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Work-in-Progress [WIP] Design Thread


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booted up ksp for the first time in a while. Trying probably to make something for that airline challenge, but also sleek and super pointy. Also learning more about fairing based shaping, given thats getting much nicer in 1.10


Detail of the custom jet engine thingy. Contains 2 whiplashes.



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LaLa's ready for rollout



I realized that I completely forgot the engine exhaust redirect and turbofan intake, but that's fixed now.

The An-2 flies great and is more accurate now as well


And lastly, my attempt at another of those rare American jets that I haven't built - the Cessna T-37/A-37 Tweet



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I've got about two designs I've been tweaking with for the last few months off and on. Both Stock/ ReStock, and I'm almost happy enough for a public release. (On a sidenote, Shoutout to @tehmattguy for doing his Soyuz around the same time. Your craft helped me immensely!)




And of course, the N1 Styled Rocket. Both Crewed and Cargo Variants:




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Somehow, I've played KSP for six years now and I've never built an SR-71. That changes now


It's just on the test stand and I already love how it looks. Part count right now is 260, and I'm targeting somewhere between 450 and 500 parts for the final count. It's currently pure stock, but that may change when I get to the landing gear.

EDIT: Build finished, now flight tweaking


Turns out 450 was a little optimistic, especially once I decided to go all-in on getting the chevrons on the wing leading edge right. It's currently 537 parts in a pseudo-fully functional state. If I dropped the chevrons, I could probably land it right at 500 parts, but they're a detail that I've never seen replicated before so I'm sticking with it. Minor tweaking could be done still - I think the weakest part of this build right now is the cockpit ridge, so I may be tweaking that in the future. Flight characteristics are remarkably OK, but that's because the powerplant is 16x Panther + 2x Whiplash (that would make anything go Mach 3)


A lot of my builds are inspired by wanting to get a particular detail right or replicating the view from a particular angle. For the SR-71, it was this shot right here. 

Edited by Servo
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  On 9/8/2020 at 11:29 PM, qzgy said:

booted up ksp for the first time in a while. Trying probably to make something for that airline challenge, but also sleek and super pointy. Also learning more about fairing based shaping, given thats getting much nicer in 1.10


Detail of the custom jet engine thingy. Contains 2 whiplashes.




Kind of looks like a Boeing SST that never was, very kewl.

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Still working on that Saturn IB! Right now I've got the CSM, S-IVB, and LES in (mostly) working order.


Recently I was able to add a detail that I've always found interesting: The LES' canards. These were small deployable surfaces installed at the top of the LES. During an abort they would deploy to reorient the CM heatshield-first into the wind before tower jettison.


Now for my KSP demonstration: LES firing and canard deployment.


Tower jettison.


Chutes deployed!


And finally to test further at higher altitudes I whipped up this cursed Proton-Apollo launch vehicle. Actually works better than I would've thought despite the drag. I actually got it to orbit on the first try! I really do wonder if something like this could've worked out IRL.



Edit: It's all coming together





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  On 9/26/2020 at 3:35 AM, Servo said:

Somehow, I've played KSP for six years now and I've never built an SR-71. That changes now


It's just on the test stand and I already love how it looks. Part count right now is 260, and I'm targeting somewhere between 450 and 500 parts for the final count. It's currently pure stock, but that may change when I get to the landing gear.

EDIT: Build finished, now flight tweaking


Turns out 450 was a little optimistic, especially once I decided to go all-in on getting the chevrons on the wing leading edge right. It's currently 537 parts in a pseudo-fully functional state. If I dropped the chevrons, I could probably land it right at 500 parts, but they're a detail that I've never seen replicated before so I'm sticking with it. Minor tweaking could be done still - I think the weakest part of this build right now is the cockpit ridge, so I may be tweaking that in the future. Flight characteristics are remarkably OK, but that's because the powerplant is 16x Panther + 2x Whiplash (that would make anything go Mach 3)


A lot of my builds are inspired by wanting to get a particular detail right or replicating the view from a particular angle. For the SR-71, it was this shot right here. 


I love the body shaping here. Will you be upgrading a version with a working cockpit?

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well ive made some progress on my new "shatter resistant" G7g torpedoes.  Looks really janky sincce its just a bunch of girders stuck together and ive found that fuel tanks are more lethal when they impact targets sideways so i made them face that way, but i guess its function over looks for now.


Sofar the only AKS ship i have that can mount them is the Nebula class frigate (it has fully exposed torpedo tubes so no length limitations), but im hoping to make a few changes so that at least the Dimension class cruiser can mount these things (in theory if i rearrange its interior it should fit as-is).  So yeah, aside from length issue, its about comparable lethality and part count to the older G7f (5 more parts mostly due to addition of 4 vernors for precision targeting and a SAS guadance thing as i couldnt fit a large probe core so i had to augment the aim at target feature to the smaller probe).  Unlike the G7f, it doesnt shatter half the time and result in 0 damage (shatters 10-30% of the time depending on what armor style i hit and how high part count ship i hit since more parts = more lag which makes things less consistent).  Im happy with it, but now to truly test how it works by setting up an actual battle and not just teleport ships into orbit and have them slug it out in controlled scenarios.

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Well, made some progress on my Pegasus inspired ship...



Its not going to be a true replica as impossible to make it both big enough (while keeping part count at least useable *its gonna be bad but not 800 parts bad, more like 600ish if im lucky).  Engines are gonna be too small, ect and get the hangars to look right especially since i really wanted to get them to have a hidden interior section that allows vipers to fit in sideways (this way i can comfortably fit 6 inside the ship, 4 in side bays, 2 more in the center hull), but hey, its way closer to a battlestar.


This shows the center corridor (which is the same size as the side bays), and the little crack allows crew to access the frontal and rear compartments which currently are unoccupied but if i can afford the part count will feature a fully fledged interior, or baring dat at least a few seats here and there to fit extra krew.


Engineering sector (basically the rear of the 2 compartments).  Not much to see, but it does house both the entire drive system, power gen, and the ship's root core segment encased in 1 extra layer of armor plating (that coupled with outer hull makes 1 shot kills near impossible short of extreme bad luck).


And finally, view from engineering into the middle showing how the vipers will be able to fit in.


Itll likely take me at least the next 2 days to finish (provided i dont have to do effin overtime at work or any other stupid crap), but ill actually have a ship to fit in with the viper replica i made this week.  Who knows, if it comes out viable, i might even make a slightly more true replica (ill have to 100% omit all the internal details and the connecting hallway limiting me to 4 fighters max, but id get enough extra part count to maybee get the shape a tad closer to pegasus...

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  On 10/23/2020 at 3:07 PM, iamn00b said:

Greetings, members of the KSP forum!

I am a newbie, and I am about to try to fly an SSTO. Can you please suggest good beginner SSTO designs?





There is 192 pages of SSTO s here I would guess a few might be beginner or should we say simple to build/fly  =



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