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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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Wow there's a lot of people working on Star Wars stuff in this forum. Must be gearing up for the new movie coming out :D

I've built a stock YT1300 that flies as an SSTO into orbit with a crew of 14, but it only works in version 0.90 (also shoots missiles and flies really cool). I'm trying to get it working in version 1.0.4 but the new areo has forced me to start pretty much from scratch - and the first one took me about a month to finish.


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Sorry, I guess I should have posted a picture to go along with that last reply... It's been so long since I've done this I feel like a noob again :huh:


Edited by Jolly_Roger
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638 parts.

Needs infinite fuel.

Can't fly in atmo.

Is a replica.





- - - Updated - - -

What needs to be changed/added/removed before release?

So it looks cool but runs on magic? Sounds like Star Wars all right. :)

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KC-30A prototype complete...

and TA-DA!!! :D:D



But pretty hard to control once it's docked, it would help greatly if it was possible to control each plane independently while they're connected.

Edit: anyone know of a mod which can do this?

Edited by Thingymajigy
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Stock quadbike, maybe for taking science experiments up hills and across rough terrain or towing other vehicles with KAS.

Works far better than I expected, because it's so light for a 4-TR2 wheel rover it accelerates fast and can get to 24.7m/s on flat ground by using its reaction wheels for more downforce.

Runs using fuel cells and so has plenty of excess power for additional equipment. It does rollover a lot, but the wheels are placed so in anything other than falling directly upside down at speed little damage should occur, and the kerbal should be fine.


This jump was by accident, I was testing it in the mountains and after getting to 54m/s downhill Val forgot about the massive cliff in front of her. The big wheels worked great though to protect the quadbike limit the damage to a broken wheel, which was kind of inevitable.


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After a long, long hiatus (for me, at least), I've returned to KSP.

One thing I've started tinkering with was a micro-SSTO inspired by classic 50's-styled sci-fi rockets and spaceplanes.


I really need to start turning my WIPs into finished craft. :blush:

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After a long, long hiatus (for me, at least), I've returned to KSP.

One thing I've started tinkering with was a micro-SSTO inspired by classic 50's-styled sci-fi rockets and spaceplanes.


I really need to start turning my WIPs into finished craft. :blush:

That's pretty cool! The winglets on the front will probably burn on reentry, tough... Also, check out the 0.625-1.25m fuel tank, it would look good on the nose and provide even more tankage space.

Rune. I should have thought about that nosejob for my Mk3-storable one.

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Going back to KSP a little bit

I've been making a somewhat classy exploration lander with over 10k deltaV

And also a new version of minimako

Last but not least I'm trying to make a VTOL/SSTO that means it has perfect balance of fuel horizontally and vertically, this is the most recent proto.


Edited by RevanCorana
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