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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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Here's a preview of my constellation pack, much of this was inspired by Majorjim's constellation pack:

The DTV:


The Cargo lander:


The Altair lander:





Orion W/ Altair:



All of this is subject to change. (And will be changed, almost certainly.)

It's looking awesome man. You have made so much progress on this! How's the testing going?

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I see a stock Discovery in your future.

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Having to rework all my aircraft for 1.04. The turbojet engine seems to have lost some thrust, so I have to cut weight anywhere I can. But now the f-22 MRK III hauls.


I'm also going to try and replicate the actual bay weapon system.



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Unable to post pics yet, but the Typhoon's interior is progressing nicely. I have two rooms on one deck aft of the sail. I can't make a lower deck because I don't want it to be below the waterline, and I cent extend it any without making the sub longer. I'm going to make the larger room a control room, but I don't know what the smaller one should be. Any ideas? It's floor space is about the size of a large structural plate, and it's a little taller than a small structural plate.

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I duplicated and re-coded the flap parts to extend to 90 degrees. They work perfectly now as weapon bay doors. They will also work perfect as engine doors for my f-35.

Would anyone be interested if I released them as a mod? They don't work as flaps anymore and wont replace the OG parts.

The weapon bay is very WIP.


Edited by clown_baby
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Space Ranger


Space Ranger by marex333 on Sketchfab

It's very durable. Even if you crash the 'airbrakes' then air intakes will guard your Kerbal strongly.

I'm working now at making two versions.

Full version

Career version (not using high tech tree parts)

thats pretty cool man.


okee i think i stole something



Edited by soulreaver1981
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Nice Blok D you have there, and pretty good Proton too (although the first stage is a bit too short, but that just my correct-to-scale nitpicky stuff). Reminds me I should update my Roscosmos pack, shouldn't be too much work. I already slapped the new radiators on my TKS, and they're just perfect.


In other news, I decided to once again tackle the iconic Space Shuttle. I've built many of these, but things usually went haywire after booster sep, so my previous attempt got shelved after a couple of rebuilds. But this time I got it to work :D


All solid boosters, not too much clippy stuff, drogue chute for landing, accurate RCS, LFO for the SSMEs and monoprop for the OMS. Hell, even the lift-off has the signature wobble before the solids kick in. Oh, and did I mention she's to scale? Yeah, and with 56.6%, she fits in nicely with my other replicas. Still figuering out the max payload, so far I had fuel to spare with an 11t payload.

I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar ~

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I got a picture of the Typhoon's interior. I just got back from vacation, so not much work has been done besides this. The part pictured is the main control room. Since I watched The Hunt For Red October about a week ago, I loosely based the layout of this room on the control room from that movie. I have no idea whether the control room in Red October is an accurate depiction of a Typhoon submarine's control room, but even if it isn't, I'm pretty happy with it right now.


Yeah, those lights are supposed to be computer monitors, and the battery packs are there to hide the Mk 3 fuel tank at the end of the cabin. I'd say it looks pretty close to the inside of a sub. it's cramped, colorless, and packed full of machines and instruments.

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