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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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Open wheel race car based on the very early formula 1 cars

Very good cornering ability, but the most fun thing to do with it is to use Hullcam VDS and drive it in first person, everything is aligned for a really good view over the hood.

Needs more rollover protection for the kerbal though, but I don't know how to do it without screwing up the CoG. Also turn radius isn't as good as I hoped.



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Was playing with trying to build a working turboshaft helicopter. Can't generate enough power with the jet engines and then just end up adding more engines, and therefore more mass and never having enough lift. But the bearing I'd built for it, actually makes a neat little balljoint-esque thingamy. So I turned it upside down and wondered if you could make it work while flying.

Yes. Yes you can. And it's surprisingly good. If you want more pitch control you have to open the cargo bay, and then it gets a bit more problematic. No idea what to do with it now. In the screenshot the main aircraft is the controlling input, the turret was set to HDG 90 with MechJeb. Could use KIS/KAS and start hunting Whales on Kerbin?


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Was playing with trying to build a working turboshaft helicopter. Can't generate enough power with the jet engines and then just end up adding more engines, and therefore more mass and never having enough lift.

Post it in my turboshaft topic, we might find the solution. Funny enough, I've experimented with one a few days ago.

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Animated propellers :) I wish I knew how to clip those engines where the props are to make it look better.


You may notice that if you replace those elevons with the Comms DTS-M1 120px-Comms_DTS-M1_02.png that you will see a notable reduction in drag, increased performance and the props will still spin. Plus I think they're not as heavy..

And personally, I don't think it detracts from the aesthetics, of the prop. Oh and for extra authenticity, prudent aircraft design would have counterrotating props. So pick one side and twist the blades the other way. Job done.

Er, also apologies for wading in unasked... See below for antennaprops!


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Sometimes it's best to ignore the CoL marker and just test it in flight.
I was about to post the exact same thing! Yeah just see how it flies.

I actually just tried it, it didn't fly at all and was horridly slow. :P

Damn wings causing drag!

That's a really nice constellation (I think)

- - - Updated - - -

Update: And now I see the name....

LOL, it's actually supposed to be "Super Constellation" for the L-1049. And thanks!

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After having played War Thunder so much, seeing a B-17 is a little emotionally damaging. :P However, great work man! She looks great.

As for ideas, what about something a bit less conventional: the Sukhoi-Gulfstream S-21.


It has a bit of a different shape compared to most airliners, but a lot of the parts look like they could be well replicated within KSP.

That looks... unorthodox.

I love unorthodox things. :P

Just curious, but why is it emotionally damaging? (I play WT too, still aiming for that Lancaster and B-17E..)

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Leopard 2SG work in progress model. It's the Singapore variant with locally design composite armor and L44 main gun, specialized for urban combat.

Sorry for crappy image quality. I have to run KSP on a dual core ultrabook while I get my desktop repaired.

The gap on the frontal left section of the turret is recessed for optics.

Ensuring that the 7 bump on the rear of the hull didn't interfere with the turret movement was tough, but I fixed it.





Edited by andrew123
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Ok, behind the scenes for my first mk3 SSTO. Goal is to make this thing an STS Fuel Pod to Orbit capable SSTO...42 tons to orbit.



Hum. For such a target payload, you are a bit light on RAPIERs, I think., MAyube you can do it with six, but eight would actually give you some legroom in the design. And a bit more tankage space, too... (like, twice). But if you relax the target payload to about half, you should be able to it as is with little modifications.

Rune. It looks awesome, BTW!

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With a design blatantly ripping off inspired by pandora's kitten's HX-1 Circular Wing Hypersonic Plane (although in the end it didn't really end up looking very similar at all), this was an attempt to make the most fuel efficient plane with which to travel around Kerbin.

The idea was to go for absolute minimum drag, high wing area to reduce AoA and so further reduce drag, and to only use a single turbojet for minimum engine weight and drag.

It actually worked really well - it has sufficient climb performance and thrust to get up to altitude without a huge amount of work, and once there (21000m or so) only burns 0.25-0.35 units of fuel a second whilst maintaining up to Mach 4. It can handle 4x timewarp too, which is nice. I would be interested to know how this compares to other peoples designs, what is the average performance of these kind of craft? I figured since this is one engine and one intake it must be pretty good, but how does it compare to other craft with more power?

In testing it took off with a partial fuel load (1160 units, because filling the front tank throws off balance) and after an inefficient (much screwing up with autopilot input errors etc.) began to cruise off to the east, and managed to circumnavigate Kerbin with about 160 units of fuel left with about an hour from takeoff to landing. Things did start to heat up but stabilised very quickly, so nothing blew up. This was a eastwards circumnavigation too so less efficient than a westwards one.

The problem is though, in this test flight there was no useful payload, just 2 kerbals. I'm worried that TWR might take such a hit with more kerbals/payload added that it would use a lot more fuel in the climb.

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More work on my fuel efficient business jet, now has more fuel, more control and can carry 4 passengers and 2 crew. I did another test flight where it hit KSC after an eastwards circumnavigation and overshot by a huge distance so I kept it at altitude and it managed to make it half the way back around Kerbin, before I realised it can't land on water. It is 38 parts and about 17 tonnes fully fuelled.

Since it takes 220 units of fuel to takeoff and climb to altitude and had way more than that on passing KSC after circumnavigating that means (I think) it has enough range to go anywhere on Kerbin, land, and return, in about an hour and 5 minutes. It can do so on less than 1320 funds too (the cost of a full refuelling for it), so it could be really useful for career, especially since you could swap out the passenger module for a cargo bay full of science or a small rover (1.75 tonnes) and do survey contracts.

It needs a better landing gear, the current system looks bad but I can't think of another way to do it without huge drag. Also, it is very prone to overshooting because of very low drag so airbrakes would be good, but I don't want the drag when they are closed and anyway, for maximum efficiency you would let it glide as far as it can to the target.



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