, both aerospikes are running.

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