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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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I'm not trying to be insensitive, but I made slight updates to my SA-6 missile launcher. I already had a prototype a few months ago, and I do not support Putin.

Missile accelerating.


Armored missile transport vehicle.


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My quick math estimates it at about 7.5 meters, or 3 2.5 meter tanks wide.

Also, I am doing a mission now, and by the time it lands, it should be 7/20 where I live :)

Finally, CSM and LM. I think the LM is kinda ugly, but its the best I could do. I don't build landers.


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I've got to slap on some separatrons (oops, I foresee a rescue flight ^^') and perhaps consider a non-stock payload bay or a seriously complicated mess of parts, but so far I can say Vernor engines are a godsend. This is the "structural integrity" flight, which means it's the first one in which I actually hit stage expecting a liftoff, never mind balancing the thing. The theory is I catch serious fuel flow problems and/or structural failures due to clipping early on, before I consider aerodynamics and stuff and do the heavy work. Two (and only two!) reaction wheels were used during construction. I didn't even check all liquid fuel tanks were empty, or tweaked the thrust of anything.


Midway through the roll maneuver, I decided to go for a screenie without UI. THAT stable.


Rune. Blimey, that is quite the useful little vernier indeed.

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Wow, so the verniers were able to keep things pointing in the right direction without a lot of fuel balancing wizardry?

Dunno how they were doing it, but yeah, they did. An I didn't even use that many of them, eight in the orbiter (four corners, two on each) and a couple extra on the fuel tank (and I have a feeling the four on the front of the orbiter are almost completely useless now that I think about it). Mind you, the fuel routes are quite clear of any obstruction, at least until the liquid tanks that make up the body of the orbiter. I really don't yet know how they pull fuel... but it works!

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Holy freaking boop I'm inspired today. This thing is perfect. Perfect I tell you! Down to the number of parts involved: 80, including launch clamps. Look at this beauty.



Like the RL shuttle, it's dubious it's worth the effort (she does require a pilot that knows what he is doing, and margin is tight enough it's unlikely you can make orbit with the ET and any payload). You only recover half the stack's worth in funds in the best case, and payload is a measly 2.4mT of... liquid fuel (without mods for payload bays, that is). Oh, and I promise to NOT put any power generation equipment on it, so you run on batteries like the real thing. The worst that could happen is you have to use RCS for attitude control...

Rune. Boy does it look good being useless. Coming Soonâ„¢!!

Edited by Rune
Someday, someone will find a post by me that isn't edited for typos and/or new ideas as I post. Then the Apocalypse starts.
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Wow! Nice job man. Are you using the new rcs engines for the OMS pods?

Yup, check the resources tab on the left, only the liquid fuel that serves for payload is there (the boattail tank is empty so it doesn't screw with CoM, I am planning to fit a modded bay). Realism to the max. Who needs other in-space thrusters when you can have the ones with poor isp that use corrosive, toxic hydrazine? :D

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I don't mean to brag, but my new 191-part single stage 2-man ship, which has preposterous amounts of delta-v,

is going to kick-ass(frame-rate-wise) :-)


I'm also preparing my next Duna delivery:


(...by multiple trips, of course!)

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Wow! Well done!

BTW any chance for a nose like this https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9346020/nose.PNG and what happened to your IVA saving some precious RAM?

Thanks! I doubt I dabble in composite noses in a build that right now clocks at a mere 80 parts... there is a certain beauty in building a ship with the least amount of parts possible, and the shielded docking port looks good enough, never mind being very convenient when docking if you are not good at it. I might do that with the modded version, which right now uses the Mk3 cargo bay from TT (it wasn't easy to find, mind you)with space to mount another docking port inside, and offer it as an alternative version, since that one already has more parts due to the payload (125, don't you think I went too much overboard).

The IVA is also by him, pretty old but still very cool, with cameras around the exterior of the cabin and stuff, though since he discontinued development due to some curseforge thing, I had to update them a bit. I hope he makes up with squad and comes back at least to the forums! Or that somebody else takes his idea and does a good Mk3 Expansion pack, that fuselage standard is in serious need of some love in the form of adapters, oxidizer-carrying parts, and stock cargo bays. Maybe even throw in a docking port for good measure. For now, you can find his stuff here, but you will have to screw with it a bit if you want to integrate the parts in a career save.

I think there's a bug with the Vernors where they don't respond to roll control. I slapped some on a heavy lifter solely for that purpose but they only fired to pitch and yaw input.

You had roll issues that needed Vernors. WOW. Nice find for the bug trackers, but that is kind of a marginal case, isn't it? Long and thin rockets have tiny moments of inertia around the longitudinal axis compared to any other, after all, and rockets are supposed to be long and thin.

Rune. We are already coming against the edges of 0.24, breaking stuff and such. What took us so long? :P

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Currently working on a Space Shuttle powered with the new monopropellant engines. Not because it is useful, but because it is cool! It's all stock (except Mechjeb).

It goes into orbit and lands just fine. Well, to be honest, I still haven't managed a landing without breaking the engines, that's only due to my lack of piloting experience. The stock cargo bay is operational but still needs some reworking to make it look better.

Here are some pictures:


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