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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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The Ho 229 is a real demon to fly... especially at high speeds. Has anyone tried to fly it in il2 1946 before... engine overheat and fuel tank explosions.



Edited by andrew123
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Early design on my first FAR powered SSTO spaceplane. Breaking the sound barrier is more difficult than I thought, and approaching hypersonic speeds is a pain.

Still, seems like FAR is more fun and interesting, at least for spaceplanes so far. On a more recent version, i've been able to actually make it to space, and actually dock with my orbiting space station.

Next up is being able to make it to Duna, and see if it has enough lift to land there safely.

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How many rover bodies are there?

:D it does look a little small. Maybe scale the rocket back a little?

There are actually 0 rover bodies. I will scale down to 64%, which is the proper scale (3.9m->2.5m)

How does it fly with all of the lifting surfaces?

Flies okay.

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Me 262 is quite a cool plane. I've been playing War Thunder a lot recently for my quest to unlock it -- I mainly want to have it for its historical significance being the first jet fighter actually put in service.

The Fleet Master -- what's your War Thunder username? I could play with you and a couple of my friends later, when I have time. :)

GusTurbo -- that looks really good so far! You could always try scaling *up* the Apollo spacecraft part so that is to scale. A bunch of Mk1-2 pods clipped together would work.

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Wow! Looking much slicker, and I'm thinking, gentler on your CPU. The Apollo+CSM module is really cool! Delta-V accurate? With such monster lifter, you must have had to be quite inefficient with that massive S-IVb to get that. But I'm really liking the hint towards a fully battery-powered mission, your lunar stack looks very complicated with all the batteries and such. :)

Rune. But part count estimates give me a cold shiver, I'm getting very used to nothing going over 500, even stations with docked stuff.

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Thanks! It comes out to about 600 parts, which isn't too bad, considering.

It has required me to handicap it a bit. A lot of the fuel tanks are empty to keep the dV down to more accurate levels.

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Let's go to the Mun.

Impressive! (out of rep points) I haven't yet built a new Saturn V. Slowly working my way towards it I am thinking about creating all the Apollo missions starting from 5.. If only I had the time :-/

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