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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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If it's anything it's a copy of Jon144's mega rover. I think he's joking MRS.

I don't want to have anyone feel like they are copying me if they are making some insane mega rover. I mean someone had to have built the first space-plane in KSP but we don't accuse the thousands of them made now as copies of so and so. My "Mega trucks" are a concept but that doesn't mean others don't have the right to make their own adaptions. I think MRS has a really cool one and is original enough not to be a copy.

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I don't want to have anyone feel like they are copying me if they are making some insane mega rover. I mean someone had to have built the first space-plane in KSP but we don't accuse the thousands of them made now as copies of so and so. My "Mega trucks" are a concept but that doesn't mean others don't have the right to make their own adaptions. I think MRS has a really cool one and is original enough not to be a copy.

I just meant it's closer to your rover than anything else. I encourage inspiration based experimentation.

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I love BDArmory.

I'm almost finished with a Bf109 replica, and I fitted it with guns from BDArmory.

Makes flying much more fun.

Ironically enough, there were many times when I pressed "Z" to zoom in on my target, being too used to War Thunder. I also tried to press "W" to throttle up.. Well.. you know the rest.

I only fit the Mk1 Cockpit there temporarily.. for fun. The view is awesome, and now I'm caught between this and a Kerbal Command Seat. I might have picked the latter if Squad actually let Kerbals board Command Seats from the VAB.

EDIT: Scheisse, forgot to add photos..

- - - Updated - - -



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I think this shuttle is just about ready for release. Just going to add some radiators to the back as fuel tanks aren't meant to glow...

First proper mission I've done with it. Only took 2.7 tons up so not really making good use of its payload. Max I've managed is 18 tons!

Its still a pain to fly on both the way up and down. The SRBs force an auto gravity turn and the shuttle likes to flips out on the way back down if you have too much fuel.

So looking forward to the proper gimballing shuttle engines next version. Just need some 2.5m SRBs after that... and SRB thrust curve adjustment.


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So because it seemed like a good idea I started a build a clock challenge. Note to self, next time you start an obscure construction challenge, make sure you've already built one...

In the quest to build a Grandfather Clock I've spent too long trying to get this to work. Question for the more sagely builders - am I naively chasing a pipe dream trying to get this to perpetually run smoothly? Doesn't matter how many teeth I use on the shafts that connect with the pendulum's shaft, it gets stuck eventually. I realise I'm Clarkson-esque because it's either Full Power or No Power...

It gets stuck right about when the gif ends. Sometimes wiggle the landing gear (I forgot to disable steering) can dislodge it. I have to assume that its a poorly constructed gearing mechanism. But I've also spent too long staring at it, so would welcome a glance from a fresh set of eyes to see if its glaringly obvious as to what I've mucked up. 100% stock of course... Craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gnksskxr46lc2as/GPop%20Clock%20I_1-2.craft?dl=0 just stage and er apply power. May need to adjust throttle.


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Great work man! I love it!

Colliders when trying to build gears are a pain. I've built a lot of them in the past. I hope Unity 5 will bring some improvement. Otherwise, plea with Squad for a revised joints system, because joint elasticity and strength based on mass is just plain stupid. It should be based of density and basic molecular properties.

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So because it seemed like a good idea I started a build a clock challenge. Note to self, next time you start an obscure construction challenge, make sure you've already built one...

In the quest to build a Grandfather Clock I've spent too long trying to get this to work. Question for the more sagely builders - am I naively chasing a pipe dream trying to get this to perpetually run smoothly? Doesn't matter how many teeth I use on the shafts that connect with the pendulum's shaft, it gets stuck eventually. I realise I'm Clarkson-esque because it's either Full Power or No Power...

It gets stuck right about when the gif ends. Sometimes wiggle the landing gear (I forgot to disable steering) can dislodge it. I have to assume that its a poorly constructed gearing mechanism. But I've also spent too long staring at it, so would welcome a glance from a fresh set of eyes to see if its glaringly obvious as to what I've mucked up. 100% stock of course... Craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gnksskxr46lc2as/GPop%20Clock%20I_1-2.craft?dl=0 just stage and er apply power. May need to adjust throttle.


Oh dear... With the recent events in the news regarding the construction of a homemade clock... No, I shouldn't talk about that, it isn't funny... But it's relevant... But it's also disrespectful... But it would be clever...

The he thoughts that go on in my head only worry me sometimes. That's a nice clock, can't wait to see it finished!

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This turns out to be a sort of SSOD (single stage orbital defender) requiring FAR and BDA.

It has a total of 5 missiles, 1 of which can maneuver in space.

Also a frontal gun and 3 50caliber rotating turrets.

76 part, 11tons

The FAR profile are rather good at high speed (all green):




Edited by RevanCorana
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Hmm, it looks a little too long and too curvy to be the Bf-109. are you basing this on orthographic sketches of any kind?

I based it off pictures i found off the Internet..

Time to overhaul it again, I guess! I'm lucky I hadn't released it yet :)

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