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HotRockets! Particle FX Replacement + Tutorial


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For me it does not work.... KSP 0.24.2.something . Cool rockets also doesn't work. I unziped the folders and put "MP_Nazari" "Smokescreen" and the .dll in my Gamedata Folder. Any ideas?

Nope, none. I don't know why it works for me, it just does. I got lucky, I suppose.

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I've been running into an odd bug using this mod where if I quick-load or switch between crafts after ejecting the anchor piece of said craft (the piece initially chosen to build the craft off of) it only loads an engine with its fairing still attached and particle effects coming out.

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-If you use two flame particles in one effect, give them each a unique entry under "name"

I am wondering about this statement. Does it mean that to have two flame particles, you need two entries like this?



modelName = WildBlueIndustries/NuclearEngines/FX/FX_LH2Flame1

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.05 0.0

emission = 0.075 0.25

emission = 1.0 1.25

speed = 0.0 0.5

speed = 1.0 1.2




modelName = WildBlueIndustries/NuclearEngines/FX/FX_LH2Flame2

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.05 0.0

emission = 0.075 0.25

emission = 1.0 1.25

speed = 0.0 0.5

speed = 1.0 1.2


Right now I have two separate particle effects that I have to include to make one whole effect. I'd like to have more than one emitter in the same effect. Is that possible?

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I am wondering about this statement. Does it mean that to have two flame particles, you need two entries like this?

No, like this:



name = intflame

modelName = KSO/FX/KSOclearflame

transformName = flameTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.10 0.00

emission = 0.15 0.65

emission = 1.0 1.95

speed = 0.0 0.33

speed = 1.0 2.55

energy = 0.0 0.33 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 1.67 // Same for energy

offset = 0.0 0.95

offset = 1.0 0.95

size = 0.0 3.4

size = 1.0 3.4

fixedEmissions = false




name = intflame2

modelName = KSO/FX/KSOflamesmall

transformName = flameTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.10 0.00

emission = 0.15 0.25

emission = 1.0 1.75

speed = 0.0 0.55

speed = 1.0 1.92

energy = 0.0 0.33 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 1.12 // Same for energy

offset = 0.0 1.1

offset = 1.0 1.1

size = 0.0 1.75

size = 1.0 1.70

fixedEmissions = false


Note that I'm using MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST, from the Smokescreen mod, which might not even require unique names. Using unique names is what squad said to do in order to have multiple sets of particles or sounds under one effect. The problem was that using multiple effects with the stock system was breaking the game, and I'm not sure if any of those issues were fixed, because having Smokescreen's extra features is better.

Edited by Nazari1382
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Thank you for the reply, I appreciate your insight. :) I can see that you have two unique names, "intflame" and "intflame2." I also see that intflame uses the KSO/FX/KSOclearflame, while intflame2 uses KSO/FX/KSOflamesmall. My apologies for not being more clear with my question. In your model file (KSO/FX/KSOclearflame, for instance), can you have multiple emitters that will all be started up when the effect is applied to the engine? Does intflame correspond to a single emitter within the FX model?

I ask this because in my testing, if my FX file has multiple emitters, only one appears to be activated by the ModuleEnginesFX. I have to manually go through the part's KSPParticleEmitter objects in my code and turn them on. I was wondering if the ability to turn on all particle emitters in the effects file already exists (and turn them all off again when switching effects at runtime). Heck, if HotRockets/Smokescreen already does this, I may not need custom code. :)

To Illustrate, here is a picture of my first attempt with particles. If you look closely, you'll see blue lasers zapping the exhaust plume. Another line of particles streams from the upper nozzle and into the path of the lasers. Right now, I have all those emitters (25 in total) activated/deactivated in my code, while the exhaust plume is stock and handled by ModuleEnginesFX. Ideally, all the emitters in the exhaust plume, plus the lasers, and the particle stream from the upper nozzle will all be handled by one single effects file, and all switched on when I turn on the engine. Since my engine also supports multiple fuels, I'd like all the emitters to turn off and switch to the emitters in another FX file.


Thanks again for your help. :)

Edited by Angel-125
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Thank you for the reply, I appreciate your insight. :) I can see that you have two unique names, "intflame" and "intflame2." I also see that intflame uses the KSO/FX/KSOclearflame, while intflame2 uses KSO/FX/KSOflamesmall. My apologies for not being more clear with my question. In your model file (KSO/FX/KSOclearflame, for instance), can you have multiple emitters that will all be started up when the effect is applied to the engine? Does intflame correspond to a single emitter within the FX model?

Whenever I tested two emitters, it didn't work. I'd use multipe effects for an engine, and multiple transforms with the same name. That should be able to create the effect you want.

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I've been running into an odd bug using this mod where if I quick-load or switch between crafts after ejecting the anchor piece of said craft (the piece initially chosen to build the craft off of) it only loads an engine with its fairing still attached and particle effects coming out.

Yes! I have too. I've found, at least for me, it only happens with some engines, so if you go into the mod's config file for Squad engines and comment out the specific code for that engine (for me it was only the ION engine and the Rockomax Poodle) then reload your save, your craft will be back. Though, without the effects for that style of engine. Its at least a temporary fix.

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Spent some time getting the exhaust to expand with dropping atmosphere density.

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I just used logGrow for the size. Combining it with linGrow at the high-altitude to vacuum scales would probably look better, but I git tired of tweaking things. :P

I also have the smoke trails scale and switched the 909 and poodle to use the nasa4engine exhaust model.

EDIT: I went back and worked on them more, now the engines start a bit underexpanded at sea-level, expand as they climb, and spread out in a cone in/near space.

Dangit, now I've got to do this for the mods Ive got or the inconsistency is going to bug me.

// Andon's HotRockets! ModuleManager File

// HotRockets for Squad engines

// 3/13/2014

@PART[engineLargeSkipper] //Rockomax "Skipper"
















name = flamethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flamelarge

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.05 0.25

emission = 0.75 1.21

emission = 1.0 1.25

speed = 0.0 1.75

speed = 1.0 1.65

energy = 0.0 0.33 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 0.99 // Same for energy

fixedEmissions = false

scale = 0.5

offset = -0.5



density = 1.0 -0.9

density = 0.4 1.0

density = 0.05 5.0

density = 0.005 40.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.05 0.0

density = 0.005 3.0

density = 0.0 30.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.05 0.05

density = 0.0 0.15




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.05 1.0

density = 0.005 0.35

density = 0.0 0.13




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.005 0.8

density = 0.0 0.6




density = 1.0 0.75

density = 0.05 0.75

density = 0.005 0.6

density = 0.0 0.45





channel = Ship

clip = sound_rocket_hard

volume = 0.0 0.0

volume = 1.0 1.0

pitch = 0.0 0.2

pitch = 1.0 1.0

loop = true







name = smokethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokebooster2

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock

energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 3.2 // Same for energy

speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed

speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed

grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

grow = 1.0 0.11 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

scale = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

scale = 1.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

size = 0.0 1.1 // Rescale the particles to +0%

size = 1.0 1.25 // Rescale the particles to +0%

renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch

collide = false // Collision active or not

collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface

fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50

// ***************

// From here the value are not the default anymore.

// ***************

angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°

angle = 45.0 1.0

angle = 50.0 1.0

distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110

distance = 100.0 1.0

distance = 110.0 1.0

emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale


mach = 0.0 1.0

mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8

mach = 1.0 1.0

density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo

density = 0.3 1.0

density = 0.002 1.0

density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 4.0








channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_medium

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_soft

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_explosion_low

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false






@name = ModuleEnginesFX

//engineID = rocketengine

runningEffectName = powersmoke

directThrottleEffectName = powerflame





%type = ModuleEnginesFX



@PART[JetEngine] //Basic Jet Engine
















name = flamejet3

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flamejet3

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.66 0.0

emission = 0.69 1.55

emission = 1.0 1.65

speed = 0.0 1.45

speed = 1.0 0.55

energy = 0.0 0.05 // Same for energy

energy = 0.7 0.33 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 0.99 // Same for energy

fixedEmissions = false







name = sndjet1

channel = Ship

clip = sound_jet_low

volume = 0.0 0.0

volume = 0.0001 1.12

volume = 1.0 1.32

pitch = 0.0 0.3

pitch = 1.0 1.0

loop = true




name = sndjet2

channel = Ship

clip = sound_jet_deep

volume = 0.1 0.0

volume = 0.3 1.12

volume = 1.0 1.25

pitch = 0.0 0.3

pitch = 1.0 1.0

loop = true




name = smokethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokejet

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock

energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 3.2 // Same for energy

speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed

speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed

grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

grow = 1.0 0.15 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

scale = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

scale = 1.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

size = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the particles to +0%

size = 1.0 1.1 // Rescale the particles to +0%

renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch

collide = false // Collision active or not

collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface

fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50

// ***************

// From here the value are not the default anymore.

// ***************

angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°

angle = 45.0 1.0

angle = 50.0 1.0

distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110

distance = 100.0 1.0

distance = 110.0 1.0

emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale


mach = 0.0 1.0

mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8

mach = 1.0 1.0

density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo

density = 0.3 1.0

density = 0.002 1.0

density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001








channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_medium

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_soft

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_explosion_low

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false






@name = ModuleEnginesFX

//engineID = rocketengine

runningEffectName = powersmoke

directThrottleEffectName = powerflame





%type = ModuleEnginesFX



@PART[liquidEngine] //LV-T30
















name = flamethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flamestandard

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.05 0.25

emission = 0.75 1.21

emission = 1.0 1.25

speed = 0.0 1.70

speed = 1.0 1.65

energy = 0.0 0.33 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 0.99 // Same for energy

fixedEmissions = false



density = 1.0 -1.0

density = 0.005 40.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.005 0.0

density = 0.0 75.0




density = 1.0 0.2

density = 0.005 0.3

density = 0.0 0.35




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.005 0.6

density = 0.0 0.25




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.005 0.8

density = 0.0 0.6




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 0.6

density = 0.0 0.5





channel = Ship

clip = sound_rocket_hard

volume = 0.0 0.0

volume = 1.0 1.0

pitch = 0.0 0.2

pitch = 1.0 1.0

loop = true







name = smokethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokebooster2

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock

energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 3.2 // Same for energy

speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed

speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed

grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

grow = 1.0 0.11 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

scale = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

scale = 1.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

size = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the particles to +0%

size = 1.0 1.1 // Rescale the particles to +0%

renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch

collide = false // Collision active or not

collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface

fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50

// ***************

// From here the value are not the default anymore.

// ***************

angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°

angle = 45.0 1.0

angle = 50.0 1.0

distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110

distance = 100.0 1.0

distance = 110.0 1.0

emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale


mach = 0.0 1.0

mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8

mach = 1.0 1.0

density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo

density = 0.3 1.0

density = 0.002 1.0

density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 4.0








channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_medium

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_soft

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_explosion_low

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false






@name = ModuleEnginesFX

//engineID = rocketengine

runningEffectName = powersmoke

directThrottleEffectName = powerflame





%type = ModuleEnginesFX



@PART[liquidEngine1-2] //Rockomax "Mainsail"
















name = flamethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flamelarge

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.05 0.50

emission = 0.75 1.21

emission = 1.0 1.25

speed = 0.0 1.75

speed = 1.0 1.65

energy = 0.0 0.33 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 0.99 // Same for energy

fixedEmissions = false



density = 1.0 -0.9

density = 0.4 1.0

density = 0.05 5.0

density = 0.005 60.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.05 0.0

density = 0.005 3.0

density = 0.0 40.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.05 0.4

density = 0.0 0.5




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.05 1.0

density = 0.005 0.3

density = 0.0 0.1




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.005 0.8

density = 0.0 0.6




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.05 1.0

density = 0.005 0.65

density = 0.0 0.45





channel = Ship

clip = sound_rocket_hard

volume = 0.0 0.0

volume = 1.0 1.0

pitch = 0.0 0.2

pitch = 1.0 1.0

loop = true







name = smokethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokebooster2

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock

energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 3.2 // Same for energy

speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed

speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed

grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

grow = 1.0 0.11 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

scale = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

scale = 1.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

size = 0.0 1.2 // Rescale the particles to +0%

size = 1.0 1.5 // Rescale the particles to +0%

renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch

collide = false // Collision active or not

collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface

fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50

// ***************

// From here the value are not the default anymore.

// ***************

angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°

angle = 45.0 1.0

angle = 50.0 1.0

distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110

distance = 100.0 1.0

distance = 110.0 1.0

emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale


mach = 0.0 1.0

mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8

mach = 1.0 1.0

density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo

density = 0.3 1.0

density = 0.002 1.0

density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 4.0








channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_medium

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_soft

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_explosion_low

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false






@name = ModuleEnginesFX

//engineID = rocketengine

runningEffectName = powersmoke

directThrottleEffectName = powerflame





%type = ModuleEnginesFX



@PART[liquidEngine2] //LV-T45
















name = flamethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flamestandard

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.05 0.25

emission = 0.75 1.21

emission = 1.0 1.25

speed = 0.0 1.70

speed = 1.0 1.65

energy = 0.0 0.33 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 0.99 // Same for energy

fixedEmissions = false



density = 1.0 -1.0

density = 0.005 60.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.005 0.0

density = 0.0 50.0




density = 1.0 0.2

density = 0.005 0.3

density = 0.0 0.35




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.005 0.5

density = 0.0 0.24




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.005 0.8

density = 0.0 0.6




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 0.6

density = 0.0 0.5





channel = Ship

clip = sound_rocket_hard

volume = 0.0 0.0

volume = 1.0 1.0

pitch = 0.0 0.2

pitch = 1.0 1.0

loop = true







name = smokethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokebooster2

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock

energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 3.2 // Same for energy

speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed

speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed

grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

grow = 1.0 0.11 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

scale = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

scale = 1.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

size = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the particles to +0%

size = 1.0 1.1 // Rescale the particles to +0%

renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch

collide = false // Collision active or not

collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface

fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50

// ***************

// From here the value are not the default anymore.

// ***************

angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°

angle = 45.0 1.0

angle = 50.0 1.0

distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110

distance = 100.0 1.0

distance = 110.0 1.0

emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale


mach = 0.0 1.0

mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8

mach = 1.0 1.0

density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo

density = 0.3 1.0

density = 0.002 1.0

density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 4.0








channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_medium

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_soft

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_explosion_low

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false






@name = ModuleEnginesFX

//engineID = rocketengine

runningEffectName = powersmoke

directThrottleEffectName = powerflame





%type = ModuleEnginesFX



@PART[liquidEngine2-2] //Rockomax Poodle
















name = flamethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/nasa4engine

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.05 0.99

emission = 0.75 1.21

emission = 1.0 1.25

speed = 0.0 1.70

speed = 1.0 1.65

energy = 0.0 0.33 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 0.99 // Same for energy

offset = 1

size = 0.75

fixedEmissions = false



density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 50.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.005 0.0

density = 0.0 80.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.01 0.4

density = 0.0 0.55




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 0.6

density = 0.0 0.4




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 0.9

density = 0.0 0.75




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 0.53

density = 0.0 0.4





channel = Ship

clip = sound_rocket_hard

volume = 0.0 0.0

volume = 1.0 1.0

pitch = 0.0 0.2

pitch = 1.0 1.0

loop = true










channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_medium

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_soft

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_explosion_low

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false






@name = ModuleEnginesFX

//engineID = rocketengine

runningEffectName = powersmoke

directThrottleEffectName = powerflame





%type = ModuleEnginesFX



@PART[liquidEngine3] //LV-909
















name = flamethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/nasa4engine

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.05 0.3

emission = 0.75 0.8

emission = 1.0 1.0

speed = 0.0 0.7

speed = 1.0 1.0

energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 0.66 // Same for energy

size = 0.75

offset = 0.93

fixedEmissions = false



density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.01 50.0




density = 1.0 -1.0

density = 0.005 0.0

density = 0.0 80.0




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 0.6

density = 0.0 0.4




density = 1.0 0.8

density = 0.01 0.4

density = 0.0 0.3




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 0.53

density = 0.0 0.4




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.01 0.0

density = 0.0 0.26





channel = Ship

clip = sound_rocket_hard

volume = 0.0 0.0

volume = 1.0 1.0

pitch = 0.0 0.2

pitch = 1.0 1.0

loop = true







name = smokethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokejet

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock

energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 3.2 // Same for energy

speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed

speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed

grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

grow = 1.0 0.15 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

scale = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

scale = 1.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

size = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the particles to +0%

size = 1.0 1.1 // Rescale the particles to +0%

renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch

collide = false // Collision active or not

collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface

fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50

// ***************

// From here the value are not the default anymore.

// ***************

angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°

angle = 45.0 1.0

angle = 50.0 1.0

distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110

distance = 100.0 1.0

distance = 110.0 1.0

emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale


mach = 0.0 1.0

mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8

mach = 1.0 1.0

density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo

density = 0.3 1.0

density = 0.002 1.0

density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001








channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_medium

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_soft

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_explosion_low

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false






@name = ModuleEnginesFX

//engineID = rocketengine

runningEffectName = powersmoke

directThrottleEffectName = powerflame





%type = ModuleEnginesFX



@PART[nuclearEngine] //LV-N Atomic Rocket















name = flamethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flamenuke

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.05 0.99

emission = 0.75 1.21

emission = 1.0 1.25

speed = 0.0 1.98

speed = 1.0 1.22

energy = 0.0 0.33 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 0.99 // Same for energy

fixedEmissions = false



density = 1.0 -1.0

density = 0.005 60.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.005 0.0

density = 0.0 80.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.005 0.25

density = 0.0 0.4




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 0.53

density = 0.0 0.4




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 0.6

density = 0.0 0.2





channel = Ship

clip = sound_rocket_hard

volume = 0.0 0.0

volume = 1.0 1.0

pitch = 0.0 0.2

pitch = 1.0 1.0

loop = true










channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_medium

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_soft

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_explosion_low

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false






@name = ModuleEnginesFX

//engineID = rocketengine

runningEffectName = powersmoke

directThrottleEffectName = powerflame





%type = ModuleEnginesFX



@PART[solidBooster] //RT-10 Solid Fuel Booster
















name = flamethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flamebooster

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.05 0.0

emission = 0.075 0.25

emission = 1.0 1.25

speed = 0.0 1.98

speed = 1.0 1.12

energy = 0.0 0.33 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 0.99 // Same for energy

fixedEmissions = false



density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 30.0

density = 0.0 60.0





channel = Ship

clip = sound_rocket_hard

volume = 0.0 0.0

volume = 1.0 1.0

pitch = 0.0 0.2

pitch = 1.0 1.0

loop = true







name = smokethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokebooster

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock

energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 3.0 // Same for energy

speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed

speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed

grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

grow = 1.0 0.08 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

scale = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

scale = 1.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

size = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the particles to +0%

size = 1.0 1.2 // Rescale the particles to +0%

renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch

collide = false // Collision active or not

collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface

fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50

// ***************

// From here the value are not the default anymore.

// ***************

angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°

angle = 45.0 1.0

angle = 50.0 1.0

distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110

distance = 100.0 1.0

distance = 110.0 1.0

emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale


mach = 0.0 1.0

mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8

mach = 1.0 1.0

density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo

density = 0.3 1.0

density = 0.002 1.0

density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 4.0








channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_medium

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_soft

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_explosion_low

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false






@name = ModuleEnginesFX

//engineID = rocketengine

runningEffectName = powersmoke

directThrottleEffectName = powerflame





%type = ModuleEnginesFX



@PART[solidBooster1-1] //Rockomax BACC
















name = flamethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flamebooster2

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.05 0.0

emission = 0.075 0.25

emission = 1.0 1.25

speed = 0.0 1.98

speed = 1.0 1.12

energy = 0.0 0.33 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 0.99 // Same for energy

fixedEmissions = false



density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 30.0

density = 0.0 60.0





channel = Ship

clip = sound_rocket_hard

volume = 0.0 0.0

volume = 1.0 1.0

pitch = 0.0 0.2

pitch = 1.0 1.0

loop = true







name = smokethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokebooster

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock

energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 3.2 // Same for energy

speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed

speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed

grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

grow = 1.0 0.08 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

scale = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

scale = 1.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

size = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the particles to +0%

size = 1.0 1.4 // Rescale the particles to +0%

renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch

collide = false // Collision active or not

collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface

fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50

// ***************

// From here the value are not the default anymore.

// ***************

angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°

angle = 45.0 1.0

angle = 50.0 1.0

distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110

distance = 100.0 1.0

distance = 110.0 1.0

emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale


mach = 0.0 1.0

mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8

mach = 1.0 1.0

density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo

density = 0.3 1.0

density = 0.002 1.0

density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 4.0








channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_medium

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_soft

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_explosion_low

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false






@name = ModuleEnginesFX

//engineID = rocketengine

runningEffectName = powersmoke

directThrottleEffectName = powerflame





%type = ModuleEnginesFX



@PART[toroidalAerospike] //ToroidalAerospike
















name = flamejet1

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flamejet

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.67 0.0

emission = 0.71 1.4

emission = 1.0 3.5

speed = 0.0 1.65

speed = 1.0 1.25

energy = 0.0 0.33 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 0.99 // Same for energy

fixedEmissions = false



density = 1.0 -1.0

density = 0.01 30.0

density = 0.0 80.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.01 0.2

density = 0.0 0.4




density = 1.0 1.5

density = 0.0 1.0





channel = Ship

clip = sound_rocket_hard

volume = 0.0 0.0

volume = 1.0 1.0

pitch = 0.0 0.2

pitch = 1.0 1.0

loop = true







name = smokethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokejet

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock

energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 3.2 // Same for energy

speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed

speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed

grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

grow = 1.0 0.15 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

scale = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

scale = 1.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

size = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the particles to +0%

size = 1.0 1.1 // Rescale the particles to +0%

renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch

collide = false // Collision active or not

collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface

fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50

// ***************

// From here the value are not the default anymore.

// ***************

angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°

angle = 45.0 1.0

angle = 50.0 1.0

distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110

distance = 100.0 1.0

distance = 110.0 1.0

emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale


mach = 0.0 1.0

mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8

mach = 1.0 1.0

density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo

density = 0.3 1.0

density = 0.002 1.0

density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001








channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_medium

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_soft

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_explosion_low

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false






@name = ModuleEnginesFX

//engineID = rocketengine

runningEffectName = powersmoke

directThrottleEffectName = powerflame





%type = ModuleEnginesFX



@PART[turboFanEngine] //TurboJet
















name = flamejet1

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flamejet

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.67 0.0

emission = 0.71 1.4

emission = 1.0 1.5

speed = 0.0 1.5

speed = 1.0 1.2

energy = 0.0 0.05 // Same for energy

energy = 0.7 0.33 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 0.99 // Same for energy

fixedEmissions = false




name = sndjet2

channel = Ship

clip = sound_jet_deep

volume = 0.1 0.0

volume = 0.3 1.12

volume = 1.0 1.25

pitch = 0.0 0.4

pitch = 1.0 1.0

loop = true







name = sndjet1

channel = Ship

clip = sound_jet_low

volume = 0.0 0.0

volume = 0.0001 1.12

volume = 1.0 1.25

pitch = 0.0 0.4

pitch = 1.0 1.05

loop = true




name = smokethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokejet

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock

energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 3.2 // Same for energy

speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed

speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed

grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

grow = 1.0 0.15 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

scale = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

scale = 1.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

size = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the particles to +0%

size = 1.0 1.1 // Rescale the particles to +0%

renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch

collide = false // Collision active or not

collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface

fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50

// ***************

// From here the value are not the default anymore.

// ***************

angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°

angle = 45.0 1.0

angle = 50.0 1.0

distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110

distance = 100.0 1.0

distance = 110.0 1.0

emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale


mach = 0.0 1.0

mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8

mach = 1.0 1.0

density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo

density = 0.3 1.0

density = 0.002 1.0

density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001








channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_medium

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_soft

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_explosion_low

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false






@name = ModuleEnginesFX

//engineID = rocketengine

runningEffectName = powersmoke

directThrottleEffectName = powerflame





%type = ModuleEnginesFX



@PART[ionEngine] //PB-ION








name = flameion1

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flameion

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.10 0.00

emission = 0.15 0.45

emission = 1.0 0.75

speed = 0.0 0.75

speed = 1.0 0.97

energy = 0.0 0.33 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 0.99 // Same for energy

fixedEmissions = false

grow = 5






@name = ModuleEnginesFX

//engineID = rocketengine

runningEffectName = powersmoke

directThrottleEffectName = powerflame





%type = ModuleEnginesFX



@PART[liquidEngineMini] //Rockomax 48-7S













name = flamethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flamestandard

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.05 0.25

emission = 0.75 1.21

emission = 1.0 1.25

speed = 0.0 0.4

speed = 1.0 0.6

energy = 0.0 0.05 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 0.075 // Same for energy

fixedScale = 0.4

offset = -0.45

fixedEmissions = false



density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.005 40.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.005 0.0

density = 0.0 45.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.005 0.15

density = 0.0 0.3




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.005 0.4

density = 0.0 0.15




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.005 0.8

density = 0.0 0.6





channel = Ship

clip = sound_rocket_mini

volume = 0.0 0.0

volume = 1.0 1.0

pitch = 0.0 0.2

pitch = 1.0 1.0

loop = true







name = smokethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokebooster2

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock

energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 3.2 // Same for energy

speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed

speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed

grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

grow = 1.0 0.11 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

scale = 0.0 0.4 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

scale = 1.0 0.4 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

size = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the particles to +0%

size = 1.0 1.1 // Rescale the particles to +0%

renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch

collide = false // Collision active or not

collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface

fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50

// ***************

// From here the value are not the default anymore.

// ***************

angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°

angle = 45.0 1.0

angle = 50.0 1.0

distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110

distance = 100.0 1.0

distance = 110.0 1.0

emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale


mach = 0.0 1.0

mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8

mach = 1.0 1.0

density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo

density = 0.3 1.0

density = 0.002 1.0

density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 4.0








channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_medium

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_soft

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_explosion_low

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false






@name = ModuleEnginesFX

//engineID = rocketengine

runningEffectName = powersmoke

directThrottleEffectName = powerflame





%type = ModuleEnginesFX



@PART[smallRadialEngine] //Rockomax 24-77












name = flamethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flamestandard

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.05 0.25

emission = 0.75 1.21

emission = 1.0 1.25

speed = 0.0 0.4

speed = 1.0 0.6

energy = 0.0 0.05 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 0.075 // Same for energy

fixedScale = 0.4

offset = -0.45

fixedEmissions = false



density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.005 40.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.005 0.0

density = 0.0 45.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.005 0.15

density = 0.0 0.3




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.005 0.4

density = 0.0 0.15




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.005 0.8

density = 0.0 0.6





channel = Ship

clip = sound_rocket_mini

volume = 0.0 0.0

volume = 1.0 1.0

pitch = 0.0 0.2

pitch = 1.0 1.0

loop = true







name = smokethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokebooster2

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock

energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 3.2 // Same for energy

speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed

speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed

grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

grow = 1.0 0.11 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

scale = 0.0 0.4 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

scale = 1.0 0.4 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

size = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the particles to +0%

size = 1.0 1.1 // Rescale the particles to +0%

renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch

collide = false // Collision active or not

collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface

fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50

// ***************

// From here the value are not the default anymore.

// ***************

angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°

angle = 45.0 1.0

angle = 50.0 1.0

distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110

distance = 100.0 1.0

distance = 110.0 1.0

emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale


mach = 0.0 1.0

mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8

mach = 1.0 1.0

density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo

density = 0.3 1.0

density = 0.002 1.0

density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 4.0








channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_medium

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_vent_soft

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false







channel = Ship

clip = sound_explosion_low

volume = 1.0

pitch = 2.0

loop = false






@name = ModuleEnginesFX

//engineID = rocketengine

runningEffectName = powersmoke

directThrottleEffectName = powerflame





%type = ModuleEnginesFX



@PART[size3EngineCluster] //









@emission,0 = 0.0 0.0

@emission,1 = 0.5 0.0

@emission,2 = 0.7 0.0

@emission,2 = 1.0 0.0




@emission,0 = 0.0 0.0

@emission,1 = 0.5 0.0

@emission,2 = 0.7 0.0

@emission,2 = 1.0 0.0




name = flamethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/nasa4engine

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.05 0.0

emission = 0.75 1.5

emission = 1.0 1.9

speed = 0.0 1.0

speed = 1.0 1.75

energy = 0.0 0.5 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 2.0 // Same for energy

size = 0.0 1.65 // Rescale the particles to +0%

size = 1.0 1.85 // Rescale the particles to +0%

fixedEmissions = false



density = 1.0 -1.0

density = 0.005 40.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.005 0.0

density = 0.0 50.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.005 0.35

density = 0.0 0.55




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.005 0.4

density = 0.0 0.1




density = 1.0 1.4

density = 0.005 1.2

density = 0.0 1




density = 1.0 1.2

density = 0.005 0.75

density = 0.0 0.45





name = smokethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokebooster2

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock

energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 1.2 // Same for energy

speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed

speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed

grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

grow = 1.0 0.11 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

scale = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

scale = 1.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

size = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the particles to +0%

size = 1.0 1.22 // Rescale the particles to +0%

renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch

collide = false // Collision active or not

collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface

fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50

// ***************

// From here the value are not the default anymore.

// ***************

angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°

angle = 45.0 1.0

angle = 50.0 1.0

distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110

distance = 100.0 1.0

distance = 110.0 1.0

emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale


mach = 0.0 1.0

mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8

mach = 1.0 1.0

density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo

density = 0.3 1.0

density = 0.002 1.0

density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 4.0







%type = ModuleEnginesFX



@PART[size2LFB] //









@emission,0 = 0.0 0.0

@emission,1 = 0.5 0.0

@emission,2 = 0.7 0.0

@emission,2 = 1.0 0.0




@emission,0 = 0.0 0.0

@emission,1 = 0.5 0.0

@emission,2 = 0.7 0.0

@emission,2 = 1.0 0.0




name = flamethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/nasa4engine

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.05 0.0

emission = 0.75 1.25

emission = 1.0 1.75

speed = 0.0 1.55

speed = 1.0 1.65

energy = 0.0 0.24 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 1.0 // Same for energy

size = 0.0 1.1 // Rescale the particles to +0%

size = 1.0 1.12 // Rescale the particles to +0%

fixedEmissions = false

offset = -0.2



density = 1.0 -1.0

density = 0.01 40.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.005 0.0

density = 0.0 80.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.01 0.45

density = 0.0 0.65




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 0.3

density = 0.0 0.1




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 0.8

density = 0.0 0.6




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 0.53

density = 0.0 0.4





name = smokethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokebooster2

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.4 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.7 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock

energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 1.2 // Same for energy

speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed

speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed

grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

grow = 1.0 0.11 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

scale = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

scale = 1.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

size = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the particles to +0%

size = 1.0 1.22 // Rescale the particles to +0%

renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch

collide = false // Collision active or not

collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface

fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50

// ***************

// From here the value are not the default anymore.

// ***************

angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°

angle = 45.0 1.0

angle = 50.0 1.0

distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110

distance = 100.0 1.0

distance = 110.0 1.0

emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale


mach = 0.0 1.0

mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8

mach = 1.0 1.0

density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo

density = 0.3 1.0

density = 0.002 1.0

density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001




density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.01 4.0







%type = ModuleEnginesFX



@PART[size3AdvancedEngine] // size3 single









@emission,0 = 0.0 0.0

@emission,1 = 0.5 0.0

@emission,2 = 0.7 0.0

@emission,2 = 1.0 0.0




@emission,0 = 0.0 0.0

@emission,1 = 0.5 0.0

@emission,2 = 0.7 0.0

@emission,2 = 1.0 0.0




name = flamethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/nasaf1

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.05 0.0

emission = 0.75 1.25

emission = 1.0 1.75

speed = 0.0 2.75

speed = 1.0 3.5

energy = 0.0 0.12 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 0.45 // Same for energy

size = 0.0 0.25 // Rescale the particles to +0%

size = 1.0 0.25 // Rescale the particles to +0%

fixedEmissions = false

offset = -0.2



density = 1.0 -0.3

density = 0.4 1.0

density = 0.05 10.0

density = 0.005 90.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.05 0.0

density = 0.005 3.0

density = 0.0 60.0




density = 1.0 0.0

density = 0.05 0.35

density = 0.0 0.45




density = 1.0 0.8

density = 0.05 0.8

density = 0.005 0.24

density = 0.0 0.12




density = 1.0 0.3

density = 0.05 0.15

density = 0.0 0.1




density = 1.0 0.7

density = 0.05 0.7

density = 0.005 0.25

density = 0.0 0.175





name = smokethrust

modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokebooster2

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock

emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock

energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy

energy = 1.0 1.2 // Same for energy

speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed

speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed

grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

grow = 1.0 0.11 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

scale = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

scale = 1.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

size = 0.0 2.0 // Rescale the particles to +0%

size = 1.0 2.5 // Rescale the particles to +0%

renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch

collide = false // Collision active or not

collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface

fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50

// ***************

// From here the value are not the default anymore.

// ***************

angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°

angle = 45.0 1.0

angle = 50.0 1.0

distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110

distance = 100.0 1.0

distance = 110.0 1.0

emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale


mach = 0.0 1.0

mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8

mach = 1.0 1.0

density = 1.0 1.0

density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo

density = 0.3 1.0

density = 0.002 1.0

density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001




density = 1.0 3.0

density = 0.01 12.0







%type = ModuleEnginesFX



Edited by FPSlacker
better effects
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Spent some time getting the exhaust to expand with dropping atmosphere density.

Excellent work, though I have a question regarding these files' installation.

Do they replace the nasa_hotrockets.cfg and squad_hotrockets.cfg in GameData\MP_Nazari?

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Nice to see more of SmokeScreen parameters used :)

Edit : You should remove the angle & distance lines of the configs. They are not really usefull here

Edited by sarbian
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- Removed KW config

- Added a dedicated config to put launch smoke on all rocket engines. Remove launch_hotrockets.cfg if you don't want the effect.


I guess that means that KW rockets won't get that effect? That's a bit sad... but ok. Any chance on getting it for KW too?

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Excellent work, though I have a question regarding these files' installation.

Do they replace the nasa_hotrockets.cfg and squad_hotrockets.cfg in GameData\MP_Nazari?

Yeah replace squad_hotrockets.cfg and nasa_hotrockets.cfg, or you could delete them and place the new configs in a new file.

You should remove the angle & distance lines of the configs. They are not really usefull here

I wasn't sure about those, they were in the provided configs so I just left them.

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I apologize if this has been mentioned before, but I'm having a problem with Hotrockets. Some engines have their default effect overlayed with the hotrocket effect, the default effect is always there as if the engine is at full throttle, even when the engine is inactive. This effect also shows up in the VAB while placing the engine.

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I apologize if this has been mentioned before, but I'm having a problem with Hotrockets. Some engines have their default effect overlayed with the hotrocket effect, the default effect is always there as if the engine is at full throttle, even when the engine is inactive. This effect also shows up in the VAB while placing the engine.

I think this was a problem with the older versions of Hot Rockets and KW Rocketry.

Have you updated your Hot Rockets?

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