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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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There's a distinct lack of wheels in KSP... Lets change that!
InterstellarKev's Custom Wheels with Rims
My Collection of Custom Wheels

Grab them by the Robotic Servo and create sub assemblies out of them. These wheels need weight to be held down correctly to the ground or else you need to ride slow (*tested under 20 m/s) laden at 30t (*tested 30 m/s) or it will bounce a lot but dont fear, they hold up very well.

Very Durable design and can take lots of punishment. Probably even better than the first 4 wheels (somewhere between the 2nd to last and last wheels.)

CAn create your own custom rim.

Controls by w, a, s, d. Tank like controls can go very fast.


Edited by InterstellarKev
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Here's how the FuR (Full Reusability) system development went (the first two prototypes didn't work):

Full shuttle mission album: https://imgur.com/a/pcg4yfk



The DC-X alike. The engine pods (where the fins are) would rotate 180 degrees to protect the engines:


The featherwing variant for satellite deplyment:


The manned shuttle (landing this thing is till a bit tricky):




Edited by Wjolcz
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After getting "Weaponry" stuck in my head, I went ahead and built this (incomplete) monstrosity




For some reason, I destroyed multiple buildings with the cannon while I couldn't even bring down the SPH with 16 missiles (and most of them hit). I need to build a way for this tank to move around and have sustainable power while turning the entire KSC to rubble.

  • Yes, I was able to hit the water tower in one shot from the runway start point (further back, if you count the recoil).


If I'm really ambitious, I may go for flying this bad boy to other planets.

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On 3/13/2020 at 1:47 AM, InterstellarKev said:

There's a distinct lack of wheels in KSP... Lets change that!
InterstellarKev's Custom Wheels with Rims
My Collection of Custom Wheels

Grab them by the Robotic Servo and create sub assemblies out of them. These wheels need weight to be held down correctly to the ground or else you need to ride slow (*tested under 20 m/s) laden at 30t (*tested 30 m/s) or it will bounce a lot but dont fear, they hold up very well.

Very Durable design and can take lots of punishment. Probably even better than the first 4 wheels (somewhere between the 2nd to last and last wheels.)

CAn create your own custom rim.

Controls by w, a, s, d. Tank like controls can go very fast.


Put some undercarriage lights and hydraulics with those and you got an interstellar lowrider.

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Another revamp/update to one of my older vessels that i made like a few months ago and never really did anything with as it was too small and too cramped to do anything with.


Its far from ready (and ill need to redo the entire outer part as its merely a placeholder to give me an idea of what shape/scale i want it to be), but i think this will turn out nicely.  Hopefully this variant will have enough internal space to carry at least 1-2 fighters (albeit no way ill be able to make a deathglider in a scale small enough to work with it).  As for weapons, im hoping to put probably 3 SRM launchers on it likely integral to the outer hull (black wing part), and maybee 3 more 1.2m torpedoes also in the outer hull (there is really no space in the midsection for anything since i need the fighters to go in there).


Should be 100% dead obvious what this is based on...

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On 3/16/2020 at 9:36 PM, Phantomic said:


A certain aircraft, made from the Recollections of a certain Pilot, probably with a certain princess in the gunner's seat.

with a certain custom interior and heavy use of grip pads.

this one's ambitious lads i'm goin all out for it

Maybe a friend of Red 5/

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On 3/17/2020 at 12:44 AM, sturmhauke said:

Put some undercarriage lights and hydraulics with those and you got an interstellar lowrider.

If i could make the wheels thinner I definitely would! now as far as making some muscle cars work or some others we may be in business. There are people better than me at making cars on here I would love to see what they do with them

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I've been preparing for the Race Around the World challenge. Besides my SSTO idea, I plan to make a space shuttle-style spacecraft that can orbit retrograde and get me to the KSC runway in less than 35 minutes. 

  • But first, I had to test the final stage to make sure it even works. After all, the rules state that I need to land at the runway (and not crash) for my entry to count.




After getting it up to supersonic speed, I turned it around and landed without a scratch. However, I don't intend to take off with this thing.

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because all of my newer capital ships are turning into part count monstrosities, ive restarted an old weapons design in attempt to cut parts (a somewhat standard weapons package alone on a cruiser sized ship is like 200 bloody parts for maybee 20 shots of short range unguided missiles and 2-3 heavier torpedoes).


Aside from being insanely vulnurable to fire (pretty much anything that hits the ammo will jam it at least temporarily, hit to engines, fuel, or docking port holding ammo will kill it) and somewhat heavy (need 2 vectors to shoot the thing, 1 in the barrel, 1 behind to counter the recoil), its suprisingly accurate and reliable (not to mention fairly compact ammo storage).  Obviously its less precice then the older SRMs (ibeam+4 sepatron), but its 30 parts for 8 shots vs 27 parts for 4 shots with a SRM-4M.  Not gonna completely ditch SRMs (they are still superior), but the particle accelerator cannon is more then capable of damage (and notorious for sniping out command pods so it might violate some laws since it has a much higher chance of killing the crew then actually killing the ship :D).


works by releasing 1 ibeam at a time from the stack (any more then 8 shots long isnt viable, but i can always either carry reloads on the ship and reload it manually or make it a dual stack design with 16 shots feeding from left and right (which is enough for most engagements).


And ofc the trick to make this semi consistent is the landing leg which pushed the "ammo" against the guide rail which guarantees it will fly relatively close to wherever this thing is aimed at (and probably the main reason its so notorious at sniping out cockpits (autoaim aims directly at the pod and not center of mass).

So yeah, if i can fix the lowish firepower (it is terribad against MK-2 armor and only ok against panels), ill be able to replace the insanely laggy SRMs and get a good amount of reloads for most of my larger vessels (or at least anything capable of carrying such a weapon internally).  Likely the only good solution will be to mount 2 of em though, since it seems that to make SRMs deadly i need to fire 2 at a time minimum...

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I split the construction vehicle into two separate ones - a crane and flatbed truck. I'll either have to send the crane on a separate launch, or strap it onto the side of the shuttle somehow. I don't feel like redesigning the whole shuttle at this point.




Edited by sturmhauke
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3 hours ago, IkranMakto said:

R/C Spider Stock+BG
Size 10 meters, weight 1.7 t, speed 5 m/s
It's able turn in place and while walking. Also it can change its own height and jump a bit.  


Nice, i tried my best back when the DLC came out to make a spider replica, but failed horribly as it was way too complex and laggy and buggy (not to mention had major difficulties moving properly).


Still, maybee one day when i get a few days off from work (im way too effin busy IRL, so busy i genuinely WANT to get the coronavirus just so i can have a excuse to take a week off from work without eating my also non-existent vacation time) i might restart that old project to make a copy of this:


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some more progress today

still no guesses as to the name? well, i guess the pilot's name is charles karino if that helps you guys at all


this'll probably be one of the planes i consider my best work, providing i dont screw it up and get it to work

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1 hour ago, Phantomic said:

still no guesses as to the name? well, i guess the pilot's name is charles karino if that helps you guys at all

I haven't seen that anime, but the weeb-net tells me it's maybe a Santa Cruz fighter-bomber.

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1 hour ago, sturmhauke said:

I haven't seen that anime, but the weeb-net tells me it's maybe a Santa Cruz fighter-bomber.

right on the money. the santa cruz is a recon plane that has both floats and wheels. it runs off of hydrogen, which is convenient when your world is mostly ocean like in that universe

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The pendelum of being productive towards finishing builds has swung back towards "blind inspiration", and this build is progressing nicely.


It's going to be an absolute monster in terms of part count, but for another of my favorite aircraft, it is undoubtedly worth it. I've dreamed of this build for a long time, so I'm not going to pull any punches.


As might be expected given the fact that I just said that, the build is progressing nicely and has just reached 200 parts (not counting the 150 part frame that I'm "hanging" the plane on to get the proportions right)

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