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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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1 minute ago, selfish_meme said:

I will have to stick it on top of my Falcon Heavy and send it to Dina, it looks like a lot of parts.

Just made a post for it, and its 327 parts (321 without the crew piece)

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So after watching some GTA videos (Mainly racing championships), I have decided that I'll attempt to recreate some of the cars! The first one (And possibly my only depending on whether my computer decides to play nice) will be the X80 Proto (Just going off memory- I think it's the name); a high-speed, high-grip prototype car that looks like the child of an F1 concept car and an LMP1. Hopefully this works... Will update progress as it happens


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On 6/18/2016 at 11:44 PM, Triop said:

Meanwhile, in space...





Poker ?


Now I want to make an IVA with a bowl full of funds and some cards :D 

On 2/25/2018 at 9:08 AM, atassiedevil said:

So i built this, which is stock apart from tweakscale and potentially the OBIOZur  welding mod, so the part count isn't too horrendous. It's a full scale Battlestar Valkyrie, which is the pocket battlestar from the Galactica series.  650m long.

I've put it up on kerbalX here, https://kerbalx.com/atassiedevil/Valkyrie but  commented that it is work in progress so people don't get all upset n stuff as it currently doesn't work.










It has launch tubes, full working airlocks (courtesy of scaled inflatable heatshields), and enough storage in the flight pods for 24 Vipers, a bay in the center body for plenty of raptors and steathstars, as well as the blackbirds from my hangar which are all to scale and all on kerbalx here. Both the Mk2 and Mk7 Vipers will fit in the tubes as will the Blackbird, the Steathstar will have to be bay launched as you'd expect.


Been trying to use the OBIOZur  Welding mod, so i can reduce part count. (basically so it wont lag to death and tear itself apart when you try and do any manouvering)

I'd like to weld the body in one big part, minus the engines and airlocks, so part count is minimal and it functions. I can then add the engine pods and airlock bits. This isn't working too well as you can imagine. It crashes on launch and i don't know what "symmetry mode" in the OBIOZur  Welding mod i should be using, so it could be as simple as that.

It'll also need more reaction wheels or RCS to do actual manouvering.

Can anyone see what i am missing here? If i can get this to work it'll be epic. I'll then try and build a galactica and pegasus.




On 1/2/2018 at 7:21 PM, selfish_meme said:

Just been soldiering away on my new film










How on earth do you get those chrome parts? They look AMAZING!

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Update on the X80 Proto

So the front is coming along... Kind of. It's ugly, clunky, and honestly, a Frankenstein. However, after looking at some pictures, I think I know what I was doing wrong. See, I was using radiator panels for the top wheel cover. I think the Vernor RCS thrusters might just do the trick for looks... As soon as I get that, I'll work on the rear end, roof, and fine-tuning... Oh boy.

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Just now, selfish_meme said:

Most people who make this have trouble getting it to actually go forwards, because of all the odd wing panel drag

True. While getting the shape correct wasn't all that hard, getting it to fly and stay stable in all situations was the tough part. The lift vector was extremely unbalanced and drag was just horrible. Currently it can hit approx. 160m/s at low altitudes and go up to it's correct historical 1000kph (approx 280-300m/s) at higher altitudes. It is neutrally stable and is actually pretty manageable to fly. It does take an experienced pilot, since all the drag and wing surfaces make it respond to control inputs slower than your average fighter. It can pull 4-5G turns at speeds of around 140m/s though so it's not frustrating in any way.

Completing the weapon systems now. It will get released in the next 48 hours most likely.

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1 minute ago, selfish_meme said:

Playing around with building a roadster payload for my awesome Falcon Heavy replica.

There, fixed it for you  :)

Hope to see it flying on your stream one day.


Nice job on the replica, btw, looks awesome so far. Great job.




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4 hours ago, EvenFlow said:

Currently attempting to build a 1:1 scale stock Sea Dragon rocket.

Just finished the first stage engine bell and it already gives you a sense of scale of that project.





1 hour ago, Castille7 said:

Update: 03.30.2018

Here is an idea that was suggested to add to the project. The bay area in my project will not have this air pocket but the KSP Space Suits will work perfectly as scuba gear.


Very cool!

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14 minutes ago, pTrevTrevs said:

Why are planes from the 1980s so aesthetic... 

Everything from the 80s is aesthetic. I think that is because it was the last time we thought of the future as a better place, and looked for what good could come of it. Now when we think of the future it is saddening.

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 Train track switcher.  I wish I could say I banged this out, but it took days to get it right so it'll be a while before the whole layout is complete.  The ol' toy train fits in between the tracks.



 Some of these planes you all post are pretty sick.



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Still working on my stock Apollo 11+ Rocket. Revamped my LEM - it's fully vanilla KSP (Making History not required) and is only 286 parts. Need to tweak the CSM and maybe the tops/bottoms of some of the stages and it should be good to go. I'm taking inspiration from the old Munbug series.


Edited by MaianTrey
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