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[1.2.x] Kerbonov Kn-2 Cockpit Module

Sam Hall

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Here it is. put inside GameData/Hyomoto/Internal Patches


Oh -- interesting. That folder doesn't exist for me. I seem to recall it before, though. Dropping this file into the GameData/Hyomoto/Patches folder results in the left and right MFD working, but the larger center panel is missing outright.

Maybe I'll try re-creating /Internal Patches ? I can't imagine that will work if the Hyomoto mod isn't looking for that folder.

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Oh -- interesting. That folder doesn't exist for me. I seem to recall it before, though. Dropping this file into the GameData/Hyomoto/Patches folder results in the left and right MFD working, but the larger center panel is missing outright.

Maybe I'll try re-creating /Internal Patches ? I can't imagine that will work if the Hyomoto mod isn't looking for that folder.

I think RPM .17 and later have a thing that can automatically update 1 MFD to work, but not more than one.

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Oh -- interesting. That folder doesn't exist for me. I seem to recall it before, though. Dropping this file into the GameData/Hyomoto/Patches folder results in the left and right MFD working, but the larger center panel is missing outright.

Maybe I'll try re-creating /Internal Patches ? I can't imagine that will work if the Hyomoto mod isn't looking for that folder.

You might have the RPM patch for Kerbonov that maintains the stock navball... I recall there were two of them, on with that and one without. Will search a bit.

Edit: Here without nvball: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66502-Kerbonov-Kn-2-Cockpit-Module?p=916510&viewfull=1#post916510

and here with navball: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66502-Kerbonov-Kn-2-Cockpit-Module?p=916636&viewfull=1#post916636

The original patches are there. The cfg I made with the changes suggested by mike9606 is applicable only to one of the two (obviously the one I'm using, which I can't recall what is, sry :rolleyes:). Just a matter of substituting the other archive with the right one, since the folder just bares two cfg files.

Edited by BadLeo
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Minor update: 0.24 is out and money exists now, so I went back and tweaked prices on everything to bring it a bit more in line with the stock parts. Aside from prices nothing has been changed.

Thanks man!

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No, but you will have to edit the RPM config Hyomoto made for it to work with the new RPM version. Otherwise this should work fine.

Yea, Im only seeing one of the panels. Do you happen to have the config written up?

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That did the trick for the MFDs thanks. But now the external part texture is gone. Its just white.

EDIT: Nevermind. X64 linux does weird stuff sometimes. WE ALL GOOD.

Edited by UAL002
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