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So... Debris Collecting


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Ok guys, I just got KAS and thought it could be used to grapple debris.

I wanted to build my own, but I would be delighted to see your KAS Debris collector so I can make one that is like a hybrid of the ships posted in here :)

I am planning to put the debris on an extremely inclined orbit as to reduce collision chance, any pics/suggestions?

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I've never used KAS... I don't know if this idea would work with KAS but...

I'd have a ship with a bunch of little probes I could split off from it and attach to the debris and use to deorbit it. Like a probe core, battery, fuel, ant engine, and of course the KAS attachment thing to attach to the debris.

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De-orbit the debris, don't change the inclination. It's about ten times more efficient.

Also, this should probably be in gameplay questions or possibly spacecraft exchange.

Can I move it, or does a mod need to?

EDIT: Im planning to use 1 ship constantly, so de orbit then re orbit may take a lot of fuel

Edited by davieholgate
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I been thinking about making a kerbal "Half Section" in orbit that gets refueled. Maybe with Davons supply mod. I want an orbital debris collector going from piece to piece and strap on control, fuel and engines with KAS. Then the collector goes back to the main station.

Half Section is from Planetes. An anime about orbital debris collectors. It's the most scientifically accurate show I've ever seen.. I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone. Space will be a lot cleaner for you afterwards.

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My suggestion? Having dealt with KAS, use a manned space craft, load up one or two radial ports in a storage bin, fly out to the debris, put the radial connectors on to the debris, tow it in and lock it, de-orbit the debris. For larger pieces, use two winches.

R.E. Fuel, just refuel and use NERVAs. changing inclinations does not remove the possibility of debris intercepting important stuff and it still consumes fuel.

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I would be nice if the kerbal EVA would have an option to place something like separatron on debrees and then activate it for all sorts of things but mainly for debries disposal. Nano-probe core or tiny solar panel to ressurect ships that still have some fuel and engine but lacks control or power would be also a nice thing, and I'm not so much into KAS thing but stock game needs EVA fuel lines from KAS so you can drain\refuel ships without docking ports.

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It's a huge pain, even with KAS. Sometimes KAS *is* the huge pain in that it makes your ship spontaneously disassemble, with problems only showing themselves AFTER you've quicksaved thinking everything is fine. I have the worst luck particularly in orbit using the wench to wrangle in debris to deorbit. I do that a couple times with no problems, switch to another ship to break the monotony, and when I return to my deorbiter ship it explodes, or crashes the game, or both.

I suggest you try it, and if you have any problems just delete the debris and make sure all of your future likely-to-become-debris stages have a docking port on them, then build a deorbiter with a docking port and do it that way. You'll be happier all around :)

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